Cinderella and Other Stories. Шарль Перро

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Cinderella and Other Stories - Шарль Перро

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up again covered with mud, not knowing what to do with their hands.

      Little Tom Thumb climbed to the top of a tree, in an endeavour to see something. Looking all about him he espied, far away on the other side of the forest, a little light like that of a candle. He got down from the tree, and was terribly disappointed to find that when he was on the ground he could see nothing at all.

      After they had walked some distance in the direction of the light, however, he caught a glimpse of it again as they were nearing the edge of the forest. At last they reached the house where the light was burning, but not without much anxiety, for every time they had to go down into a hollow they lost sight of it.

      They knocked at the door, and a good dame opened to them. She asked them what they wanted.

      Little Tom Thumb explained that they were poor children who had lost their way in the forest, and begged her, for pity’s sake, to give them a night’s lodging.

      Noticing what bonny children they all were, the woman began to cry.

      ‘Alas, my poor little dears!’ she said; ‘you do not know the place you have come to! Have you not heard that this is the house of an ogre who eats little children?’

      ‘Alas, madam!’ answered little Tom Thumb, trembling like all the rest of his brothers, ‘what shall we do? One thing is very certain: if you do not take us in, the wolves of the forest will devour us this very night, and that being so we should prefer to be eaten by your husband. Perhaps he may take pity on us, if you will plead for us.’

      The ogre’s wife, thinking she might be able to hide them from her husband till the next morning, allowed them to come in, and put them to warm near a huge fire, where a whole sheep was cooking on the spit for the ogre’s supper.

      Just as they were beginning to get warm they heard two or three great bangs at the door. The ogre had returned. His wife hid them quickly under the bed and ran to open the door.

      The first thing the ogre did was to ask whether supper was ready and the wine opened. Then without ado he sat down to table. Blood was still dripping from the sheep, but it seemed all the better to him for that. He sniffed to right and left, declaring that he could smell fresh flesh.

      ‘Indeed!’ said his wife. ‘It must be the calf which I have just dressed that you smell.’

      ‘I smell fresh flesh, I tell you!’ shouted the ogre, eyeing his wife askance; ‘and there is something going on here which I do not understand.’

      With these words he got up from the table and went straight to the bed.

      ‘Aha!’ said he; ‘so this is the way you deceive me, wicked woman that you are! I have a very great mind to eat you too! It’s lucky for you that you are old and tough! I am expecting three ogre friends of mine to pay me a visit in the next few days, and here is a tasty dish which will just come in nicely for them!’

      One after another he dragged the children out from under the bed.

      The poor things threw themselves on their knees, imploring mercy; but they had to deal with the most cruel of all ogres. Far from pitying them, he was already devouring them with his eyes, and repeating to his wife that when cooked with a good sauce they would make most dainty morsels.

      Off he went to get a large knife, which he sharpened, as he drew near the poor children, on a long stone in his left hand.

      He had already seized one of them when his wife called out to him. ‘What do you want to do it now for?’ she said; ‘will it not be time enough to-morrow?’

      ‘Hold your tongue,’ replied the ogre; ‘they will be all the more tender.’

      ‘But you have such a lot of meat,’ rejoined his wife; ‘look, there are a calf, two sheep, and half a pig.’

      ‘You are right,’ said the ogre; ‘give them a good supper to fatten them up, and take them to bed.’

      The good woman was overjoyed and brought them a splendid supper; but the poor little wretches were so cowed with fright that they could not eat.

      As for the ogre, he went back to his drinking, very pleased to have such good entertainment for his friends. He drank a dozen cups more than usual, and was obliged to go off to bed early, for the wine had gone somewhat to his head.

      Now the ogre had seven daughters who as yet were only children. These little ogresses all had the most lovely complexions, for, like their father, they ate fresh meat. But they had little round grey eyes, crooked noses, and very large mouths, with long and exceedingly sharp teeth, set far apart. They were not so very wicked at present, but they showed great promise, for already they were in the habit of killing little children to suck their blood.

      They had gone to bed early, and were all seven in a great bed, each with a crown of gold upon her head.

      In the same room there was another bed, equally large. Into this the ogre’s wife put the seven little boys, and then went to sleep herself beside her husband.

      Little Tom Thumb was fearful lest the ogre should suddenly regret that he had not cut the throats of himself and his brothers the evening before. Having noticed that the ogre’s daughters all had golden crowns upon their heads, he got up in the middle of the night and softly placed his own cap and those of his brothers on their heads. Before doing so, he carefully removed the crowns of gold, putting them on his own and his brothers’ heads. In this way, if the ogre were to feel like slaughtering them that night he would mistake the girls for the boys, and vice versa

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