The Riviera. Karen Aldous

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The Riviera - Karen  Aldous

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a surge of anticipation rush through her. Her cheeks blushed as he placed her back on terra firma, her knees buckling. ‘Ha, ha. Anyway. So happy to see you. And glad to be getting out of here.’

      Swopping Thierry into the other arm and squeezing him, he said, ‘And, little man, you look great, buddy! Let’s go and find our next plane. You will love it!’

      ‘I can swim, Cal.’

      ‘You can?’

      ‘I swimmed in the pool wiv Mummy a long long way!’

      ‘That’s great news, T, well done. We’ll stick to the aeroplane for this crossing though.’

      ‘Not another aeroplane!’ Thierry sighed, dragging his feet.

      Cal glanced at Lizzie and they mirrored each other with an empathetic smile.

      ‘Last one, buddy. You want to come and stay with me don’t you?’ Cal asked. ‘We have been very lucky. Jack’s mom and Pops have very kindly let us stay at their beach house. What do you think about that?’

      ‘Is it on the beach?’ Thierry asked as they reached the departure gate.

      ‘It certainly is. We can go every morning to the beach and we can paddle or ride bikes, and guess who is staying with us?’

      Thierry looked up to him with searching eyes and a hesitant smile. ‘Mummy.’

      ‘Yes, of course, Mummy. Who else?’

      ‘Who else?’ Thierry repeated. ‘Is Jack going to stay with us?’

      ‘Yes! That’s right.’

      Thierry began bouncing again at the news and then as they boarded the lighter aircraft fired more questions. It was another twenty minutes and they were in the air again before he settled with his tablet and Lizzie could finally get a word in.

      ‘So, how are things with Jack?’

      Cal grimaced and lifted his eyebrows. ‘Well – and this is in confidence – Mum was right. There was some grief with a girl and it has seriously knocked him back. He has spoken to me about it, but he’s not ready to face school or any social normality. Rightly or wrongly, I’m trying to persuade him to go back to school and just complete his SATs but…’ He shook his head. ‘He doesn’t agree.’

      He continued telling Lizzie the story so far. Giving her an account of the last six days since he’d arrived. It was hard to believe that since the first day, little progress had been made with Jack psychologically. His son was still adamant he couldn’t face going to school. Cal had visited the school Principal and between them they discussed some possible solutions, The short-term being a homebound instruction and some counselling. His only option to transfer schools was Martha’s Vineyard. There wasn’t another high school on the island. Jack agreed to the schooling but not the counselling and neither he nor Kelly felt they should push him until he was ready.

      Lizzie reached across the narrow aisle and took his hand. ‘That’s really tough. It’s going to be a waiting game by the sound of it.’

      ‘Yes. That’s all I can do for now. Obviously, try to keep him upbeat and try to shift this idea he has of living in London out of his head. He’s too young and, to be honest, running away isn’t the answer. I don’t know. I’m not sure that it’s my selfishness or his best interest. I don’t want to return to London. Not now I’ve just got my life together.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘And, things have just come together for me. Well, for us, but I’d do it if I had to.’

      Lizzie swallowed hard as her mouth numbed. ‘Needs must,’ she said, hoping it wouldn’t come to such drastic measures. ‘I’m sure we’d work something out.’

      ‘We’ll wait and see. Maybe in a week or two he’ll feel differently.’

      Thierry chatted incessantly as they completed their journey to Nantucket Island and in the car as Cal drove down the long dark track to the beach house. Lizzie could see the lights from the dwelling getting closer and with it a mix of relief and anticipation warmed her. It stood alone out on the marshy dunes overlooking the now black sky. As they neared the entrance a face appeared at a window on one side of the house. It was Jack and then another; Kelly.

      ‘Jack’s looking out for you, Thierry,’ Cal said. ‘Can you see Jack?’

      Lizzie’s mouth engaged before her brain. ‘Oh, is Kelly staying too?’

      Cal smirked. ‘No. She’s just stayed with Jack whilst I flew over. I would have brought him but he wanted to stay put.’

      ‘Oh, right. Yes.’ Lizzie sat back tightening her lips.

      Cal pulled up next to Kelly’s parked car.

      ‘I’ll get the bags if you want to get Thierry,’ he said.

      Kelly opened the door as Cal stacked the bags on the wooden deck. Lizzie led Thierry to the door where Kelly stepped out and embraced her.

      ‘Hi, guys, Lizzie,’ she said kissing her cheek and Thierry. ‘Well look at you. My, you’ve grown even more handsome than before.’ She leant down and kissed his forehead.

      ‘Say hello to Kelly, Thierry. You remember Jack’s Mummy?’

      ‘See Jack in the house?’ Thierry asked.

      ‘Thierry, say hello. Where are your manners?’ Lizzie insisted.

      Thierry pointed his chin up to Kelly. ‘Hello.’ He pulled a cheeky grin with mischief pouring from his eyes.

      Lizzie’s eyes closed as she made a disapproving face, her head nodding from side to side.

      Kelly laughed. ‘Oh, I can see you’re gonna be a real charmer with the girls, young Thierry. He knows how to woo the ladies, Mommy.’

      ‘Oh, no, anything but follow in his father’s footsteps. How are you, Kelly?’

      Kelly stepped back with her hands on her hips and swept back her now blonder hair.

      ‘Over the worst, I hope. Jack’s looking forward to seeing Thierry. Take him straight in, Jack is in the lounge. I’ll help Cal with the bags and then I’m sure you’ll want a drink.’

      Thierry ran to Jack as soon as he spotted him and Lizzie was so pleased to see Jack’s face light up and his arms stretch out ready to catch him.

      ‘Hey, bro. Good to see you,’ Jack said lifting him straight onto his lap.

      It was such a sweet moment and Lizzie became quite choked. Cal’s son was so good with him. And the term ‘bro’ was pretty endearing too. She watched for a moment as Thierry introduced Jack to his figure, Raphael Turtle.

      ‘Well, while Cal’s taking your bags upstairs, what would you like to drink?’

      Lizzie turned to face Kelly behind her. ‘Oh a coffee would be lovely.’

      ‘How do you like it?’

      ‘Oh just white, no sugar please.’

      ‘Pop your coats in the hall,’ Kelly said as she dashed off to the kitchen.

      Lizzie, feeling rather like a spare part with Thierry’s attention diverted and Kelly rushing around after her, did as she was told and then went to join her in the kitchen.

      ‘It’s a beautiful place. It’s yours and Reuben’s I understand?’

      ‘Yes, we moved here when we first came to Nan. Great for the beach but I was too far from civilisation. Jack and Reuben loved it here but Main Street is far more practical for me and school each day. It’s only six miles but, no we rent it out most of the year now.’

      ‘Don’t you use it in the summer?’

      Kelly tucked a mug under the coffee machine and, throwing in a capsule, hit the switch. ‘We have done on the odd occasion it’s not let. It earns too good an income and we can cycle out with the kids

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