A Taste of Passion. Ashley Lister

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A Taste of Passion - Ashley  Lister

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      ‘I can always tell when you get laid. I’m a light sleeper. I could hear that you were in the shower at two in the morning when you got back. The fact that you’re doing the quad killer tells me you’re feeling conflicted about getting lucky. You did the quad killer after you broke up with Peter. You did the quad killer after that embarrassing night’s fumble with Terry.’ She paused to lean against a tree and stretch out her legs. ‘I think you see this run as the spiritual atonement for your imagined sins.’

      Trudy glared at her. ‘That psychology module you took is still proving useful.’

      Charlotte’s grin inched wider. ‘You really screwed William Hart? He’s pretty hot. What was it like?’

      Trudy looked away. ‘It wasn’t like that.’

      ‘You didn’t screw him?’

      ‘Well …’

      Trudy tried to think of how she could phrase her response. She wanted to be artful and say that they had made love. But she knew that wouldn’t be entirely true. She and William Hart had given themselves over to base, animal instincts. There had been an instant attraction and neither of them had let themselves be restrained by the formalities of propriety or common sense. She wasn’t sure that such an act could really be called making love. But she felt sure it had been more than simply screwing. On some level she felt sure it had been a lot more. But there was no way to shape that thought into a convenient phrase that would stop her friend from asking questions.

      ‘I don’t want to talk about this. I just want to finish my run.’

      Charlotte pulled her into a hug. Her arms were cold from the morning mist but it was impossible not to feel the waves of friendship that were apparent in her embrace. She rubbed her hands briskly and reassuringly against Trudy’s back.

      ‘I was just teasing before,’ she whispered. ‘If you need to talk about anything. If you need an ear or a shoulder or just a friend, you know that I’m here for you, don’t you?’

      Trudy thought about the words and realised Charlotte was telling the truth. Regardless of what else happened she believed the brunette would always be a friend she could rely on. Trudy returned the hug, ready to swoon with relief.

      ‘Did you find out the identity of that mystery ingredient?’


      ‘Can you make them for Sweet Temptation?’

      Trudy started to respond and then stopped. There would be ethical implications involved in stealing William Hart’s recipe for the benefit of Sweet Temptation. She hadn’t yet had breakfast and already she was trying to deal with quandaries like the semantics of sex and sexual politics and now the ethics of appropriating recipes in the catering business.

      ‘Let’s finish the quad killer,’ she said firmly. ‘I don’t have the exact recipe to those muffins but I have my own interpretation of them.’

      Charlotte shrugged and then nodded. ‘Even better. Stealing recipes from the shoulders of giants.’ Before starting to run again she jogged on the spot from one foot to the other. ‘You know we’re in the Admiralty Room this afternoon, don’t you?’

      Trudy nodded. Charlotte had scheduled a meeting with her parents at a local hotel. She had made a point of booking the prestigious Admiralty Room at the Hadfield Hotel. Donny kept telling them he was anxious to get the business up and running as soon as possible and he wanted to demonstrate that Sweet Temptation was a perfect investment opportunity. Whilst it was known that Charlotte’s parents would have ploughed money into their daughter’s schemes without any supporting information, Trudy knew that Charlotte did not want to build her dream on handouts and charity.

      ‘It’ll be great if you can bring your interpretation of those muffins to the presentation,’ Charlotte said. ‘That way everyone will know what you’re capable of producing.’

      Trudy considered this and nodded. Once she’d finished the run she would get ingredients from the market, prepare the muffins that were needed and then attend and support Donny’s presentation. Their joint commitment to making Sweet Temptation a success was important and that needed the focus of her attention this morning.

      After the presentation Trudy vowed that she would allow herself some time to think about what she had done with William Hart and try to establish whether or not it had been a mistake.

      It hadn’t felt like a mistake.

      It had felt so good that she desperately wanted to repeat the experience. But the prospect of repeating the experience was something she wouldn’t let herself think about until after she had helped her friends.

       Chapter 9

      An hour later Trudy was showered and refreshed. The quad killer was once again vanquished, her muscles ached from the exertion, and she no longer worried that Charlotte might think less of her for what she’d done with William Hart. Charlotte was, as always, the understanding and sympathetic big sister that Trudy had never had.

      On their return to Eldorado, Charlotte said she wanted to spend the morning working on the web designs for Sweet Temptation. The corporate logos were nailed and she was comfortable with the behaviour of most of the software she had written as it worked with the major browser. However, Charlotte wanted to see if she could iron out a couple of wrinkles that occurred between the Sweet Temptation interface and some of the disparities she was facing with mobile technology.

      ‘Do you need my help?’ Trudy asked doubtfully.

      Not unkindly, Charlotte laughed at the suggestion. ‘I’ll concentrate on the web design,’ she said firmly. ‘You focus on the company’s product. I thought you were going to unravel the mystery of those muffins you were obsessing about last night?’

      Grateful, Trudy nodded. She knew so little about computers she was relieved that Charlotte had politely declined her offer. She changed into comfy jeans, a shapeless jumper and a pair of modest heels. The market never demanded high fashion and this morning all she wanted was the chance to find some Sri Lankan cinnamon, get a couple of pieces of fresh fruit, and then have an opportunity to get back to the house and spend a couple of hours experimenting in the kitchen with the new flavour she had discovered.

      The afternoon’s investment presentation, and the need to make a definite decision about how to progress her relationship with William Hart, remained in a faraway future that she had no intention of considering until much, much later in the day.

      The market was one of the town’s oldest features. According to the promotional literature a market had stood in the same location for the best part of a millennia or more. With the crowded buildings jostling for priority on the narrow streets, and the arms and guild symbols that stood above the majority of doorways, Trudy could sense the ancient and archaic heritage that was ingrained into every building stone and each cobbled walkway.

      The sky was a sporadic collection of blue patches peeping between the overhanging rooftops. Long shadows trailed into the market’s deepest depths and narrowest corners. Those narrowest corners were lit by the murky glow of dim bulbs and the occasional flashes of sultry neon. Trudy took a familiar route past the deli counters and coffee shops. She smiled cheerfully at the stallholders she knew. She nodded polite greetings to those who looked vaguely familiar. She exercised a diplomatic and disarming grin for those perpetual strangers who still regarded her with suspicion.

      For the last three years of her studies the market had been a comforting shopping hub where she knew she could search for the new, the exotic or the fashionably exciting. She had rarely been disappointed by an excursion to the market. It stocked everything she had ever wanted – and always seemed to have those surprises that she had never known she needed. Sure that some of the stalls at the back of the market were speciality spice stalls, Trudy felt confident she would not be disappointed on this occasion.


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