Demon Hunts. C.E. Murphy

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Demon Hunts - C.E.  Murphy

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sorry you came out for nothing.”

      “Now, Detective.” Corvallis’s voice went from eager to warm, even condescending, like we were old friends and I was being silly over something unimportant. “I saw how you went tearing out of the Seattle Center. Do you really expect me to believe it’s over nothing?”

      “You were following me?”

      Her cameraman got the camera up and running as I asked, and I found myself suddenly blinking into its brilliant light. It was a gray Seattle day already, and under the bridge it bordered on dark, but the floodlight seemed like overkill. I shielded my eyes with one hand and squinted toward the camera guy. “I fed you a burger and fries this summer. Is that enough of a bribe to get you to turn that thing off if I ask you to?”

      He gave me a bright smile. “Maybe once.”

      “Right.” I didn’t ask, and his grin broadened. Corvallis gave him a dirty look and he wiped the smile away, but he winked when she turned back to me.

      “To answer your question, yes, I was following you. I think you’re where the action is, Detective.”

      Billy, on the far side of the minivan, snorted over the clunk of the doors finally unlocking. “You’ve obviously never checked her social calendar, then.”

      “You’re not helping.”

      “Want me to?” Ray stumped over to us, looking Corvallis up and down with an expression that lay between lascivious and threatening. I had a sudden vision of him asking me if she needed her balls busted while the cameraman was filming, and blurted, “This is Ray Campbell, the officer on this case. He’s the man you’ll want to talk to, Ms. Corvallis. Thanks for your interest. I’m sure your superiors are eager for an in-depth report on the plight of the homeless in Seattle. We all need our social awareness raised.”

      I pulled the door open and fell into the seat, hauling my legs up in my haste to escape. Ray planted himself front and center between the minivan and Corvallis, and she gave me a daggered glare over his shoulder before putting on a reporter-playing-nice smile and stuck her microphone in Ray’s face. Billy hopped into his side and closed the door behind him. “That woman’s going to get you in trouble someday.”

      “You mean more trouble than the Seattle Slaughterer thing this morning?” I put my seat belt on and tried not to look over my shoulder as we left the scene a few seconds behind the ambulance. “I know. Worse, though, she’s going to get herself in trouble. Look, this whole Magic Seattle thing, the whole world of the other and all that. How do you keep people from getting in over their heads and getting hurt?”

      “Lobotomization.” Billy grinned at my expression. “You can’t keep people from getting hurt, Joanie. You can warn them, but somebody like Corvallis isn’t likely to leave the hunt unless something throws her off the scent. You’re doing a good job of leaving a scent.” He thumped his hand against the steering wheel and muttered, “That analogy might’ve gotten out of control.”

      I laughed. “You think?” My humor slipped away. “I just don’t want people getting hurt on my account.”

      “Laurie Corvallis won’t get hurt on your account. She’ll get hurt on the story’s account, but never on yours.” He shook his head. “We do the best we can. You did good today. You just saved somebody’s life. That’s about all we can ask for.”

      “That and a break on the cannibal case.”

      Billy eyed me. “Don’t break your arm patting yourself on the back, there, Joanne. You just pulled off a miracle. What’s the problem?”

      I rubbed my thumb over my palm, then cracked my knuckles, feeling like I was trying to discharge the healing power that had sprung to life. “I don’t know. I wanted that to be our cannibal.”

      “So did I, but come on, Walker. What’s it take to make you happy? First you don’t want to be a shaman, now you’re hitting it out of the park and you’re not satisfied because it’s a different ball than the one you were watching? Give yourself a little credit.”

      “Okay, okay, I’m happy, I’m happy!” I wrinkled my nose at the traffic and said, more quietly, “I’m glad she’s alive, Billy, and maybe you’re right. Maybe I should be elated. It just feels like in the grand scheme of things this is what I should be doing all the time, so it doesn’t feel like…enough.” By the time I got to the end of that, I was smiling again, ruefully. “I need some serious work on my perspective, don’t I?”

      “You sure as hell do.”

      “Arright.” A little bubble of delight burst inside me, like that healing power had figured out what to do with itself after all. I’d saved somebody. That was, in fact, pretty cool. Good thing I had people like Morrison and Billy around to beat that into my head. “Okay. Can we head back up to the Needle? We kind of bolted out of there, and I can’t think of anywhere better for a perspective adjustment.”

      It wasn’t perspective I was after so much as trying to map out Seattle’s hot and cold spots, magically speaking. The good news was, our brief dash to the Troll had given me enough time to digest lunch. Turning the in-depth Sight back on didn’t upset my tummy again. Triumphant, I ordered us each another one of the amazing chocolate desserts. Billy pulled his cell phone out and sat down to wait for them while I took a slow meander around the restaurant.

      I wanted my city to be a bastion of light and happiness. What I could See, with the initial shock of looking into darkness reduced, was that it looked pretty well-balanced. It was no shining city upon a hill, but neither was it one drawn into despair. Pockets of brilliance matched patches of darkness closely enough that I actually let go a sigh of relief. Sonata’s concern about the city, maybe the world, being pulled out of whack was very likely a valid one, but at least it wasn’t going to all come tumbling down tomorrow. Reassured, I turned my focus on Ravenna Park, where Karin Newcomb had been found that morning.

      Someone or something mystical had dumped her there. It had left ice-cold marks on the earth. It had to have left some kind of trail. If I thought it with enough determination, maybe it would be true.

      Apparently I wasn’t thinking hard enough. Either that or I’d wiped away any trace when I’d pressed my hand into the cold tracks the thing had left, because there was barely even a streak of darkness where Newcomb’s body had been found. She hadn’t died there, and dead bodies evidently didn’t carry bleak marks of their own; only violent deaths did.

      Good to know, but not at all helpful to me at the moment. I stood there a long time, gaze unfocused as I studied the highs and lows of passion and power within the city, but there were no trails leading in or out of anywhere we’d found a body. Our cannibal was a lot better at hiding his tracks than I was at following them. I felt like I was just a step too far behind, like I could track him if I could only catch up just a little more. I wished to hell I hadn’t flattened out the cold marks he’d left beside Karin Newcomb.

      Next time. Next time I’d know better, but next time meant somebody else would already be dead.

      Billy said, “Anything?” quietly from just behind me. I startled out of my reverie and blinked over my shoulder at him before shaking my head. He put his phone away and pointed a thumb at our table. “In that case, you might as well eat dessert before it melts. And then we’ll try my idea.”

      “Your idea is to consign me to consumer hell?”

      I balked in the doorway of an outdoors store, which was to say it sold outdoors equipment, not that it was outside. If it had actually been outside it might’ve been less overwhelming; there wouldn’t be three visible stories of canoes, bicycles, skis, winter gear, tents, campfire utensils, hiking boots and backpacks. And those were just the things I could recognize. There were hundreds of items within eyeshot that I simply had no name for, and no earthly idea what their use might be.

      The whole place made my heart beat too fast, like it was actively dangerous. Grumpiness didn’t so much creep over me as bludgeon me, and I tried to back up, trusting the door was

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