Death Minus Zero. Don Pendleton

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Death Minus Zero - Don Pendleton

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McCarter said. “Well, we all know they were the main perps last time around. They attacked the Zero base and burned it to the ground. Doug Buchanan escaped by a fluke before they found him. And we all know how it went from there.”

      “You figure they’re still in the game?” Blancanales queried.

      “They have a degree of knowledge about Zero,” Encizo said. “And they still have alliances in the Pacific Rim. As long as the US has presence and influence in that area, there are going to be interested parties who want an advantage over us.”

      “According to long-term analysis,” Brognola said, “the overall consensus points to China and the Pacific Rim nations. Anything that would give them a hold over the US, force us to withdraw, weaken our defenses, is going to be looked at. China, with control of Zero, would dominate the area. Hell, they would be able to threaten half the world.”

      He slid a printed sheet from his file and placed it on the table. “This is the current text from a US asset in China. Been in place a couple of years. Her name is Jui Kai. She’s been able to send back a number of reports on sensitive ops being worked by the Chinese under this guy.” An image came up on the wall screen. “This is Colonel Xia Chan. Chinese military, in charge of a special projects division. And recent data points to him having been appointed as top man in a group looking at Zero.”

      Kurtzman said, “We’re still building identification data. More we get, the more we will release to you. This has all come to us out of the blue.”

      The image of a woman next appeared on the screen. It showed an attractive and seemingly wise individual and the text next to the image simply added to her qualifications.

      “Jui Kai. US covert agent,” Kurtzman told them. “Long-term undercover in China. As Hal said, she has been in the country a couple of years using a well-established cover role. She has got herself close to Chan.”

      “Hope she’s as sharp as she looks,” McCarter said. “Not an assignment I’d fancy.”

      “Not you,” James said. “Let’s face it, David, you just don’t have the legs for one of those Chinese slit-sided dresses.”

      “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

      Price held up a hand. “Not something I’d like to imagine.”

      Carl Lyons flicked the data sheet. “It says here Kai has worked herself onto the flight team providing trips for important Chinese officials.”

      “It seems she caught the roving eye of our Colonel Chan, who has a thing for young women, and was assigned to his flight roster once she established a relationship with him. Whenever Chan takes a trip, Kai is on his flight. It seems he insists she is assigned. His influence is strong enough to get him what he wants. Kai’s feedback tells us Chan is highly thought of by the Chinese top brass.”

      “How did she manage to work that position?” Blancanales said.

      Price cleared her throat. “I believe that’s something we don’t need to go into too deeply.”

      Blancanales glanced across at her. “Really?”

      “Pol, I’m sure I don’t need to go into sharp details. Suffice it to say that Miss Kai really has Colonel Chan’s attention.”

      “She’s one brave lady,” Hawkins said. “From that picture, our Colonel Chan looks a pretty mean hombre.”

      “Past history does show Chan has a suspect past with females,” Price said.

      Brognola continued. “Phoenix Force will take a run out to Zero Command and make contact with Agent Valens. Pick up whatever you can from there. Intel is thin on the ground at the moment, but we have to make a start somewhere. Able Team can take a lead from the background data Aaron and his team have started to pull in from traffic cams in the area following the kidnap. We might get a lead from those according to what comes up. I wish we had more to go on, but for now that’s all she wrote. So let’s do it, people.”

      The teams began to disperse, heading out to claim paperwork and travel gear. Stony Man transport would provide them with vehicles, and if any long-distance needs arose Price would, as usual, organize that.

      Finally alone, Brognola sat back and considered what might lie ahead. The Zero Project was important. It offered America a degree of protection no other nation had, so he was not surprised that whoever was behind Kaplan’s kidnap had taken the step. If Kaplan could be persuaded, in whatever form, to spill what he knew about Zero, then trouble could be just on the horizon.

      If the US lost Zero, it would lose a powerful security asset.

      One that could not be replaced so easily.

      Even the thought caused Brognola to shake his head in frustration.

      Now it was down to the Stony Man teams to step up and be counted. If anyone could resolve what had happened, it was his collection of experts. He knew they would not let him down.


      “Joshua, have you heard from Saul Kaplan?” Claire Valens said.

      Joshua Riba sensed the concern in her voice even over the phone. The Apache private investigator knew her well enough to sense a problem.

      Riba’s initial connection with the Zero Project had come about when Doug Buchanan had survived the attack on the New Mexico facility that housed the fledgling operation. Partway through his treatment to turn him into the human component of Zero, Buchanan had managed to survive the hit. Sick and in pain from the implants in his body, he had been found by Riba’s uncle, who had run him down when Buchanan had suddenly stepped into the path of his truck.

      Taken back to the Apache settlement, Buchanan had been looked after. Riba had become involved after Buchanan had taken off. His detective skills had brought him into contact with the people looking for Buchanan and Kaplan, and he had tracked the group to Albany, New York, where he had met Mack Bolan. After an explosive confrontation, the two had decided to team up and become fully involved in the Zero conspiracy.

      “If you have to ask, then I guess something has happened.”

      “Saul was taken from the Air Force car on his way to the Zero base. Taken by force, as far as we can figure out.”

      “When did this happen?”

      “Only a few hours ago.”

      “Any signs he might have been hurt?”

      “None we’ve found yet, but his Air Force driver took a bullet to the back of the head.”

      “So Saul has been kidnapped.”

      “Looks that way.”

      “Nothing beforehand? Threats? Hints something might be going to happen?”

      “You know the Zero operation, Joshua, from when you were involved before. It’s still being kept low-key. As covert as we can keep it. Which doesn’t always work out.”

      “No suspects, then?”

      “Suspicions, but no proof.”

      “That the official take or just yours?”

      Valens smiled. “No fooling you, is there.”

      “It’s my heritage. Anything we can work on? That old man is special. He needs finding.”

      “That sounds suspiciously like you want to help.”

      “We were connected last time round, Agent Valens. Kind of makes us blood brothers.”

      “We did make a good team.”

      “What about Pinda Lickoyi who lives in Big Sky and sees all?” Riba said in a mock-solemn monotone.


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