DAWN. Эрин Хантер

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DAWN - Эрин Хантер

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SANDSTORM—pale ginger she-cat CLOUDTAIL—long-haired white tom BRACKENFUR—golden brown tabby tom APPRENTICE, WHITEPAW THORNCLAW—golden brown tabby tom APPRENTICE, SHREWPAW BRIGHTHEART—white she-cat with ginger patches BRAMBLECLAW—dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes ASHFUR—pale grey (with darker flecks) tom, dark blue eyes RAINWHISKER—dark grey tom with blue eyes SOOTFUR—lighter grey tom with amber eyes SORRELTAIL—tortoiseshell and white she-cat with amber eyes APPRENTICES (more than six moons old, in training to become warriors) SQUIRRELPAW—dark ginger she-cat with green eyes LEAFPAW—light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes SPIDERPAW—long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes SHREWPAW—small, dark brown tom with amber eyes WHITEPAW—white she-cat with green eyes QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) GOLDENFLOWER—pale ginger coat, the oldest nursery queen FERNCLOUD—pale grey (with darker flecks) she-cat, green eyes, mother of Dustpelt’s kits ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired) FROSTFUR—beautiful white she-cat with blue eyes SPECKLETAIL—pale tabby she-cat LONGTAIL—pale tabby tom with dark black stripes, retired early due to failing sight SHADOWCLAN LEADER BLACKSTAR—large white tom with huge jet-black paws DEPUTY RUSSETFUR—dark ginger she-cat MEDICINE CAT LITTLECLOUD—very small tabby tom WARRIORS OAKFUR—small brown tom APPRENTICE, SMOKEPAW CEDARHEART—dark grey tom ROWANCLAW—ginger she-cat APPRENTICE, TALONPAW NIGHTWING—black she-cat TAWNYPEUT—tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes QUEENS TALLPOPPY—long-legged light brown tabby she-cat ELDERS RUNNINGNOSE—small grey and white tom, formerly the medicine cat BOULDER—skinny grey tom WINDCLAN LEADER TALLSTAR—elderly black and white tom with a very long tail DEPUTY MUDCLAW—mottled dark brown tom APPRENTICE, CROWPAW—dark smoky grey almost black tom with blue eyes MEDICINE CAT BARKFACE—short-tailed brown tom WARRIORS TORNEAR—tabby tom WEBFOOT—dark grey tabby tom APPRENTICE, WEASEUPAW ONE WHISKER—brown tabby tom ROBINWING—light brown she-cat with blue eyes APPRENTICE, THISTLEPAW QUEENS ASHFOOT—grey queen WHITETAIL—small white she-cat ELDERS MORNINGFLOWER—tortoiseshell she-cat OATWHISKER—creamy brown tabby tom RIVERCLAN LEADER LEOPARDSTAR—unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat DEPUTY MISTYFOOT—grey she-cat with blue eyes MEDICINE CAT MUDFUR—long-haired light brown tom APPRENTICE, MOTHWING—dappled golden she-cat WARRIORS BLACKCLAW—smoky black tom APPRENTICE, VOLEPAW HEAVYSTEP—thickset tabby tom APPRENTICE, STONEPAW STORMFUR—dark grey tom with amber eyes HAWKFROST—dark brown tom with a white underbelly and ice blue eyes SWALLOWTAIL—dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes APPRENTICE, SPLASHPAW QUEENS
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