Waiting for Baby. Cathy McDavid

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Waiting for Baby - Cathy  McDavid

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was true. With the exception of his aunt’s antique store located in the same plaza, Jake rarely dropped by his tenants’ businesses. Not unless there was a problem, which wasn’t the case here. And during the short time he and Lilly had dated he had always picked her up at her house rather than work. He’d told himself it was a matter of convenience for both of them, as most of their outings took place in town. Now he wondered if he hadn’t been unconsciously keeping their relationship from progressing by avoiding her work and the ranch.

      “Thanks, but I can’t.” He hated disappointing Lilly. She obviously loved the center and showing it off. “I’m meeting someone for lunch, and I only have a few minutes.” As if a switch had been flicked, she sobered, and Jake didn’t know why. Had he insulted her by declining her offer of a tour? He certainly hadn’t meant to.

      “Please, sit.” Lilly gestured at the visitor’s chair facing her desk.

      “I’d rather stand if you don’t mind. I’ve been sitting all morning and will be again all afternoon.”

      Her office had a glass window opening out to the main room. He turned to face it, and a dozen heads swivelled to stare at him. The young man who’d smiled earlier waved exuberantly. Without thinking, Jake raised his hand in return.

      “Did you get the insurance certificate we faxed over?” Lilly asked.

      “Yes. It’s exactly what we needed.” He stepped away from the window and held out the envelope he’d been carrying. “Our attorney also suggested we draw up a contract.”

      “Does that mean…” She took the envelope and turned it over in her hands. “Has the family agreed?”

      “For once, we were completely unanimous.” Jake hadn’t needed to twist one arm or press a single point. “I didn’t tell you earlier because I couldn’t meet with our attorney until this morning.”

      “Oh, wow.” Lilly’s face, always so expressive, lit up. “I can’t believe it.”

      Her delight was contagious, and he chuckled. “There are one or two conditions you should know about.”


      Jake sobered. He hadn’t yet determined how he felt about the stipulations the attorney had insisted on putting in the contract. “As you can imagine, liability is our main concern. Our attorney suggested that someone in charge, specifically you or the owner, accompany the clients on their visits. At least for the first several months until we determine how well the program is going.”

      “I doubt Dave can go. He and his wife commute regularly to Apache Junction where they just opened a second center.”

      “Then I guess it’ll have to be you.”

      He could see the uncertainty in her eyes and wondered if she harbored the same doubts he did about the prospect of them constantly running into each other at the ranch.

      “Okay.” She nodded resignedly. “Whatever it takes.”

      “You sure?”

      “Positive.” She relaxed. “I’m not about to let a few scheduling conflicts get in the way of this program.”

      “I’m glad.”

      “Thank you, Jake.” Setting the envelope on her desk, she took a step toward him, and hesitated. Then, evidently going with her first instincts, she closed the distance between them. “Thank you so much.”

      Before he could say anything, she linked her arms around his shoulders. He automatically returned the hug and was instantly lost when she laid her head in the crook of his neck. They had, after all, done this before. Often.

      He might have gone on holding her, might have let himself enjoy the memories her nearness evoked, if not for a loud bang on the window. Lilly gasped and sprang back. Jake swung around to see what had caused the noise.

      One—no, make that two dozen—of the center’s clients and staff stood crowded outside the window, some with their noses or fingertips against the glass.

      “Are we getting the mule?” The young man’s muffled shout barely penetrated the insulated window.

      Lilly nodded, fidgeting nervously. Her previously pale cheeks shone a vivid red.

      Their audience cheered. Lilly motioned for them to go on about their business. Her order went unheeded. “Now,” she mouthed, and still no one moved.

      Jake couldn’t help himself and laughed.

      “This isn’t funny,” Lilly scolded and retreated behind her desk.

      He could see her point, though for a moment or two, it had been nice holding her.

      “What next?” she asked him and glowered at the window. Some of their audience had fortunately dispersed. The rest ignored her silent warning and remained glued to the spot.

      “You and Dave review the contract. If it meets with your approval, sign it and send it to my office.”

      “What about the mule?”

      “I’ll arrange to have him picked up, unless you have access to a truck and horse trailer.”

      “We don’t.”

      “Is tomorrow early enough? I remember you said you were in a hurry.”

      “Tomorrow’s perfect. I’ll let the Malcovitches know.”

      The reference to his ex-wife’s fiancé’s family didn’t generate nearly the anger it usually did. If anything, Jake felt good. Damn good. His charitable deed accounted for some of his elevated mood. He suspected Lilly’s hug was responsible for the rest.

      “I have to leave. I’m late for my meeting.”

      “I’ll walk you out.” She came around from behind the shelter of her desk.

      At the entrance to the center, he got another hug. This one, however, was from the young man who’d waved. Not Lilly.

      JAKE WATCHED Lilly’s long legs emerge from the open car door. Her delicate shoes were sexy as hell and completely inappropriate for traipsing around a stable. Her wool slacks weren’t much better. At least she’d had the sense to wear a warm coat. She must have flown out the door and sped the entire drive from Payson, considering what good time she’d made.

      “Is that him?” she asked. Breathless and eager, she tentatively approached the mule tied to the hitching post in front of the barn. Her long black hair, usually twisted in a braid or gathered in a ponytail, fell loose around her shoulders, framing her face and emphasizing her large brown eyes.

      “It is.” Jake couldn’t look away. Only after he’d stared his fill did he invite her to come and stand by him. Together, they turned their attention to the ranch’s newest boarder and the man standing beside him. “That’s Doc Mosby. He’s giving the mule a quick examination.”

      “He’s not sick?”

      “Just a precaution.” Jake stooped to pick up an empty feed bucket and set it on one of the grain barrels. “Our attorney suggested the mule be vet-checked on arrival and regularly after that, since he’s lame.”

      “Oh.” Lilly observed the vet at work, her brow knitted with worry. “Did you receive the contract?”

      “Our attorney’s still reviewing the changes your boss made.”

      “Oh,” she said regretfully. “I was hoping to get started by Friday.”

      “Even if the contract’s not finalized, you can bring a small group on Friday morning to see the mule and tour the stables.”

      “Not to sound ungrateful because I truly appreciate this, but how big is small?”

      “No more than six clients at a time.”

      “Another of your attorney’s suggestions?”

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