The Christmas Violin. Buffy Andrews

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The Christmas Violin - Buffy  Andrews

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      The woman coughed and wiped her mouth with a white linen hankie trimmed with lavender lace. “Excuse me. I’m not used to this cold weather.” She buckled her seatbelt. “We live there. We used to live here but we moved to Tampa when we retired. Warmer, you know. These old bones can’t take the cold anymore.”

      “You don’t look old at all,” said Peter, the compliment rolling off his tongue as easily as the Lord’s Prayer.

      The woman patted his arm, which lay on the arm rest. “You dear, sweet young man. We just celebrated our sixty-fifth anniversary.”

      “Sixty-five years,” Peter said. “Congratulations.”

      “Are you married?” the woman asked.

      Peter shook his head no. “My wife passed away a couple of years ago. Brain cancer.”

      “Oh, you poor boy,” the woman said. “I’m so sorry.”

      The pilot came over the loudspeaker. “At this time I’m going to ask you to fasten your seatbelts.”

      Peter checked his seatbelt and turned off his iPad. The old woman settled back in her seat and opened her paperback. Peter glanced over and saw it was a romance. Something about Amish, and it was in large print.

      Peter thought about the last time he had flown. He and Camilla went to Disney World. She wanted to see it one last time. He tried to be upbeat during the trip, but he found himself inside the men’s room time and again swallowing his tears. He wanted the trip to be perfect for Camilla. He even arranged for them to renew their vows at the Wedding Pavilion. It was the highlight of the trip. He smiled, remembering how happy Camilla was that day.

      “Where are you taking me?” she asked as they got off the monorail at the Grand Floridian Resort.

      He smiled and took her hand, leading her to the Wedding Pavilion, fringed with palm trees on Seven Seas Lagoon.

      “Oh, Peter,” she cried. “I can’t believe you arranged this.”

      He got down on one knee and proposed to her all over again. “Will you marry me one more time?” he asked.

      Tears streamed down Camilla cheeks. “I’d marry you a million times.”

      The pilot came back on the loudspeaker. “We’ve been cleared for take-off.”

      Peter closed his eyes. He hated take-offs. He felt his heart race. The plane picked up speed and then lifted off, climbing steadily into the air.


      Willow read the front page of the newspaper and scanned the other sections. She’d read the rest later when she had more time. She had an OB-GYN appointment across town. She hated going to the doctors, especially this doctor. It reminded her of what she no longer had and of the night that changed her life forever.

      The affair had taken Willow by surprise. She didn’t plan on it; neither did Dan. But when it happened, they weren’t strong enough to overcome their attraction and aching need for one another.

      He was older than her by twenty years, stuck in a marriage that had gone south almost before it began. He was lonely. She was lonely. Until they found each other one night at a hotel bar in Boston where she was performing.

      He was a neurosurgeon, in town for a convention. He was drinking a Scotch on the rocks with a twist and she sipped a gin and tonic. They just started talking. Small talk at first. What he did. What she did. The sort of talk that usually fades into a handshake and a “Nice to meet you.”

      Then they met the next night. Same two padded, mahogany stools at the end of the bar. Truth was, she enjoyed talking to him and had decided on a whim to have a drink before she retired to her room for the night. If she were lucky, maybe he’d stop by. She didn’t want to sleep with him. She wasn’t that kind of woman. But conversation with him came easy, like hitting eighty on the highway. You never feel the pedal depress until a siren shrieks behind you and you see a swirl of flashing lights in your rear-view mirror.

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