Reclaiming His Past. Karen Kirst

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Reclaiming His Past - Karen  Kirst

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all before her mother emerged from her bedroom. Alice had been surprised, to say the least, but willing to keep their patient company. Jessica had woken Will and asked him to see to Grant’s needs before he left.

      She hadn’t wanted to face Grant across the breakfast table and witness the questions in his eyes. The brief moment of camaraderie between them last night had unsettled her, as had the unexpected longing to remain there on that porch with him, exploring the connection she felt, learning as much about him as possible. It wasn’t wise, getting attached to an outsider, and she was determined to be wise.

      A brisk breeze tunneled through the forested lane, rustling the multicolored leaves that hadn’t yet fallen. Crossing the wooden bridge suspended above the wide but shallow river, she eyed the church’s steeple rising toward the cloud-dotted sky and framed by Mount Le Conte’s gentle slopes. The shops on either side of Main Street blocked her view of the white clapboard building, but she knew the churchyard would be bustling with parishioners.

      Attending services used to be a pleasant, peaceful endeavor, a time to sing hymns and reflect on God’s glory, to delve into God’s Word and be encouraged by fellow believers. That had changed after she became involved with Lee. Caught up in a whirlwind romance, she had allowed her relationship with her Creator to become less of a priority. Her prayer time and daily Scripture reading had suffered. Lee had become her main focus and now she couldn’t seem to move past the shame and self-recrimination to find God’s peace.

      After the tragedy, folks formed opinions about her involvement with Lee and his associate, John Farnsworth, who was sitting in a jail somewhere in Virginia. Those with sympathetic attitudes saw her as a gullible young woman who’d been blinded by love. Others weren’t so kind. They thought she’d been privy to Lee’s activities all along and had chosen to keep quiet. Either way, the fact that every single person in Gatlinburg was aware of her most private failure made life uncomfortable.

      Spotting Jane and her family beneath the tallest, oldest oak on the church’s property, she veered toward their wagon. Six-year-old Clara ran to greet her with a hug. “Auntie Jessica!”

      Caressing Clara’s bouncy brown curls, Jessica smiled at the little girl who’d charmed her way into her affections. With her dark hair and sparkling bright green eyes, she looked enough like her uncle Tom that she might be mistaken for his biological daughter. Since both her parents were deceased, Tom had taken her in and treated her as his own.

      “Is that a new dress?”

      Clara’s smile widened as she performed a pirouette. A buttery-yellow color, the dress was trimmed in white ribbon, and a wide sash encircled her waist. “Auntie Nicole made it for me.”

      Jessica’s older sister Nicole was an excellent seamstress. She filled orders from her shop in the rear of the mercantile she owned with her husband, Quinn. “It’s lovely.”

      Taking Jessica’s hand, Clara tugged her over to where Tom was assisting a very pregnant Jane from the wagon. Seeing her identical twin sister in that state was strange. This was Jane’s first child, so her peculiar reaction was to be expected, Jessica supposed. Plus, it gave her a clear picture as to how she herself would look if a man as trustworthy and steadfast as Tom Leighton ever entered her life and decided he wanted marriage and a family with her.


      Jane’s face, a mirror image of her own, crumpled with worry as she came near. Wearing one of the handful of dresses she’d let out to accommodate her growing form, she’d arranged her red hair in a sophisticated twist and accessorized with two ornate pins. Folks were able to distinguish between them because of their hairstyles. Jane favored more formal upward styles, while Jessica preferred to simply restrain the mass with a ribbon.

      “I was in the mercantile yesterday afternoon when I heard the news. I wanted to come at once, but Tom urged me to wait until today. How are you coping?”

      “It’s odd having a stranger in the house, of course, but it’s a temporary situation. Ma’s there to change the bandages, and Will provides added security at night.”

      Not that they needed protection from Grant, she silently conceded.

      Tom joined his wife, his arm coming protectively about her shoulders. “See? What did I tell you? Your sister is made of sturdier stuff than you think.” He winked at Jessica.

      Angling her face up to his, Jane shot him a smile that made Jessica feel as if she were intruding on a private moment. “I’d like a few minutes with her, if you don’t mind.”

      “We’ll be inside.” Tom dropped a kiss on her forehead before holding out his hand to Clara. “Come along, my little bird.”

      The child obeyed, but not without numerous glances over her shoulder as they crossed the spacious expanse to the church steps.

      Jessica pointed to Jane’s round tummy. “How’s the wee babe?”

      “Active.” Her countenance went dreamy until her gaze cleared. “Don’t try to distract me. I want to know every single detail about this man. How old is he? Is he kind?” Her nose scrunched. “Or grouchy? he covered in filth? Of all the homesteads in these mountains, why did he have to pick yours?”

      “Grant didn’t exactly pick us.”

      “He knows his name? I thought he had amnesia.”

      “We chose it for him. Couldn’t exactly address him as ‘Hey, you.’”

      Jane absently rubbed her tummy, her manner assessing. “There’s something in your voice...your expression...” Her hands stilled. “He’s young, isn’t he? And handsome. Jessica—”

      “There’s no need to worry, Jane.” She held up her palms, bitterness rising up. “I learned my lesson well. I’m not about to repeat my mistakes. No unsuitable men for me. Actually, there aren’t any men, suitable or otherwise.”

      “What happened with Lee is over and done with. It shouldn’t stop you from seeking love and happiness. I want you to have what I have, just with the right man.”

      A pair of young men dressed in their finest clothing strolled past. “Hey, Jess.”

      “Hello, Pete.”

      “Lookin’ mighty fine today.” Lowell turned and walked backward, wiggling his brows suggestively. The light in his eyes was harmless, however. “Sit with me?”

      “Not this time.” She rustled up a smile to soften the refusal.

      “I’m not giving up hope.”

      Pete elbowed him. With a tip of his hat, Lowell spun forward and loped toward the church.

      Jane’s expression was shrewd. Before she could voice her obvious opinion, Jessica said, “I’m not interested, and you know it. Besides, he’s only teasing.”

      “I disagree.” Sadness surfaced. “At some point, you have to forgive yourself and move on. We all make choices we wish we could undo.”

      Memories overtook her. Jane had been the one to first suspect Lee was involved in suspicious activity. After witnessing him selling moonshine to several locals, she’d pretended to be Jessica in order to investigate and had discovered an abundance of evidence on his property. Jessica had not only been livid over the pretense, she’d stubbornly refused to believe the man she adored could be a criminal. Her stubbornness had nearly cost them both their lives. Lee hadn’t been so fortunate.

      As if interpreting her thoughts, Jane linked their arms and began walking. The service would begin in minutes. “Lee made his own choices, just as we did. His death is not your fault.”

      “You’ve said that before.”

      “I’ll keep on saying it until you accept it.”

      Jessica inhaled the brisk air, her attention on the fenced-in cemetery adjacent to the building. They’d held a funeral for Lee in the days following the fire. But Lee’s family had wanted him buried in their

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