The Vineyard. Karen Aldous

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The Vineyard - Karen  Aldous

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my luck bumping into you like this. I’m in Aix on business but I was intending to head down to Cannes to look for you in the beauty salons. Your mother said you have a salon in Cannes so I thought I would take the opportunity to find you.

      ‘Why? Is my mother with you?’ Lizzie’s suspicions surfaced immediately.

      ‘Sorry no! But listen, I do have an appointment to keep now. Can I meet you tonight or tomorrow maybe? I would like to talk to you.’

      Lizzie’s defences sprung up like a coil of wire had been released.

      ‘No, and to be honest, we have nothing to talk about. My mother and I have nothing to say to one another. In fact the further away I am from her the better. She has all she wants! No doubt she has sent you here.’ It wasn’t a question, rather a statement of fact. She spoke with such fierce animosity that Cal stood momentarily speechless. His eyes captured hers, weakening her. She squeezed Thierry’s hand tightly.

      ‘I have to go,’ she said.

      ‘But I thought you’d returned home to make amends.’

      ‘I don’t wish to talk about it.’

      ‘Lizzie, I want to help. Your mother was pretty upset when you left.’ He shifted his weight from one leg to the other in a gesture to stop her moving forward.

      ‘I doubt that. Anyway, we have nothing to say so, thank you for your concern. Goodbye.’

      Lizzie moved forward to leave and could only drop her eyes down in shame with her outburst. She wasn’t usually so rude. Nor aggressive, her anger surprised her – she was angry with him just for helping her mother.

      ‘Lizzie, please, a moment of your time?’ One hand brushed her forearm very softly but the magnitude of the effect jarred her. Her body radiated an intense heat, an instant chemical reaction. She looked up at him, embarrassed, and searched his eyes. She wondered if he felt that fire too. He reached inside his jacket and was just about to speak again when she broke in.

      ‘I…don’t want…’ she stuttered, trying to get past.

      ‘It’s just my number in case…’

      ‘I don’t see any point. You’ll waste your time.’

      ‘Ok. Ok. That’s fine’. He said as he drew out a small card and pushed it deep into her handbag. ‘Give me a call if you change your mind. I’ll be here until Sunday afternoon’. Lizzie grabbed her bag to retrieve the card but Cal turned and left.

      ‘Come along sweetheart.’ She squeezed Thierry’s hand and strode off as quickly as she could, with Thierry almost running, in the direction of Le Rue Espariat. Briefly she halted to watch Cal as he crossed the Cours Mirabeau.

      All through lunch at Chez Jo, Lizzie was on edge. She couldn’t believe how much Cal affected her. She cursed herself for being attracted to him. Why had she allowed him to get to her like this? What did he intend to do anyway? Did he really think she would forgive her mother? Did he know the full story, she wondered. After all he would only be aware of her mother’s version of events. Surely, their cosy little set up didn’t need her in their way anyway?

      When they returned home, Marie-Claire was still out so Lizzie made some gingerbread men with her son before bathing him and dressing him for bed. After reading him a story, she was tired too and took herself off to bed. It was impossible to sleep though with so much playing on her mind.

      ‘Shit!’ she shrieked as the realisation dawned. Cal would have seen Thierry. He never questioned her about him. She never introduced them. What would he assume? He would go back to her mother and reveal she had a grandchild. That was the last thing she wanted to happen! It was important for her to break this news personally, if at all. ‘What a mess.’ She would have to ring him but it was too late tonight.

      From six thirty the following morning she paced her apartment having given up trying to sleep. At nine she punched in his mobile number.

       Chapter 3

      ‘Hello, hello, Cal?’ Lizzie tried hard to keep the urgency out of her voice.


      ‘It’s Lizzie here. I’ve been thinking and I will meet you. Meet me at the Pause Café, it’s in Rue Hoche, Cannes. Can you make twelve thirty?’

      ‘Ok. Pause Café. Yes I think I know where that is. Sure. I’ll see you then,’ he confirmed.

      As usual, Lizzie left Thierry’s routine to her au pair, Marie-Claire, who took Thierry to his usual local playgroup for the morning. This allowed Lizzie to take a leisurely, luxuriant bath and give her hair a conditioning treatment. Aimee from the salon came to the apartment to blow dry her hair and curl it with tongs. After the addition of some light make-up, Lizzie slipped on a fresh white silk blouse which hung elegantly over her blue jeans. She checked in the mirror that they looked ok. A tan leather belt, bag and matching low-heel shoes completed the outfit. She checked her watch, it was twelve fifteen. Time to go.

      Again, she looked at her reflection. Her stomach churned like she was going on a first date rather than a quick, casual bargaining exercise. She slipped on a delicate silver diamond necklace which matched her earrings and a pretty but handmade, blue square-beaded bracelet that Thierry had made her with Marie-Claire. The main beads were cubes and spelt MUMMY.

      As Lizzie arrived at the Pause Café, she could feel her body tremor. Although dressed quite casually, she wondered if she looked too stiff and too polished for the occasion. She asked herself why she had made so much effort for such a small and informal chat …

      The Café was busy but not crowded. She spotted Cal straight away. He gave her a brief smile and made his way over to greet her and, Lizzie noted, eyed her up and down as he did so.

      His presence needed no introduction; it was strikingly apparent and Lizzie gasped for her breath as he approached her. In traditional French style he kissed both her cheeks, giving her a pleasant jolt. The touch of his face on her skin created a feverish blush. Stabilising herself, she grabbed the chair opposite his and sat before she fell. She could feel her heart pounding wildly out of control and whilst wishing she was on a first date with him, she swiftly forced herself to wise up and reminded herself of her mission.

      ‘Hi, thanks for coming.’ she asserted as her body shook involuntarily. He sat down and the waiter stood by for her order.

      ‘It’s my pleasure, really,’ he replied. His smile was so captivating that Lizzie forced her attention to the waiter to regain control.

      ‘What would you like to drink?’ Cal immediately took command.

      ‘Just a small beer please,’ Lizzie said, suddenly feeling a huge thirst.

      Cal ordered in French. The waiter slid off back to the bar. She took a deep breath and was about to compliment Cal on his language ability but then thought better of it. She decided to stick to her plan and looked directly at him to take control.

      ‘As I said before, I have no intention of revisiting my mother whether she sent you on this quest or not, I really have nothing to say to her.’ She kept her tone as even as she could. ‘We have absolutely nothing in common, and she has no one’s interest in her heart but her own’. Lizzie took another deep breath and was about to speak again when Cal broke in.

      ‘I want you to know that I don’t wish to come between the two of you and I’m not here to make you do anything or to get involved. You are both adults. I am genuinely here on business and as I am, coincidently, in the area I thought I would try to help you both out. It was just chance that you and I were both in Aix. Caroline or,’ he corrected, ‘your mother, doesn’t know I found you ‘It seems to me then, like you are getting involved, Lizzie said. ‘So tell me, are you just protecting yourself or genuinely wanting to help?’ She felt a fury rise inside her as she hadn’t intended to create conflict. As the waiter put the beer down on the table in front of them, she gulped

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