Enticing The Dragon. Jane Godman

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Enticing The Dragon - Jane  Godman

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Although it appeared Hollie herself was the target of the fire at the Pleasant Bay Bar, she was even more convinced that Torque was the key. If she could discover why that was, she would be able to find her way to the Incinerator.

      Then, of course, there was the issue of McLain’s absence. That worried her most of all. But she had to have faith that her boss knew what she was doing. In the meantime, Hollie would continue to do her own job. She had decided to do that, even though every professional instinct told her she was wrong to remain undercover. Although the Incinerator had turned his attention to her, she felt safe with Torque. Safer than she’d ever felt in her life.

      She was aware of him watching her, and pulled her attention back to his question. “Does anyone know all about you? For one of the most famous bands in the world, you guys have been incredibly successful at keeping yourselves private.”

      He was partly turned away from her and she studied his profile as he looked across the bay toward a small island. His gaze lingered there for long, silent moments before he turned back to her. Those unusual eyes glowed as he smiled. “I guess we just enjoy being enigmatic.”

      “How did you meet?” It was one of the things that had always interested her. The band kept their biographical details to a minimum. “I know Diablo is Native American, Khan is from India, Dev comes from Nepal, Finglas is Irish and you...you like to be mysterious.”

      Torque held a hand over his heart in mock hurt. “I’m a child of the world. Wherever I lay my well-worn beanie, that’s my home. As for how we met... Ged brought us together.”

      Ged Taverner was the mystery man of rock. Beast’s hugely successful manager, he was the puppet master, the Svengali, behind the legend. The thought that she would soon be meeting him, and the members of the band, seemed unreal. Everything since she had arrived in Addison seemed unreal.

      Except Torque. He was her new reality. Since they weren’t touching, it must be her imagination that made her think she could feel the heat of his body warming her through her clothing. His eyes had a hypnotic effect on her. Once she stared at them, she couldn’t turn away. And his lips... Oh, dear Lord. Don’t get me started on those lips.

      “Don’t look at me that way.” His voice was low. Not quite a whisper, almost a growl.

      “What way?” She could no longer blame the smoke for the huskiness in her own tone.

      “Probably the same way I look at you.”

      She edged closer. “Like you want me? Because that’s how I feel about you.”

      “Hollie...” Although he said her name like it was made for his lips, he remained still, his hands splayed on his thighs.

      “Oh.” She let out a shaky sigh, slumping down in her seat. How could she have got this so wrong? “I see.”

      “No.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “No, you don’t see. Hollie, this can’t happen.”

      “Torque, the only reason I can see why nothing can happen between us is that you don’t want me.” When he turned to look at her, the raw agony on his face told her everything she needed to know. Her desire for him—her craving for him—wasn’t one-sided. “Or if there’s someone else in your life?”

      He leaned forward, placing his head in his hands. When he started to laugh, there was no humor in the sound.

      “What did I say that was so funny? Is there someone else in your life?”

      Torque straightened, and the desolation in his eyes tugged at her heart. “I suppose there is, but not in the way you think.” He caught hold of her hand and raised it to his lips. “Trust me. This way is better.”

      He got to his feet and Hollie watched him as he walked away. Better for whom?

      * * *

      Two days later, Hollie opened her eyes wide as she reached the rooftop terrace of Torque’s New York apartment. Turning in a full circle, she took in the iconic views, the private pool, the sauna and the hot tub.

      “I’m starting to think I died in that fire and this might be heaven.” She turned to look at Torque. “You do know I may never leave?”

      “You haven’t started on that paperwork yet.” Although he kept his voice light, the thought of Hollie staying in his life sounded just fine to Torque. If they could close the door on the rest of the world for eternity, that would be okay with him. He had grown used to her company with frightening speed. And if he could shut out everything else, he would be able to keep her safe from the person who had started that fire, from anything that might harm her. It was so damn hard. He would go to the ends of the earth for this woman...but he couldn’t tell her that.

      Ever since the conversation in his garden when Hollie had confessed to wanting him and he had turned her down—like an idiot—they had been tiptoeing around the subject. The attraction between them burned brighter with every passing minute. They were just doing their best to ignore it. Which was somehow making the whole situation even more tense.

      Torque felt like he was living in a constant state of arousal. He was intoxicated by Hollie, drinking her in until his senses were filled with her. Unable to concentrate on anything else, he was barely aware of the practicalities of the forthcoming tour. Much to the annoyance of his manager.

      “I have to go out in about an hour to a rehearsal.” He grimaced. “Ged isn’t happy. He thinks we haven’t spent enough time together before we hit the road.”

      They headed back down the stairs into the open-plan living space. Although this place was incredible, it never quite felt like home to Torque. He had given a designer free rein with the decor, and the end result was stunning. The white and chrome furnishings were comfortable as well as classy, with everything chosen to make the most of the views. Even so, it had always been just a place to stay. He had only ever had one home. The mountains of Scotland had been forged in fire around the same time that the Cumhachdach dragon clan was born. Now the closest thing he had to a home was the house in Maine.

      “How important is it to rehearse? Don’t you already know your songs and each other really well?” Hollie asked.

      “We do, but we have other people onstage with us. Backing musicians and singers, some dancers. And our special effects are always evolving.”

      “Nothing will ever beat the display you put on a few years ago in Marseilles.” Her eyes shone with excitement. “The one where it looked like wolves stormed the stage.”

      “You liked that?” Although Torque smiled at her enthusiasm, he remained wary. The band had done its best to cover up what had happened in Marseilles. In reality, there had been a genuine werewolf strike during one of their concerts. The band had all shifted in response and fought off the attackers. Caught on film, they had been forced to pass the whole thing off as one of the greatest special effects displays ever. They had succeeded, but they were constantly trying to cover up the reality.

      “Liked it? It was incredible. I only wish I’d been there to see it in person. The atmosphere must have been amazing.”

      “You could say that.” He decided a quick change of subject was in order. “Anyway, this week will be intense. It’s always hard work just prior to the start of a tour, but Ged is right. He always is. The rehearsals are necessary.”

      Her gaze scanned his face. She was getting good at reading him. Just not too good, he hoped. There were many hundreds of years of secrets he didn’t want to reveal. “I’d always wondered what made Ged so important, but when you speak about him, I can see it. It goes deeper than affection, doesn’t it?”

      It was a scarily perceptive comment. Ged was the glue that held Beast together, but he was so much more. He was the reason they existed. Each member of the band owed his life to the giant bear-shifter. “Yeah. Ged is a good guy.” Such an understatement.

      Hollie shook her head. “Do you ever stop being enigmatic?”


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