Elemental Desire. Denise Tompkins

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Elemental Desire - Denise  Tompkins

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Red. Parameters.” Pulling her even tighter, he kicked her feet apart. “Uncomfortable?”

      “Uncomfortable?” she repeated.

      He turned her toward him. Cupping her face, in one hand, he reached over her shoulder.

      She flinched before blinking into blinding light.

      “I don’t hit women, Red.” He stroked her chin. “If that’s why you sought me out, you picked the wrong guy.”

      Wrapping one hand around his wrist, she fisted his shirt with the other. “I got who I came for, but not what. Not yet.”

      He stilled, distrust coiling through him and prickling against her skin. “Care to explain?”

      Squeezing the words out was nearly impossible. “I needed to find out what it was like.”

      “What what’s like?”

      Lips numb, she wanted to rub life and feeling into them, was afraid to accidentally touch him. “The experience.” Somehow she knew he heard what she didn’t say, that she was wildly curious about herself and what really flipped her switch.

      “What makes you think I’m your answer?”

      Her only excuse was hormonally fueled determination. Otherwise? She never would have pulled his shirt out of his pants and scraped his ribs with her fingernails. His sharp intake of breath was followed by a slow hiss. Things low in her belly rolled over, begging to be stroked. A short jerk of his hips made her lips part on an exhale, her hands scrabbling to unbutton his silk shirt. He gripped her wrists, stopping her desperate scramble to divest him of clothes and get down to business. Confused, she looked up.

      “Not yet, Red. Parameters. Where do you draw the hard lines I don’t cross?”


      He closed his eyes and sighed. “My first directive was that you meet me at the end of the bar. You complied. Second directive is that you stop repeating every question I ask. Be a good girl and I’ll see you’re rewarded.”

      Eden nodded so hard her earrings clinked. “Yes, sir,” she repeated, knowing it had pleased him moments ago. Swallowing a little pride could pay off handsomely.

      “Let’s discuss boundaries. Where I’m concerned, no touching unless invited. You haven’t earned intimacy yet.” And you won’t. “That’s about it. What about you?”

      Heat blazed across her cheeks. “I’m…not sure?”

      “Okay. Let’s try this. Tell me one of your fantasies.”

      Oh, dear goddess. “Fantasies?” Realizing her mistake, she slapped a hand over her mouth and mumbled, “Sorry.”

      “Too late, sweetheart. Skirt up over your ass and grab the edge of the desk,” he said, even as he moved her into position.

      “But I apologized.” The nearly shouted objection brought him to a standstill.

      “Yes, but you still violated my directive. One swat for the minor infraction.” Smooth fingers traced up the back of her thighs as he lifted her short skirt. “A thong. I approve.”

      Eden watched him pull a pair of scissors from the desk drawer. Before she could form an objection, he dragged the cold metal along her ass and snipped the lace, tugging the scrap of material free. The trace of soft material over her skin, the hard scrape of nails down her thighs and the brush of lace hitting her ankles when it fell made her sway. Lips followed the same path upward. Smooth kisses, a tactile tongue, little nips—they made her knees weak. The sharp crack of his palm on her ass elicited a surprised yelp. Masculine fingers traced the sting, and she moaned. At the sound, his fingers briefly dug into her ass and made her push into his hand. What. The. Hell. Never had someone turned her on so quickly, so effortlessly. She wanted what he offered. Didn’t understand the compulsion to satisfy him. “Why?” she asked, the single word forming an unsteady question that hung between them long enough that she was sure he’d ignore her. Then he answered.

      “You have a gift, Red. You started the descent into subspace when I grabbed you by the neck in the club. Most submissives have to be taught to find that place inside themselves. You’re a natural.”

      “You think I haven’t done this before?”


      She relaxed.

      “I know you haven’t.” Stepping in behind her, his unfurling zipper made the most erotic noise she’d ever heard. The broad head of his cock brushed over the crevice of her ass.

      Eden flinched. “Maybe not…that.”

      “That?” The amusement in his tone was clear. “And what is ‘that,’ precisely?”

      Burying her face in her forearms seemed prudent. “Anal.”

      “Ah. Anal. One of my favorite things. Shame you aren’t interested.”

      That was something she wasn’t willing to share. Not the physical act, but the fact she was interested.

      Very, very interested.

      Chapter Three

      Seth managed to coax out rudimentary boundaries from his new partner. He intended to oblige her in ways she couldn’t begin to contemplate. She was all about sex. So was he. Achieving orgasm was her first course of business. He favored delivering multiples. Lucky girl.

      She knew nothing about aftercare, had looked at him blankly when he’d asked her about it. This was why he didn’t play with untried subs. They tended to end up emotional, clingy. He didn’t do clingy. Hell, he went out of his way to intentionally avoid all things emotional. Physical gratification was the payoff he wanted, the payoff straight vanilla didn’t deliver. This was the equivalent of Scharffen Berger dark chocolate. The gods knew he was here to eat and leave, not ruin said chocolate by trying to bake cupcakes and discuss feelings over coffee at sunrise. And now he was thinking in baking metaphors. Taking a new submissive through the exploration process was clearly making him insane.

      Stepping back to create some much-needed physical distance, he dropped his chin to his chest. “On your knees.”


      He looked up slowly, fighting the urge to rush. “Because I told you to do it.”

      “But why?”

      A dull throbbing took up a steady rhythm at the base of his skull. Headache. At least, he thought it was a headache. He’d never had one, had only heard humans bitch about them. He tried mentally repeating “uneducated sub,” but it didn’t stop the irritation from leaking into his tone. “You do what the Dom running the scene orders you to do.”

      “Oh.” She considered him. “But what if I don’t want to?”

      “Then you don’t want to do this badly enough, we say our goodbyes and I show you out so you can find someone better to play with.” Pain lanced his chest hard enough that he glanced down. Nothing there. Strange.

      “You always threaten to pull out?” Realizing what she’d said, she blushed and looked away.

      He grasped her chin tight enough he knew the hold wasn’t comfortable. Her eyes glazed slightly as he pulled her forward. “To answer the question as posed, I’ll tell you I’m not interested in breeding trouble, so yes, I always pull out if the long-term consequences aren’t worth the momentary pleasure.” He leaned in and brushed a soft kiss over her lips as he tightened his hold even more.

      She whimpered.

      “On. Your. Knees.” Taking her in as she knelt before him, he blinked, slowly and contemplatively. Poor little miwsher, or kitten. No doubt she’d get what she wanted. And then some. In the interest of sexual equality, though, so would he.

      She eyed the brilliant Marker that labeled him

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