Pure Desire. Denise Tompkins

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Pure Desire - Denise  Tompkins

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of a smile. “I’m leaving town at dawn.”

      He considered her for a moment before leaning in and resting his cheek against hers. “Then we should make the most of the time we have between now and then.”


      Dominic didn’t hesitate this time. Instead, he gently turned her toward the parking garage elevators. He’d taken the long way around at the beginning of the night. Now? Time was at a premium.

      Like he’d said, he intended to make the most of it.

      * * *

      Rhyan’s decision had, like so many things in her existence, been impulsive. No doubt it would cost her. The price? She didn’t want to think about it. If she couldn’t gather the information the Caste demanded, if she fell victim to the guilt constricting her throat, if she failed to hold true to her intent to seduce Dominic and flee... So much hinged on that tiny, two-letter word—if. The Caste would punish her if her gamble didn’t provide them with a payout come morning. There was no undoing it. Not without admitting to Dominic who she was and what she’d done, and she simply wasn’t willing to go that route. Instead, she’d do her best to be the seducer instead of the seduced. Dawn would be here soon enough, bringing with it the consequences of choices made and the events that had yet to present her with options.

      They stood side by side at the elevators and silently waited for the car. Doors opened with a soft chime. He increased the pressure on the small of her back, directing her forward. A couple of guys raced to catch a ride down.

      Dom pulled a pen and held out a hand to stop the pair entering. “Let me have your parking ticket.”


      “I’m going to validate it for the inconvenience.” He wiggled his fingers. “Hand it over.”

      The taller of the two pulled out his wallet and retrieved the stub. “What inconvenience?”

      “You’re going to have to wait for the next car.”

      Confused, the guy peered around Dom. “What? Why? There’s room—”

      His buddy elbowed him and jerked his chin toward Rhyan.

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