Tempting The Best Man. Tanya Michaels

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Tempting The Best Man - Tanya  Michaels

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expression darkening. “Like with that jerk who grabbed you at Eli’s party.”

      He was far from the first. She sighed. “Since he’ll also be a wedding guest, I suppose I could have tried to handle that with more diplomacy, but—No, screw that. He didn’t deserve tact. Getting groped in college by idiot fraternity guys who considered it flirting was bad enough. But he was a grown-ass man who should know better. Hopefully, he’ll think twice next time before making a move on some poor bartender or waitress.” Or babysitter. Mia clenched her hands, her fingernails digging into her palms as Daniel crossed to the driver’s side.

      He turned the key in the ignition, his posture tense. “You got groped a lot in college?” Maybe she wasn’t the only one with anger issues; from his tone, he sounded like he wanted to go back in time and dole out some fist-based justice.

      “Probably less than the average female university student.” She’d gained a reputation after pepper-spraying a guy who had trouble processing no. “I like sex.”

      The car jerked unsteadily as they backed out of the parking spot.

      “But that doesn’t mean I’m willing to have it with just anyone,” she continued. “Nor am I required to defend my decision not to have it. I told Shannon earlier today that I respect men who are direct, who aren’t afraid to make their attraction known. I’ve never been mad at a man for showing interest. But when the interest isn’t mutual, it’s time to back the hell off. Too many guys willfully lie to themselves about what constitutes encouragement. A woman inhaling and exhaling is not a sign of burning lust.” And a teenager wearing a tank top and shorts on a humid, hundred-degree day was not a sign that she wanted to be pawed at by a man twice her age.

      Daniel was quiet as he turned onto the street leading back to her office, and Mia realized she’d been ranting. She hadn’t meant to sound so hostile; Daniel hadn’t done anything wrong. He’s one of the good ones. She was pretty sure she’d had the situation at the bachelor party under control, but she appreciated his coming to her aid. Chivalry might be on the endangered species list, but it wasn’t extinct.

      “So, what should a guy look for as real signs of interest?” he asked, changing lanes.

      She eyed him, trying to decide if he was making light of her tirade.

      “I just got out of a long-term relationship with a woman I’d been seeing on-and-off since middle school,” he told her.

      “You’re kidding.”

      “Nope. Our families convinced us to go to the eighth-grade formal together.”

      Ugh. Mia couldn’t imagine dating anyone handpicked by her parents. No doubt they would have tried to find someone who would be a “good influence” on her.

      “My flirting skills are rusty.” Daniel parked next to her car, one of the few left in the lot. “Assuming I ever had any in the first place.”

      “If not skill, per se, definitely potential.” Sure, he used to annoy the crap out of her, but did he know there’d also been times when he’d made her knees weak and her stomach quiver? “I fantasized about you once or twice during Dr. Leonard’s lectures.”

      Even in the dim lighting, Daniel’s wide-eyed gape was obvious. But he recovered quickly. “What kind of fantasies?” His voice was silky, coaxing.

      “Maybe I’ll tell you. Someday.”

      The air between them crackled. His intent expression was heady, the thrill that shot through her even more delicious than plantain s’mores. Self-preservation had her climbing out of the car before she did something crazy. Like front-seat sex in the office parking lot?

      It was a beautiful, clear winter night. An impressive number of stars twinkled down on them despite the city’s lights. Shoving her hands in the pockets of her coat, she sat on the hood of her car and took a moment to appreciate the view. Daniel joined her, standing with his elbow against the hood. How would he react if she grabbed the lapels of his jacket and pulled him in for a kiss?

      “Flirting lesson number one,” she said lightly. “If a woman admits you’ve starred in her fantasies, she’s probably interested.”

      His mouth curved in a sensual smile. “Probably?”

      Damn, he had a great mouth. For all that she’d scoffed at him in the past about being an unimaginative rule follower, he had full lips more reminiscent of sweaty carnal weekends than stuffy classroom lectures.

      “Gaze can be a good indication of desire,” she murmured. Had he noticed her staring? “If a woman’s uncomfortable, she might glance around for exits or possible rescue. If she’s attracted, there’s often a lot of eye contact.”

      He leaned close enough for her to breathe in peppermint and the faint, pleasant scent of sandalwood soap. “And if she’s looking at my lips like she wants to taste them?”

      So, yeah, he’d noticed. Since she was busted anyway, she gave in to impulse and traced his bottom lip with her finger. He shuddered out a breath, warm on her skin, his pupils dilated in dark contrast to his silvery eyes.

      Her own breathing was unsteady as she slid her hand down his chest. “Go with your instincts.”

      With a sound that was part sigh, part groan, he cupped the nape of her neck and bent toward her. He traced her lips, as she had his, but with his tongue, teasing, enticing, before he angled his head and deepened their kiss, thrusting into her mouth. A jolt went through her, like a small static-electricity shock without the sting. This was pure pleasure.

      She’d entertained dozens of naughty thoughts about Daniel Keegan, yet she’d never believed she would actually be in his arms, hungrily kissing him. It had been worth the wait. He wasn’t just good at this; he was wickedly skilled, setting off hot prickling need through her body. Her knees fell to either side as he stepped closer, breaking their kiss to scrape his teeth over the column of her throat. Clutching his shoulders, she tilted her head to give him better access. He supported her with one strong arm behind her back.

      His other hand had pushed aside her jacket and was sliding over the slope of her breast. She closed her eyes as he palmed her through the layers of clothing. Aching desire built, her nipples hard and seeking attention. He stroked one with his thumb, and she tugged him close for a frantic kiss. When he pinched the sensitive peak, his mouth muffled her involuntary cry. It was all she could do not to pull him across her and have sex right there on the hood of her—

      “What do you kids— Oh...” A man cleared his throat as a beam of light hit Mia’s face.

      She blinked, dazed by sensation and confused by the disembodied voice. Daniel was much quicker to react. While she was still mentally processing that they’d been interrupted by the night security guard who patrolled the property, Daniel had already straightened, tugging her wrist to pull her off of the car and partially behind him. He stood between her and the glare of the flashlight.

      The stout security guard sounded as flustered as she felt. “Mistook you for a couple of teenagers. You shouldn’t be here.” Suddenly, he rocked back on his heels. “Ms. Hayes?”

      It wasn’t uncommon for her to work late hours, and the guard had offered to walk her to her car on more than one occasion. She raised her hand in a limp wave. “Hey, Myron.”

      He locked his gaze on the pavement, stammering, “I, ah...”

      “We were just saying good-night,” Daniel said. “We’ll be on our way now.”

      Myron’s head bobbed in relieved agreement. “Good, good. Y’all drive safe.” He got back into the little golf cart he used to cover the spacious lot.

      Mia pulled her trench coat tight across her body, feeling exposed. But it occurred to her that Myron hadn’t really seen anything other than some intense kissing. Nobody had been undressed. Yet. Now that she’d had a chance to regain her composure, she was able to see humor in being mistaken for a couple of kids necking.

      She turned

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