His Hometown Girl. Karen Rock

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His Hometown Girl - Karen  Rock

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agreed, though she wouldn’t voice her complaints. She shouldn’t have brought up the subject in the first place. He was still Tyler’s father.

      “Tyler’s my priority now. There isn’t room to think about anything else.”

      “Or anyone else.” Her aunt gently turned her by the shoulders so that they faced each other in the brightening light. “Listen, Jodi. Take it from me. Life is short, and while I understand that Tyler’s important, you’re important to me. Since Charlie and I couldn’t have any of our own, we’ve always thought of you as our kid, too.” Her tissue reappeared and she dabbed at her eyes. “I only want the best for you.”

      Jodi caught her in a tight hug, tears pricking the backs of her eyes. It’d been a long time since she’d thought about herself, and it felt good to know her aunt cared. Since her mother had her hands full helping Jodi’s father with the post-traumatic stress disorder he’d developed after the accident, Jodi hadn’t burdened her mother with her problems. Their phone calls usually focused on lighter issues.

      “Once I get Tyler settled and talking again, I promise I’ll get out more.”

      But even as she said the words, she knew she never would. Her ex had accused her of caring more about her son than him, and maybe he’d had a point. When a child needed love and attention as much as Tyler, she couldn’t make room for anyone else in her life or her heart.

      Aunt Grace smiled. “There’s my girl. And you can start tonight with your class reunion.”

      She blinked. “My what?”

      “Your ten-year class reunion. Didn’t you see your invite on the fridge? At least I think that’s where I put it. Anyway, it came here since they didn’t know your Chicago address. I was going to forward it until I heard you were coming.”

      “Oh. I don’t know. I think I should stay home with Tyler.”

      “I can watch him, and it’d be a great way to get out like you promised.” Her aunt rubbed Jodi’s arm. “See your old friends, maybe make some of the connections you’re fussing over for Midland.”

      Her pulse sped at the thought of facing those who had called her a charity case and others who’d thought it. But those were adolescent insecurities, not the fears of a mature woman. She needed them to see her as a successful professional, someone they could trust and depend on to equitably handle the sale of their farms to Midland. Hopefully those old impressions hadn’t lingered.

      Aunt Grace had a point. It would push her Midland plans along faster than waiting for next week’s town council meeting. Plus, she’d just been authorized to increase the offering price to a number they’d be crazy to refuse. But how to face all of them? See Daniel again?

      A low snuffling cry crackled across the monitor. Tyler.

      “I’d better go check on him.” Jodi took her aunt’s mug. “I’ll leave these in the sink. Oh, and, Aunt Grace?”

      “Yes, honey?”

      “If it’s not too much bother, would you mind looking for a copy of my old yearbook? I think I might have left it here.”

      “Of course, sweetheart. I just want you to be happy.”

      Tyler’s cry turned into a full-out wail and she hurried to the door. “Me, too, Aunt Grace. Me, too.”


      “GOOD TO SEE you, Melissa. How’s Rex doing? Any better?” Daniel ladled punch into a plastic cup as a DJ blasted another 90s hit. His ex-classmates filled the veterans’ hall with their excited chatter, scented candles on cloth-covered tables filling the muggy air with an evergreen aroma.

      He peered around the tall woman and glanced at the empty doorway. When would Jodi arrive? Was she coming? He’d bet any money she wouldn’t miss this opportunity to talk up her company. And he’d do everything to stop her. After hearing about Bud Layhee, he was more resolved than ever.

      “Turns out Rex picked up a tick, so we’ve got to treat him for Lyme disease,” the woman said, and moved aside to grab a napkin.

      Daniel murmured something sympathetic, he was sure he did, but his attention was captured by the stunning blonde framed in the doorway. Wow. In a pink dress that showed off flawless skin and curves, she was more beautiful than he’d ever seen her.

      An artificial rose pulled back her curls on one side, the gold strands gleaming under the soft twinkle lights strewn around the long, rectangular hall.

      He tossed back a cup of punch, handed over the ladle and strode toward her. Looking that way, she wouldn’t make it two steps inside without admirers surrounding her. He needed to head them off before she got her Midland hooks into them. He could speak from experience; farmer bachelors were a lonely crew. A beauty like Jodi was fresh milk to a barn cat. A hungry one at that.

      He arrived just in time to hear her exclaim, “You’re still pregnant?” to a nearly full-term Pamela Bates.

      The glowing woman’s complexion paled. “That was my first pregnancy—in high school. This is my fifth.”

      Jodi leaned in and murmured, “Then I suppose money must be tight on the farm?”

      He shook his head at the frowning blonde as Pamela stomped away. “You’re unscrupulous.”

      “And you’re vexatious. Go away.” She craned her neck to look over his shoulder, but he moved closer and blocked her view. At this distance, he could smell her perfume—something floral, but not anything that grew around here. It flooded his senses.

      “Having fun?” He forced a light tone to cover the effect her proximity had on him. It was the best he could manage when her skirt brushed against his pant leg as she twisted for a better view of the crowd.

      “Daniel. I’ve got work to do. Would you mind?”

      He sidestepped with her when she made to walk around him. “Don’t mind at all. In fact, I’ll help.” Keep your enemies close, he thought.

      Jodi snorted. “Thanks, but I can manage on my own. What?”

      “What?” Daniel blinked down at her.

      “You’re staring. Knock it off.” With her hands on her softly curved hips, her blue eyes flashing, she was irresistible.

      And right. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. A song from their senior prom played, something acoustic and slow. He took her hand, loving the delicate feel of her fingers, the silk of her palm in his. She was a siren. Why was he answering her call?

      “Dance with me and then I’ll leave you alone.”

      “Hah,” she scoffed, and yanked her hand away. “I didn’t come here to dance, Daniel.” She pulled a yellow sticky note from the tiny purse that matched her dress and seemed to mouth the names written on it.

      His eyes flew from the paper to Ted Layhee, one of the names she’d written down. Oh, heck no. The guy would be the first to sign up. He’d about said as much to his father, Bud.

      “Let’s get you some punch, then.” He put a firm hand on her back and steered her through the crowd toward the drinks table. He could feel her toned back through the silky fabric of her dress and strove not to run his fingers up over her shoulder and bury them in that thick tangle of hair.

      “Whatever game you’re playing, Daniel, it’s not going to work.” She took the punch and stared at the dancing, chattering throng over the rim of her cup. He followed her gaze and watched the former head cheerleader trying to rally her old squad into doing the Macarena, his old football buddies laughing and fist-pounding each other.

      “Hey. I come in peace.” He forced his hand away and spread his arms wide. His eyes drank in the gentle cast of her features that glowed pink then orange in the revolving strobe light, her generous upper lip that begged to be nibbled on, her short, straight

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