More Meerkat Madness. Ian Whybrow
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But Mimi was in a shocking temper by now. “I am not poor and I am not your anything!” she announced.
“Oh, right! Fine!” said Radiant, trying her best to pretend that she wasn’t deeply hurt by this outburst, “I was only going to give you a tip about finding a bit of juice when things are frightfully dry, that’s all. I stumbled on this little trick on my wanderings. Let me show you. What you do is, you find a shrub. Doesn’t matter how dead-looking it is. You work out where its roots might be running to and then you dig quite deep…”
“I know where to dig,” said Mimi with a haughty sniff. “Leave me alone.”
“Now look here,” said Radiant kindly but firmly. “Adults are not always right, but they sometime have valuable experience that’s worth passing on. Kits should pay attention to adults. That’s how they learn. That’s the Meerkat Way.”
“I want Uncle to teach me the Meerkat Way, not a stranger!”
Radiant nudged the skink with her nose. “You’re hungry,” she said. “You’re upset. I suggest you eat this. It’ll make you feel better. But I’m officially a member of this tribe too now, Mimi, so I think you should make an effort to be a little more respectful to me.”
And with that she turned and made her way back to the burrow, obviously rather shaken.
Uncle trotted over. “Radiant, my dear!” he called. “Is anything the matter? Are you all right? Wait up, what-what!” And he scampered after her.
Little Dream and Skeema walked over to Mimi, who was standing on her own, looking very cross indeed.
“It’s true what Radiant says about meerkats needing to look out for one another, Mimi,” said Little Dream. “Stay together to stay alive, remember?” he said, reciting the mob’s motto.
“Then Uncle should be staying together with us then!” sniffed Mimi, beginning to cry, “Not running around after females.”
Little Dream was anxious to comfort her. “Yes, but he did help us escape from our birth-burrow, and we all hated that, didn’t we?” he said. “And he brought us safely across to this lovely spot on the far side of the Upworld!”
“Well said, Dreamy!” agreed Skeema. “No more bowing and scraping to nasty Queen Heartless and her horrid kits! We got away from her – and we have Uncle to thank for that!” He gave his Snap-snap a squeeze that made it squeak loudly and defiantly.
“Good old Uncle!” cried Little Dream. “And when you come to think of it, what happened to Radiant is just like what happened to Mama, isn’t it?” he went on. “I mean to say, it’s like when Queen Heartless got jealous of Mama and chased her out of the burrow, isn’t it?”
Little Dream had worked himself up by now. “I feel sure Mama’s still alive!” he declared. “She’s become a Wanderer like Radiant used to be. It’s horrible to think of her all alone in the desert with no one to help her keep watch for enemies!” His eyes grew wide and full of tears.
Skeema decided that a quick play-fight might cheer his little brother up a bit. “Come on, Dreamie,” he said fondly. “Let’s not go over all that again.” And he bundled him over a couple of times and chewed a tick off his ear, for luck.
Chapter 4
The following suntime, Warm-up started as a very frosty affair. Mimi still refused to speak to Radiant, so as soon as his tummy-pad started getting toasty, Uncle tried to smooth things over by being extra-cheery.
“Well, I must say I slept like a jelly-melon!” he bellowed. “I feel as frisky as a dung-beetle in a warthog-wallow, by all that’s fresh and jolly. What about you, Radiant, my dear? Was there plenty of spring in the nesting-material in the spare chamber?”
“Tickety-boo, I thank you, Your Royal Highness-and-Lowness!” said Radiant, chuckling. “Never slept better in my life.”
“Now, now, no titles, no titles, or I shall have to start calling you Princess again!” said Uncle. “And how about you, kits? Mimi? Skeema? Are you quite refreshed?”
“Well, at least you weren’t talking in your sleep again, Uncle,” said Skeema cheekily. “But I must say, Dreamy was horribly wriggly.”
They all looked over at Little Dream, who was swaying from side to side, then suddenly, without warning, fell flat on his nose, fast asleep again.
Skeema helped him up again. “I’m not surprised you’re so tired,” he said, giving him a dust-down. “What was up? Were you having a nightmare or something?”
“Sorry,” said Little Dream, rubbing his nose. “I thought I heard Mama again. She was calling out. She kept saying: Come and find me! Bring me home! Follow the pawprints! And I ran and I ran and I looked and I looked and for a long time there was just sand. And then I found some prints leading far away… and then I woke up.”
“Never mind, old chap! Nothing to worry about. It was only a dream, ” said Uncle, giving him a squeeze. “Let’s go out hunting, eh? Give ourselves a good shake-up! That’ll put us right as reptiles, what-what!”
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