Riley's Baby Boy. Karen Smith Rose

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Riley's Baby Boy - Karen Smith Rose

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      “Soon. I’m beat. Traveling with a little one can be a bit exhausting.” She gave Derek a tiny kiss on his ear. “I didn’t know what I was going to do if he’d cried on the plane. But he only fussed a little and no one seemed to mind. There’s just so much paraphernalia to bring along with a baby.”

      Riley glanced at the stack of diapers tipping out of her suitcase, at the box of powdered formula on her dresser, at all the little outfits and booties that were toppling over on the bedroom chair.

      “Did you fit in any of your clothes?”

      She laughed. “A few. I figured I could pick up something here. It was more important I had everything I needed for Derek, just in case I got stuck in an airport or stalled in a car or something. Being a mom has changed the way I think about everything.”

      She saw the questions in Riley’s eyes but she didn’t have any answers.

      He must have known that because he hefted up the drawer, took it to the side of the bed nearest the wall and set it on the floor. “Is that going to be all right?”

      “It will be fine. He’ll sleep for me in his car seat, but this is good until I can buy a portable crib tomorrow.”

      “I have a bath attached to my bedroom so feel free to use the hall bathroom. It has a shower.”

      “I know.”

      His cheeks grew a little ruddy and she knew he was just making conversation, trying to dispel awkwardness between them. But it was there and nothing they could say would change that. They’d broken up as teenagers, had a one night stand as adults, and now here they were … with a baby. How much more awkward could it get?

      She knew she shouldn’t ask.

      Suddenly more tired from the long day than she’d wanted to admit, she sank down onto the bed holding her son close.

      Abruptly Riley said, “I’m going out for a run.”

      “In the dark?”

      “I was a marine,” he said again.

      She suspected he just didn’t want to be in the house with her. “I’ll see you in the morning then. I’m going to drive to my parents’ after breakfast.”

      He was silent for a few moments, then offered, “If you need anything during the night … for the baby—” He added quickly, “Just give a yell. I’m a light sleeper.”

      A light sleeper? He hadn’t awakened the night of the reunion when she’d slipped out of his bed, dressed and driven away. But she didn’t bring that up. She didn’t ask him why he’d slept so soundly after they’d made love.

      But they hadn’t made love. They’d had sex, and she’d better remember that.

      When Riley left the room, she closed her eyes and held her baby even closer.

       Chapter Two

      Brenna shouldn’t be nervous. She really shouldn’t. After all, these were her parents. They’d loved her, given her anything they could and protected her. She and her dad had a particularly special bond for reasons she’d never confided in Riley. When she was little, her dad had literally saved her life. However, she’d run from her parents’ protection to find out if she could stand on her own. Now here she was, with Riley beside her, standing at their door, hoping her father didn’t blow a gasket.

      “Are you sure you want to come in with me? You don’t have to,” she told him.

      “Brenna, this is my son. I’m not going to let your father dictate what’s going to happen next.”

      “Do you think I can’t stand up to him?”

      Riley just gave her a look that said it all. She hadn’t before. She’d forgotten about him and what they’d had in order to be loyal to her family. Maybe if she’d revealed the reasons for some of that loyalty … But she’d been afraid he wouldn’t understand so she’d kept those thoughts and feelings to herself. She hadn’t wanted to give him ammunition he could use to hurt her or her dad.

      She snuggled Derek close to her shoulder, not wanting him to be a pawn, not wanting anything negative ever to touch him. In that moment, she realized why her parents had so fiercely wanted to protect her.

      Riley had insisted on coming along and she’d let him. He had rights, too, and maybe she was afraid her father would steamroll her. He’d done it all her life until she’d decided to leave.

      “Can you promise me you won’t lose your temper?” she asked, worried. Riley’s bitterness toward her father had never ebbed. She could see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. It was simple, really. Her father had made a decision that had cost Liam O’Rourke his restaurant, his wife and his sobriety. But in defense of her father, he’d made a business decision. Rumors Liam had spread about her dad afterward had damaged her dad’s reputation. It had been an ugly situation for both families.

      Brenna realized no one understood her father as she and her mother did. She knew details about his childhood her parents had never wanted her to know. She’d been about twelve when she’d overheard a conversation about how her dad’s own father had physically abused him. Maybe that’s one of the reasons her dad had always tried to give her the best life possible … had showered her with every advantage he could manage.

      When the gray-haired housekeeper who had been handling household details for the past twenty-five years opened the door and saw Brenna, she burst into a grin. “Miss Brenna! How wonderful to see you. And who’s this you’re holding?”

      Then Miriam caught sight of Riley just a step behind her. Her mouth rounded in a huge O as she recognized him.

      “Are my parents home?” Since it was early, she was hoping her father hadn’t left for the department store yet, or her mother for errands.

      “Your parents are having breakfast. Are they expecting you?” Miriam again gave Riley a look up and down as if surprised by the idea they might be. The McDougalls didn’t associate with the O’Rourkes.

      “Actually, this is a surprise,” Brenna responded with high energy. “We’re just going to go right in. You don’t have to announce us.”

      Before Miriam could object, Brenna glanced over her shoulder at Riley for the go-ahead, passed the housekeeper, strolled through the beautiful marble-floored foyer and into the dining room where her father had a paper propped in front of his face. Her mother was sipping a cup of coffee catty-corner from him at the mahogany dining room table.

      Brenna’s mother looked up when she heard footsteps, but her father kept his eyes on his newspaper. Her mother’s green eyes, so like Brenna’s own, rounded in astonishment. She was a tall, slim woman with ash-blond hair that she kept perfectly maintained. Her makeup was always impeccable, too, but now her astonishment caused wrinkles on her forehead and around her eyes as she quickly pushed back her chair and hurried around the table.

      “Oh my gosh, Brenna. Why didn’t you tell us you were coming? And who’s this little one?” Then she looked up at Riley. “And why is he here?”

      Brenna transferred Derek to Riley to give her mother a hug. Her father folded his paper, laid it on the table and glanced up. His gaze first targeted Riley … then the baby … then Brenna. He slowly and stiffly stood, assessing the situation.

      “You always call before you come,” he said gruffly. “You’ve never brought a baby before and you certainly never brought him. What’s going on, Brenna?”

      A chill went up Brenna’s spine at the disapproval in her father’s voice. She felt her cheeks flush and she wanted to grab for Derek again. But she knew her son was better off in Riley’s arms. It made a point. It made a statement—one that her father obviously understood even before she explained.

      “I didn’t call first because

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