Iron's Prophecy. Julie Kagawa

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Iron's Prophecy - Julie Kagawa

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      We’d reached the top of the steps, a few feet away from the open door into the hall, and I pulled him to a stop. Glitch and the knights paused as well, but I motioned for them to keep going. He gave me a worried look, but bowed and went through the arch, stopping on the other side to wait for us.

      I turned to my knight, who looked vaguely worried, as well. “I take it back. The mob behind us is itching for trouble. I want you to oblige them.”

      Ash blinked. “You want me to start a fight?” he asked in disbelief. “Now?” When I nodded, he frowned, lowering his voice. “Mab and Oberon are expecting both of us,” he said. “It might send the wrong message if you go in alone.”

      “I can handle them.” I glanced at the crowd at the bottom of the steps, seeing their wide smirks, their hungry gazes, and felt my resolve grow. “I’m the Iron Queen—I should face the other rulers by myself first. And I want you to send another message, Ash. The Unseelie Court is no doubt wondering if their former prince is as strong as he was. They’re curious to see if a mere mortal can protect himself and his queen in the Winter Court. If there is any doubt, word will spread, and the other courts might see the Iron Court as weak, easy to exploit.” I reached out and squeezed his arm, smiling fiercely. “That doubt ends right here. I want you to make sure that everyone knows that we are not weak, that the Iron Queen’s knight is not someone to cross. Ever.”

      Ash’s eyes gleamed, the shadow of an evil grin crossing his face. “As you command, my queen,” he said in a low voice, barely hiding his glee. “I will carry out your wishes. Please send Mab and Oberon my apologies. I will rejoin you as soon as I am able.”

      I nodded and went through the door, nodding at Glitch to follow, leaving my knight to turn and face the trailing crowd. I heard the rasp of his ice-blade as it was unsheathed, and the shouts of the mob in the courtyard. Footsteps scuffled over the ground, no doubt Winter fey scrambling to attack…or flee. I felt an icy burst of glamour, probably from Ash, and another yell of utter shock.

      “What are you?” something howled, and then there was a crash, and the sound of shattered icicles tinkling to the ground. Laughter rang out, Ash’s laughter, jubilant and defiant, making me pause.

      What are you?

      A good question. One that I’d asked myself on more then one occasion. Physically, Ash was no different than before; lean and graceful, with the same command of Winter magic and sword skills that made him such a lethal warrior. He was still fierce, loyal, protective and could level an icy glare that could make your insides freeze. In that regard, he hadn’t changed.

      And yet, sometimes, he was so different. It would be insane to ever think of Ash as soft, but the frozen shell that had always surrounded the Winter prince was gone. He was…kinder now, able to empathize in ways he couldn’t as a pure Unseelie. There were times when he seemed so human in little, subtle ways I’d never noticed before, that I’d forget he had ever belonged to the Winter Court.

      It made me wonder. Was Ash human like me, a mortal with faery glamour and magic left over from his life as a Winter prince? Or was he still fey? A faery…with a human soul?

      I didn’t know. And really, I didn’t care. Ash was Ash. You couldn’t put a descriptor on him; there was no one who had done what he had, no other like him in the entire realm of Faery. He was…unique.

      Another yell echoed through the door. I continued down the hall with Glitch and the knights as the clamor of battle rang out behind me, followed by howls of pain and dismay. And I smiled to myself. Whatever Ash was, he was the best at what he did. It wouldn’t take him long.

      * * *

      This year’s Elysium was held in Queen Mab’s ballroom, and the place was already filled with fey. I left Glitch and the knights in the hall just outside the entrance, and an Unseelie herald announced my arrival in clear, high tones: “Her majesty Meghan Chase, monarch of Mag Tuiredh, sovereign of the Iron territories and Queen of the Iron Fey.”

      He paused, as if expecting to announce Ash as well, but of course Ash was not with me at the moment. After a heartbeat, the herald nodded, and I stepped into the room, to the stares of dozens of fey.

      A long white table waited at the end of the room, with three figures already seated and two empty spots farther down. Queen Mab, King Oberon and Queen Titania waited for me as I walked across the room, my back straight and my chin held high.

      “Meghan Chase.” Mab’s greeting could not exactly be called a welcome. The Unseelie monarch sat in the middle of the table, her long black hair styled elegantly atop her head, pinned in place with icicles. “How fortuitous of you to join us.”

      “Queen Mab,” I said politely, and nodded to my father, to her left. “Lord Oberon, Lady Titania.” The Summer Queen pursed her lips and pointedly ignored me, but Oberon gave a solemn bob of his head. Not unfriendly, but not really acknowledging me as a daughter, either. I stifled a sigh. This was going to be a long night.

      “Where is Ash?” Mab inquired, her dark gaze flicking to the door behind me. “Has he not come? Is he not anxious to see his old court and kith?” Her voice lowered, turned slightly dangerous. “Has he forgotten us so quickly?”

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