Holiday Royale. Christine Rimmer

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Holiday Royale - Christine  Rimmer

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all the things he’d heard a thousand times before. It was an endless loop with V, a train on a circular track going round and round. He refused to get back on that train. How clear could he make it? He was off the train and staying off.

      But he did check his voice mail: three messages. All from V. He deleted each one before she got out more than a few annoyed, impatient words.

      And then he set the phone on a side table and drank his brandy and told himself the weekend with Lucy needed to stop. He couldn’t afford to spend tomorrow and the next day with her. He would have to back out of the rest of their time together.


      It had been a giant mistake, his clever plan to turn her down without hurting her tender feelings. It had become a trap for him, a trap of his own making. It was the problem of the bell that couldn’t be unrung, the cat out of the bag, the milk spilled on the ground.

      She had started it, started the change in the way he thought of her. She’d done it when she’d asked him to make love to her. She’d put that impossible idea into his head and before he knew it, he was starting to see her in a whole different light. And now he couldn’t stop thinking of doing exactly what she’d asked him to do.

      Now all of the things he liked best about her—the easy charm, the pleasure she took in every smallest thing, the complete lack of drama, her authenticity and straightforwardness, her kindness to old Dietrich—all those things worked as a snare for him.

      She enchanted him.


      He hadn’t missed the cold glances Noah kept giving him during dinner—and afterward. Noah did not approve of Damien spending so much time with his sweet baby sister.

      Damien got that. And now that he’d started to see Lucy as a potential lover, he didn’t much approve of it, either. It wasn’t a good idea. If Dami and Lucy did end up in bed together, well, what then? Would a sweet, naive girl like Luce really be ready to simply enjoy the experience and then move on?

      No. He couldn’t see it. And that meant that he had no right to keep on with this.

      Somehow, tomorrow he had to find a way to let her know that their long weekend together was over after just one day.

      * * *

      Something wasn’t right with Damien, Lucy kept thinking after he left her room.

      He’d acted so strangely. Jumping to his feet out of nowhere, telling her he had to go—and then stepping right up close and kissing her, a beautiful, sexy, romantic kiss. And then racing off as though he couldn’t get away from her fast enough.

      Talk about mixed signals. Just when he started acting as if maybe he could see her in a man/woman way after all, he’d yanked open the door and left her standing there with her lips all tingly from his kiss and her yearning arms empty. Something had definitely spooked him.

      And come on, wasn’t it obvious what?


      Had to be. Those dark looks Noah had been sending her? No doubt he’d been sending them to Dami, too. Those looks must have gotten to Dami.

      It wasn’t right. And Lucy was not putting up with it. She needed to fix the problem. And the more she considered the situation, the more it seemed clear that she needed to fix it tonight.

      So she changed into jeans, a slouchy sweater and her favorite Chuck Taylor high-tops, and off she went, along one corridor and then another, down a couple of flights of stairs and yet another hallway to a side entrance where a uniformed guard took her name and entered it into his handheld device. Then, with a brisk bow, he opened the door for her and out she went into the middle of the Montedoran night.

      It wasn’t that far of a walk to Alice’s villa in the adjacent ward of Monagalla. And she was moving fast, wanting to get there and get the confrontation over with. It wasn’t fun having it out with Noah. He was a great guy, but he had that little problem of being so sure he knew it all—including what was good for Lucy—even when he didn’t. There could be shouting.

      Too bad. She’d fought long and hard for her independence and her big brother could not take it back from her now.

      She found Alice’s villa easily enough. Her high-tops made no noise on the cobbled street. Lucy ran up the stone steps and stood in the glow from the iron fixture above the door, ringing the bell.

      Nobody answered at first. Probably because it was after two in the morning. But she knew they were in there. Where else would they be?

      Finally, after five rings, the door was drawn back. Michelle Thierry, Alice’s assistant and housekeeper, stood on the other side clutching her plain blue robe at the neck, her pale hair flattened on one side, looking half asleep.

      Lucy almost felt guilty. Yeah, okay. She probably should have had it out with Noah earlier—like the first time he’d shot her one of those disapproving looks. Maybe she shouldn’t have spent the previous evening evading him. Two-thirty in the morning wasn’t exactly the best time for a family chat.

      “Miss Lucy,” Michelle said, her voice brisk even though her eyelids drooped sleepily. “What a complete surprise. Is there an emergency?”

      Too late to back down now. Lucy drew herself up. “Sort of—I mean, there is to me. I need to talk to my brother.”

      Michelle blinked away the last cobwebs of sleep and stepped back. “Well, I’ll just go and wake him, why don’t I?”

      “Thank you. That would be excellent.”

      Michelle ushered her into the living area, with its fat, inviting sofas, comfortable chairs and beautiful antiques. “Do make yourself at home. I’ll tell him you’re here.”

      “We already know. Thank you, Michelle,” said Alice from the doorway. She also wore a robe, a gorgeous red silk one painted with flowers and vines. Her brown hair was loose, tangled on her shoulders. Noah, in sweats, his hair looking blenderized and a scowl on his face, stood directly behind her. “Go back to bed,” Alice added softly to Michelle.

      With a nod, the housekeeper left them.

      “What the hell, Lucy?” Noah grumbled as soon as the three of them were alone.

      Alice pulled him down onto the sofa beside her and asked Lucy, “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

      Lucy perched on a chair. “No. I just need to get a few things clear with my brother, that’s all. Then I’ll let you both go back to bed.”

      Noah raked his hair with both hands and grumbled, “Is there some reason this couldn’t wait until morning?”

      She ignored the question and demanded, “Did we or did we not have an agreement about who runs my life?”

      He shook his head and muttered something unpleasant under his breath. Alice sent him a warning look, one he pretended not to catch.

      Lucy let out a hard breath. “Well, since you’re not going to answer me, I’ll answer for you. We do have an agreement. I run my life and you don’t interfere.”

      “Interfere? What? I didn’t—”

      “Don’t say you didn’t, Noah. You know you did. You were giving me dirty looks all night long.”

      He did more grumbling under his breath. Alice took his hand and twined her fingers with his, but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t jump in to ease the tension, didn’t take his side just to please him. That Noah’s fiancée didn’t rush to appease him made Lucy love her all the more. Finally, he came out with it. “What’s going on with you and Damien?”

      “Is that in any way your business?”

      “Of course it’s my business. You’re my sister and I love you. And you said that you and Damien were just friends. He’s said that the two of you are just friends. But you weren’t acting like just friends tonight.”

      She reminded

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