Pony Express Mail-Order Bride. Rhonda Gibson

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Pony Express Mail-Order Bride - Rhonda  Gibson

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to ask what they can bring.”

      He led her to the water’s edge. “Or came to see the new bride.” He kneeled down and picked up a rock. The water was frozen, so his thought of skipping rocks vanished as quickly as it had formed.

      “Maybe. I’ve met more ladies in the last two days than I have in two months.”

      He frowned. “Really?”

      She smiled. “When I say met, I mean spoken to and exchanged names.”

      “Oh.” He tossed the rock across the frozen surface. “I’m sorry about that. We probably should have talked about the wedding more before we arrived.”

      Bella sat down on an old log. “Yeah, I would have preferred a small wedding with just your family present.”

      “I understand. I’m sorry Ma has gone all out.” He stood and walked back to her. “She means well.”

      She nodded. “I know. And after tomorrow this will be behind us.” Bella stood. “We probably should head back.”

      Philip chuckled. “You’re probably right. She’ll send a search party after us if we stay gone much longer.” Even though he laughed, Philip couldn’t help but feel bad that Bella was anticipating the wedding being over. It wasn’t that he wanted the wedding to be special for him. After all, he didn’t even want to get married. But he felt that Bella should have the wedding day she wanted.

      They started walking back to the house. “Have you always been quiet?” Philip asked, tucking his hands deep into his front pockets.

      “I don’t think I’m quiet when I’m with only two or three people, but I suppose I have been.” She looked off into the distance. “That’s one of the reasons I love baking so much.”

      He didn’t understand what baking had to do with being quiet.

      His confusion must have shown on his face, because Bella explained. “When I worked at the bakery, I stayed in the kitchen and baked. Most of the time there were only two people besides me at the bakery and they were up front.” She looked up at him and then continued with a shrug. “My day started early, so going to work there weren’t many people about. Then when I was done, I’d go back to my home and read or sleep.”

      “I see. So you really aren’t used to being around others.” He almost felt sorry for her. Philip liked being with other people and talking, joking and laughing.

      Bella shook her head. “No, until I got the boys, I didn’t have to worry about anyone else and I enjoyed my own company.”

      He pulled his hand from his pocket and grasped hers. “Well, after our wedding we’ll head back to the relay station. Thomas and Josephine are the only two other people that live there.”

      “So, we’ll be living with them?”

      Philip frowned. They really hadn’t talked much about life after marriage. “Yes, the house has two bedrooms, so we’ll have one and Thomas and Josephine will have the other. My room is small, but the four of us will be fine until we can make other arrangements. I’m sure the boys and I can make pallets.”

      She scowled but nodded. Bella remained silent the rest of the way to the house. Philip hadn’t thought that she wouldn’t want to live with his brother and sister-in-law once they were married. “Let’s check on the boys before heading inside,” he suggested when they came to the yard.

      They went to the barn. When he pulled the door open, Philip gasped. Everything had been cleared in the center, looking much like it had at Christmas. Only now white streamers hung from the rafters and big yellow bows made from fabric decorated the stall doors. The horses had all been moved to the very back of the barn. Several tables stood off to the right—Philip assumed this was for the food that the neighbors and his mother planned on cooking up.

      The boys were nowhere in sight and Philip realized it was suppertime as the triangle rang out. “Those little rascals are already in the house, probably at the table.” He smiled at Bella.

      “Probably. My nephews love to eat.” She turned and walked out the door.

      Philip followed. He pulled the barn door closed and watched as his brothers arrived from all directions. They laughed and pushed at each other. Thankfully there were only three of them at home now.

      Seth rounded the barn beside him. He put his arm around Philip’s shoulders. “Are you ready for the big day tomorrow?”

      Bella looked over her shoulder and grinned but continued walking. Philip wasn’t sure if she could hear them, or if she’d picked up her pace because she wanted to give them privacy.

      “Hey, Bella. Can I have a quiet word with you?” Andrew asked, hurrying to her side.

      Philip wondered what Andrew wanted with Bella but knew he needed to respond to Seth’s question. “I’m ready for it all to be over and just to start a simple life with her.”

      Seth nodded. “I understand, son. That’s how I felt when I married your mother. But truth is married life isn’t always simple.” He stopped with his arm still around Philip’s shoulders.

      Philip stopped also and turned his head to look at his stepfather. “Is there something you want to say, Seth?”

      “As a matter of fact, there is. Your mother is worried about you.”

      “I can’t imagine why.” Philip shook his head. “Bella is a nice girl. The boys have been well behaved. What gives her cause to worry?”

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