Godsgrave. Jay Kristoff

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Godsgrave - Jay  Kristoff

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cover to find out how many bowmen she’d have to murder.

      Turned out, there was none at all.

      O, there was an archer, no doubt. But she was no more a bowman than Mia was a swordsman. A woman, clad in gray leathers and mottled brown, her blond hair cropped short. Whenever a shot presented itself, she’d press an arrow to her lips, whisper a prayer, then let fly. Whatever divinity she prayed to seemed to be listening, too—as Luka dashed for one of the camels, the archer put an arrow in his shoulder, another in his shin as he scrambled back into cover.

      The rock crushed her head with the first blow, but Mia smashed it twice more into the back of her skull, just to be sure. The archer fell with a bubbling gurgle, fingers twitching. And picking up her bow, Mia drew the string to her lips, took aim, and put a black-feathered arrow into the spine of one of the raiders below.

      The woman twisted in her saddle, fell with a bloody cry. A comrade saw her fall, turned to the bluffs above and tumbled back off his horse with an arrow in his throat. Another raider cried warning, “’Ware the rocks! The rocks!” as Mia’s shot took him in the thigh, her second in his belly. A slingblade glittered as it flew out from the cover of the middle wagon, near taking the man’s head off his shoulders.

      The raiders were all a confusion now, their sharpshooter gone, and their plan along with her. Teardrinker took a shot with her crossbow, killing a horse and sending its rider to the dirt. Mia killed another rider with two shots to the chest. The last few raiders broke, scooping up their horseless comrade and galloping away as fast as their steeds could take them.

       “… fine shooting …”

      Mia looked to the shadow sitting atop the archer’s corpse. It was small, wore the shape of a cat, cleaning a semitranslucent paw with a semitranslucent tongue.

      “My thanks,” Mia bowed.

      “… that was sarcasm …,” Mister Kindly replied. “… you let four of them get away …”

      Mia made a face, raised the knuckles at the shadowcat.

       “… while we’re still alone, i should probably take this opportunity to point out the insanity of this scheme of yours again …”

      “O, aye, Daughters forbid you let a turn pass without riding my arse about it.”

      Mia wiped her bloody hand on the dead archer’s britches, slung her quiver of arrows over her shoulder. And bow in hand, she made her way carefully down the slope to the carnage around the ’van.

      The women captives were still huddled around their cage. Graccus, Dogger, Dustwalker and Cesare were all dead. Luka was slumped near the middle wagon, arrows in his shoulder and shin. Mia watched him try to get to his feet, settling instead for one knee. His eyes were locked on hers, his second slingblade in hand.

      Teardrinker had taken an arrow to the leg somewhere in the fray. Her face was spattered with blood, but she still aimed her crossbow with steady hands right at Mia. The girl stopped forty feet away, raised her bow. It was finely crafted—horn and ash, graven with prayers to the Lady of Storms. It’d put an arrow through an iron breastplate at this range. And Captain Teardrinker was wearing nothing close to iron.

      “That father of yours taught you well, girl,” the captain called. “Fine shooting.”

      “… pfft …,” whispered her shadow.

      Mia kicked the dark pooled around her feet, hissing for silence.

      “I’ve no wish to kill you, Captain,” Mia called.

      “Well there’s a stroke of fortune. I’ve no wish to fucking die, either.”

      The captain looked at the corpses around her, the wreckage of her crew, the arrow in her leg, down the long road to the Hanging Gardens.

      “I suppose we could call this even,” she called. “I was planning on fetching a fine price for you at market, but saving my life seems fair tithe. What say you ride up front with me for the rest of the trip, see us safe to the Gardens? I can cut you in on some of the profit? Twenty percent?”

      Mia shook her head. “I don’t want that, either.”

      “Well, what do you want?” Teardrinker spat, stare locked on the bow in Mia’s grip. “You’re holding decent cards, girl. You get a say in how this hand is played.”

      Mia looked to the other women huddled around the forewagon. They were filthy and haggard, clad in little more than rags. The dusty road stretched out across the blood-red sand, and she knew full well the fate that awaited them at the end of it.

      “I want back in the cage,” Mia said.

      Teardrinker blinked. “You just broke out of the cage …”

      “I chose you very carefully, Captain. Your reputation is well known. You don’t let your men spoil your goods. And you have an accord with the Lions of Leonides, neh?”

      “Leonides?” Exasperation crept into Teardrinker’s voice. “What in the name of Aa’s burning cock does a gladiatii stable have to do with any of this?”

      “Well, that’s the rub, isn’t it?”

      The girl lowered her bow with a small smile.

      “I want you to sell me to them.”

       CHAPTER 3


       Mia lay naked on the floor, spattered in red, Alenna in her arms. Music still swelled faintly from the ball upstairs, none of the senator’s guests any the wiser that his only son had been murdered right below their heels. Mister Kindly sat on the headboard, staring at the young don’s corpse. Eclipse licked her lips with a translucent tongue, the shadowwolf’s sigh rumbling through the floor.

       The girl in Mia’s arms shivered at the sight of them.

       “I’m going to take my hand away now, love,” Mia whispered. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to tie you up, put my clothes back on, and then slip out into the sunslight and you’re never going to see me again. Does that sound fair?”

       Alenna nodded frantically, blinking the tears from her eyes.

       Eclipse’s soft feminine voice seemed to come from below the floorboards.

      “… THAT IS FOOLISH …”

      “… and you would be the expert on foolishness, pup …,” Mister Kindly sneered.


       “And no reason to end her,” Mia replied. “Unless someone is paying me. Now, shouldn’t one of you be watching the hallway in case a guard comes down here?”

      “… i kept watch last time, when you ended that magistrate …”


      “… and how would you know that, if you were keeping watch outside the whole time …?”

      “If you two are quite finished? I give less than no fucks for who does it, but one of you better get out there, because someone’s go—”

       A soft knock sounded at the door. A deep voice calling beyond.

       “Mi Don?”

       Mia cursed beneath her breath, grip tightening on Alenna’s throat.


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