Marrying The Rancher. Roz Fox Denny

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Marrying The Rancher - Roz Fox Denny

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for you. I thought you were older,” Hunt said and grinned. “The state Game and Fish Department has informational pamphlets we give to schools on the different varieties of wolves. There’s more reading than photographs, though.” He considered for a moment. “I know there’s a library in town. I’d be happy to see if they have any books on wolves for younger kids during my next supply run. That is, if your mom has no objection.” He shifted his gaze to Tandy.

      “You don’t care, do you, Mama? A book on wolves would be so cool. It’d be even cooler to see a real live wolf. Then I could phone Mark, and he’d want to come visit me.”

      Tandy choked on a cherry tomato she’d bit into. “Scotty. Hawaii is a long way from Arizona. Airplane flights are costly.” She didn’t want to tell him that his aunt might not welcome having Scotty invite Mark to Arizona. Which was a shame since the divorce was all at the feet of Lucinda’s brother.

      Seeing her son’s face cloud, Tandy quickly said, “Let’s see if Mr. Hunt can find a suitable book, Scotty. Then we’ll talk about you getting in touch with Mark.”

      “Please, if you don’t mind, both of you call me Wyatt. Mr. Hunt is too formal.”

      Tandy nodded at Scotty to show it was okay with her, then added, “We call Manny by his first name.”

      “Okay, Wyatt,” Scotty said with a grin. Wyatt winked at her son.

      “Finish before your spaghetti gets cold. And stop feeding Mr. Bones the mushrooms you’re picking out.”

      Scotty’s eyes snapped open. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “I don’t like ’shrooms.”

      Tandy smothered a smile. “Neither does Mr. Bones. He’s spit them all out on the floor. So just push them to one side of your plate. And be careful where you step when you leave the table.”

      She noticed Wyatt’s blue eyes sparkled with humor, giving Tandy another twist in her stomach, a reaction similar to when she’d heard him laugh. That had been extraweird since the last thing she was in the market for was a romantic relationship. If falling so hard and fast for Dan had taught her anything, it was how unreliable her heart was. Plus, she didn’t want to get involved with another man who traveled for work.

      For the remainder of the meal, between bites, Scotty shot questions about wolves at Wyatt. He asked why so many people didn’t like them. He asked what they ate. And if it hurt wolf pups to get vaccinations. “I don’t like needles,” he said.

      What amazed Tandy was how Wyatt didn’t brush her son off. Instead he patiently answered every question in language appropriate for his age. That wasn’t anything Scotty’s own father or his uncle would’ve done. She’d seen them ignore or send away Scotty and his three cousins.

      By the end of the meal Scotty had begun to yawn. “It’s time we let Wyatt go check out his casita, and you, young man, need to get ready for bed while I clean off the table.” She stood and began stacking plates.

      “The meal was great,” Wyatt said, folding his paper towel napkin. “Let me help with dishes.”

      His offer was nothing Tandy expected or was used to. Even out in the field, a lot of guys in uniform assumed the females in their squadron would naturally take on all domestic chores. “If you want to carry your plate to the sink, I’ll fetch your key. I did make the bed up over there and set towels in the bathroom. Manny handles his own laundry. Am I correct to assume you’ll do the same?”

      “I will. I brought bedding. But thanks for readying the place. I had a morning meeting in Albuquerque so I drove straight through, not wanting to roust you from your bed to get the key. I tried calling the house. You must’ve been out with the cattle. That reminds me, can we exchange cell numbers before I leave?”


      “Me ’n Mr. Bones are going to bed. G’night, Mom. G’night, Wyatt. I hope you find me a wolf book.” The boy threw his arms around the legs of the man he’d only recently met and gave him a good-night hug before he hugged his mother.

      She watched boy and dog lope noisily down the tiled hallway and waited until she was sure Scotty had gone into his room before they traded numbers. She handed Wyatt the casita key, murmuring, “Thank you for not dismissing Scotty’s questions out of hand. But I don’t want him becoming a bother. I’ve noticed since we moved here how curious he is about everything. Even I tune him out at times, and I’m sure my ex-husband did, too.” She shepherded the tall man to the front door.

      “Ex-husband?” he said unexpectedly. “Uh, sorry if that sounded rude. Curt didn’t know you were contemplating divorce, did he? I...ah...probably shouldn’t say anything.” Wyatt seemed embarrassed. “He lamented never hearing from his son-in-law. Not even when he was most sick. Manny said it probably wasn’t easy to get calls out from a war zone, but you managed a couple of calls a week. I remember thinking it especially odd since Curt said your husband was stationed in the Philippines.”

      Tandy opened the door and clung to it while Wyatt shrugged into his jacket.

      “Look, tell me to stop being nosy. But, I thought the world of your father. He treated me like a son. Stuff that worried him worried me. I’m sure you had good reason for not telling him if your marriage was in trouble.” Wyatt crossed the porch. “Thanks again for the terrific meal. Uh, would you rather I conveniently not find a kid’s book on wolves?” He hesitated at the steps and leveled an uneasy gaze on Tandy.

      “A kid wolf book would be great. But, just to clarify, my marriage ended abruptly after Dad died. I truly appreciate all you did for him. I hope you don’t think I’m horrible for not coming home for his funeral. I tried to get leave, but the fighting in Afghanistan had heated up and nonessential flights from our base were grounded without exception. I so regret that.” She smudged away an errant tear. “You’d left by the time I finally managed to make it home.”

      Wyatt shook his head. “I didn’t think you were horrible. Fortunately your dad had prearranged his funeral. The funeral home in town carried out his wishes for a private service. Manny and I attended. We both understood why you couldn’t be here.”

      “Thanks. Manny said as much, but it helps to hear you agree. About the book for Scotty, please don’t go out of your way to find one. I know you must be on a schedule.”

      “In case you couldn’t tell, I love educating anyone who’ll listen about ensuring wolf habitats remain as nature intended. I’ll keep the book age appropriate. I hope I can find one with photos.” Giving a final wave, Wyatt descended the steps.

      Tandy heard him whistling as he crossed the sandy yard to the casita next to Manny’s. It wasn’t until she saw lights spill from his door and windows that she realized she still stood in the cold after she could no longer see and admire the man’s lithe stride.

       Chapter Two

      The first morning after his return to the ranch, Wyatt stood at the front window of his casita, drinking coffee and watching daylight blossom over the mountain rim. Tandy had not only readied his bed and bathroom, she’d left a pound of Kona coffee beside the coffee maker. He’d never drunk Hawaiian coffee, but it was quite good. He’d have to remember to thank her.

      All at once his eyes were drawn away from the streaky salmon glow in the east to the boy he’d met the previous night. Scotty Graham chased after his dog, heading toward the barn. On his heels was his mother, all decked out in boots, jeans, a plaid jacket and a ski cap with earflaps. She caught up to her son, grabbed him around the waist and stuffed him into a denim jacket with a hood that from all appearances he didn’t want to wear. The scene made Wyatt smile.

      Pausing with his lips on his mug, he realized how much there was to admire about his new landlady. More than her curly brown hair and dark chocolate eyes. Even more than her trim body, although it certainly lit a few fires in his belly. Just now, instead of scolding her recalcitrant son, her pretty

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