Inherited: Unexpected Family. Gabrielle Meyer

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Inherited: Unexpected Family - Gabrielle  Meyer

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Rose by the shoulders and was about to race into the hotel when they returned to the normal rhythm and continued shaking and moving in the circle.

      The longer they stood there, the harder it was to watch the Indians dance—especially when Elizabeth allowed her eyes to wander to the women holding the poles in the center of the circle. “It’s time to go back inside, Rose. I need to help Martha with supper.”

      Rose’s bottom lip protruded, but she didn’t put up a fight. They went back inside the hotel, Elizabeth’s whole body shaking with the pulse of the drum. She doubted she’d be able to sleep peacefully tonight.

      She looked over her shoulder and found Jude watching them. He offered a reassuring smile and then pulled the door closed, staying outside to watch.

      They had only known each other for two days, but already she sensed in him a kindness that was hard to come by in a world that had treated her poorly. The letter she’d hidden in the bottom of her trunk still troubled her, but there had to be a good explanation. Surely she had read more into it than was intended.

      At least that’s what she continued to tell herself.

      * * *

      Nearly everyone had come out to watch the Indians dance, as they usually did. Jude stood by and watched for a few more minutes, speaking to friends and neighbors. Several Chippewa who lived and worked in Little Falls were participating in the celebration.

      The traditions of the Chippewa never failed to amaze Jude, even if he didn’t fully understand them. They had taken the lives of three Dakota warriors because they were avenging the blood of their fallen men—but it meant the Dakota would now seek revenge for the three who had died this very day.

      He felt bad that Elizabeth had been so shaken by the dancers—and that he’d been the one to explain the reason for the celebration. He had touched her back in a spontaneous gesture to comfort her, yet the contact had made him all too conscious of how she affected him. Even now, his hand still tingled and he had to rub it to ease the sensation.

      The night before, as he’d stood in the ballroom and watched her dance, he’d enjoyed himself far too much. Hopefully one of the gentlemen had made an impression on her. No doubt several would be coming by to court her and Grace. He expected a full dining room for all three meals until both were married.

      He sighed and looked back at the dancers. He should go inside and fix the hinge on the kitchen door that Martha had been bugging him about for almost a week—yet he needed some space from Elizabeth until he could clear his head.

      Jude walked east on Broadway. The streets were quiet, with everyone watching the dance. Many of the storekeepers had even closed their shops to go and observe the scene. Even though there had been other dances like it, they never failed to amaze the citizens of Little Falls.

      Movement down an alley caught Jude’s attention.

      A group of four men entered the back door of Harper’s Emporium; one of them cast a glance over his shoulder to the opposite end of the alley.

      Jude pressed against the side of a building, hoping he had not been seen.

      It was hard to make out the faces of the men, but he had a feeling he knew who they were. No doubt Hugh and his men were using the distraction of the Indian dance to loot the store.

      Anger seethed inside Jude’s chest. Roger Harper was a good man who worked hard. Something like this could close his store and force him to file for bankruptcy. It was hard enough to keep a store open with the economy as tight as it had been for the past two years.

      Jude wasn’t armed, but he couldn’t stand back and let this happen to another business owner in Little Falls—especially in broad daylight. He refused to let fear stop him from doing what was right.

      He approached slowly, not wanting to startle the men, knowing they probably had weapons.

      One of the men exited the store with a bag over his shoulder.

      “What’s going on?” Jude asked.

      The man jumped and pulled his pistol from his holster. “What do you want?”

      Jude put up his hands to let him know he wasn’t armed. “I’d like to know what you’re doing.”

      Hugh stepped out of the store next, his fingers hovering over his pistol. “It’s none of your business, Allen.”

      Jude slowly lowered his arms. “Maybe it’s not, but Roger Harper is a friend.”

      Hugh stared at Jude for a minute and then motioned his head toward the other man. “Mick, go inside and clear everyone out. We’re done for now.”

      Mick put his pistol back into the holster and disappeared inside.

      Hugh took a step toward Jude. “I don’t know what you think you saw, but I’d advise you to keep it to yourself.”

      “I know exactly what I saw.”

      “Do you?” Hugh was so close, his stale breath filled Jude’s nostrils. “I’ve seen a few things myself.”

      Jude frowned as the other three men filed out the back door of Harper’s Emporium. Each man carried a sack slung over his back. One or two cast a glance at Jude as they walked calmly down the alley toward their waiting horses.

      “I know a thing or two about your maids.” Hugh’s voice became low and threatening. “And I know a few people who don’t like what you’re doing. I’d watch your step. All I’d need to do is mention your name to the right people and no one in your hotel would be safe.”

      Jude tried not to show Hugh how close his words came to their mark. The women under his protection had no one in the world to trust but him. He couldn’t put them at risk. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

      “Don’t I? I’d especially watch out for Jack Dew.” Hugh narrowed his eyes. “He suspects what you’ve been doing and he said he’ll kill you if one of his ladies goes missing. No questions asked.”

      Jude would never admit anything to Hugh—but he couldn’t back down now, either.

      “Roger Harper doesn’t deserve to be robbed. He’s a hardworking man with a family to support—”

      “My men got families to support, too.”

      “At least Roger is doing it honestly.”

      Hugh took a step forward. “You really want to mess with me?”

      Jude clenched his jaw, anger and frustration warring within his chest. “Keep your men away from the honest folks and we’ll have no trouble.”

      “Keep your mouth shut and we’ll have no trouble—and neither will your prostitutes.”

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