The Texan's Bride. Linda Warren

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The Texan's Bride - Linda  Warren

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It’s quite different for us, though. We were forced into this marriage and I’ve decided to make the best of it. I do not intend to remain childless.”


      “I thought sex to a man was like turning on a faucet…anywhere, anytime type of thing.”

      He studied her face. “You’re so unemotional about this.”

      “You want emotion, Cadde?” She reached down and opened the file. Pulling out a document, she slid it on the glass table in front of him. “Here’s the kind you will understand. The day I give birth I will sign over one share of my stock to you. I’ll then have twenty-five percent and you’ll have twenty-six, giving you control of Shilah. Isn’t that what you want more than anything in the world? Well, there it is in black and white.”

      For the first time in his life words failed him. He couldn’t push a single syllable through his throat. Was she serious?

      “I want full custody. You will give up your parental rights.” She tapped the paper. “It’s in the document. You can see the baby whenever you want, but I will raise the child, leaving you free to run Shilah. You have twenty-four hours to think it over and then the deal’s off the table.”

      She brushed past him and he came to his senses, grabbing her arm. “Oh, no, you don’t get to walk away after delivering a bombshell like that.”

      Her skin felt as soft and inviting as anything he’d ever touched, reminding him of a magnolia blossom from the tree his mother had planted in their yard in High Cotton, Texas. Jessie’s chest rose and fell with each labored breath. His eyes were glued to her breasts pressing against the white silk. A delicate, tantalizing scent reached him.

      She was petite, barely five foot four, and all woman. Suddenly he could feel the heat building between them and he wondered why she didn’t pull away or why he didn’t let go.

      “There’s nothing left to say,” she said in a hoarse voice he’d never heard before. “The next move is up to you.”

      Reluctantly, he released her. “I thought you wanted a divorce or an annulment.”

      “Quite the contrary.”

      “So this is a business deal?”

      “If you want to call it that.”

      He shook his head. “You really are Roscoe’s daughter.”

      “I learned from the best.” She left the room with that weird dog following her.

      He jammed both hands through his hair. All it took was for him to get Jessie pregnant and he’d be in control of Shilah. He almost laughed out loud. What man wouldn’t want to go to bed with her? Why was he hesitating? He didn’t understand it. He didn’t understand the whole damn conversation he’d just had with her. But once again he knew Jessie was in control.

      JESSIE QUICKLY CHANGED OUT of her suit and into jeans and a T-shirt. She had animals to feed. She paused for a moment to let her heart rate subside. Her hand went to the spot where Cadde had held her. His fingers were firm, powerful, but the touch of his skin against hers was warm, tempting, and she wanted him to wrap her in his arms and say…what? He didn’t love her. She knew that. Cadde loved the oil business. Her father had said that Cadde had oil in his blood and she now believed that was true.

      She had practically offered herself to him and he had to think it over. He wasn’t ready to be a father. That was crap. He just didn’t want her. He preferred the blond willowy type—like Karen Harvey.

      Her pulse quickened at the sheer jealousy running through her. And then she laughed. What did she have to be jealous about? She and Cadde were married, yet they went their own ways. She certainly never asked him to be faithful to her. Dealing with her only parent’s death was hard enough without contending with a new husband.

      Walking over to the window, she gazed outside in time to see Cadde’s truck drive away. Her father had once told her that if she wanted something to go after it no matter the consequences. She wanted Cadde Hardin and she went after him in the only way she knew. Time would tell if he would take the bait. Daddy was a gambler to his soul but she’d never thought of herself that way.

      Until today.

      Once you make a decision, stick to your guns, Jessie. His words came back to her. It wasn’t that simple, though. She was gambling with her heart—so dangerous. The consequence of getting hurt didn’t deter her and, like her father, she was willing to take the risk.

      Her eyes went to the bars on the window. The prison especially built for her. She never had a normal childhood, a normal life, and that was her dream—to have a real family living without fear. She wanted to fill this big house with kids, laughter and love. And she wanted to do that with Cadde.

      He’d called her an iceberg. Ouch. Well, she had to admit that in part it was true. She had thought her father would survive the surgery, but he hadn’t. In shock, she’d pushed everyone away, even her new husband.

      She hated that Cadde had to be forced to marry her. She hated that he treated her like a piece of furniture. She hated that life had been so cruel.

      After her grief had subsided somewhat she decided to try and make her marriage work. But first she had to get Cadde’s attention and doing that proved more difficult than she’d ever imagined. Therefore she aimed for his heart.

      Now she waited.

      CADDE SAT AT HIS DESK going over the document Jessie had drawn up. She was willing to give him control of Shilah for a baby. That should be easy—for any man. Why wasn’t it easy for him?

      The door opened and his brothers burst in. They had extrasensory perception where he was concerned because they always seemed to know when he was in the building.

      “Hey, any news?” Not being afraid of the devil, Kid dove right in.

      “From the look on your face I’d say the talk with Jessie didn’t go well,” Chance said.

      “Depends on how you label well.” His hand rested on the document. He was still wrestling with its content.

      “What the hell does that mean?” Kid asked with his usual tact.

      “Jessie didn’t want a divorce. You need to brush up on your women skills, Kid, because that was the last thing she wanted.”

      “Damn.” Kid snapped his fingers. “I’m hardly ever wrong when it comes to the fairer sex.”

      “I won’t take that to the bank.”

      “What did Jessie want?” Chance asked in his calm way. Of the three brothers Chance was the youngest and the one with a heart of gold. The night their parents had died, Chance had been sleeping in the backseat of the car. He was the only one who’d survived the crash. To protect his brothers he’d kept a secret for over twenty years. Their parents screaming at each other had awakened him. Seemed the man they adored was leaving their mom for someone else.

      Chance had struggled with his demons for a lot of years, only telling them recently the real story behind the accident. But then fate dealt him another severe blow. He fell in love with the daughter of the woman who had destroyed their family. Chance, with his heart of gold, had worked through all the pain. He and Shay were happy and they had a nine-year-old adopted daughter, Darcy, who was the light of Chance’s life. His brother had found true happiness, but Cadde had to wonder if that was in the cards for him.

      “Cadde?” Chance prompted him and he realized his thoughts had drifted.

      He cleared his throat. “Jessie wants a baby.”

      “What!” echoed through the large office.

      Kid frowned. “You mean those little creatures who crawl around and slobber all over themselves?”

      “If Shay and I have a child you’re never holding it,” Chance told him.

      “I didn’t ask

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