Virgin Princess, Tycoon’s Temptation / The Secret Child & The Cowboy CEO: Virgin Princess, Tycoon’s Temptation. Michelle Celmer

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Virgin Princess, Tycoon’s Temptation / The Secret Child & The Cowboy CEO: Virgin Princess, Tycoon’s Temptation - Michelle  Celmer

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own a business together in England. They sell farming equipment. My youngest brother is something of a … wanderer. Last I heard he was working a cattle ranch in Scotland.”

      “I’d like to meet them,” she said, with an eagerness that surprised him. “Maybe they could all come to the castle for a visit.”

      Considering he was trying to impress the royal family, that probably wouldn’t be wise. “I’m not so sure that would be a good idea.”

      She frowned. “You’re not ashamed of them?”

      Once again, her directness surprised him. “I’m afraid it’s quite the opposite.”

      Her eyes widened. “They’re ashamed of you?

      “Maybe not ashamed, but they’re not very pleased with the path I chose.”

      “How is that possible? Look how well you’ve done. All that you’ve accomplished. How can they not be proud?”

      He’d asked himself that same question a million times, but had long ago given up trying to understand their reasoning. He no longer cared what they thought of him. “It’s … complicated.”

      She patted his arm. “Well, I think you’re amazing. The instant I saw you I knew you were special.”

      He could see that she truly meant it, and in an odd way he wished he could say the same of her. He was sure that Louisa was very special in her own right, and maybe someday he would learn to appreciate that.

      “Tell me the truth,” she said. “Did my family scare you off?”

      He could see by her expression that she was genuinely concerned, but he was a man on a mission. It would take a lot more than a grilling by her siblings to get in his way.

      He gave her arm a squeeze. “Absolutely not.”

      Her smile was one of relief. “Good. Because I really like you, Garrett.”

      Never had he met a woman so forward with her feelings, so willing to put herself out on a limb. He liked that about her, and at the same time it made him uncomfortable. He was taught by his father that showing affection made a man weak. If he loved his sons, his father never once said so.

      But Garrett had the feeling that if he was going to make this relationship work, he was going to have to learn to be more open with his feelings. At least until he had a royal title and Louisa had a ring on her finger.

      He smiled and said, “The feeling is mutual, Your Highness.”


      Louisa gazed up at Garrett, looking so sweet and innocent. So … pure. He felt almost guilty for deceiving her.

      “I think at this point it would be all right for you to call me Louisa,” she said.

      “All right, Louisa.”

      “Can we speak frankly?”

      “Is there ever a time when you don’t?”

      Her cheeks blushed a charming shade of pink and she bit her lip. “Sorry. I have this terrible habit of saying everything that’s on my mind. It drives everyone crazy.”

      “Don’t apologize. It’s a welcome change. Most women play games.” Unless this was some sort of game she was playing. But his instincts told him that she didn’t have a manipulative bone in her body.

      “You should know that I’m not looking for a temporary relationship. I want to settle down and have a family.” She stopped walking and looked up at him. “I need to know that you feel the same. That you’re not just playing the field.”

      “I’m thirty-seven years old, Louisa. I think I’ve played the field long enough.”

      “In that case, there’s something else I should probably mention.”

      Why did he sense that he wasn’t going to like this?

      “We should talk about children.”

      She certainly didn’t pull any punches, although oddly, he was finding that he liked that about her. “What about them?”

      “I want a big family.”

      He narrowed his eyes at her. “How big?”

      The grip on his arm tightened, as though she was worried he might try to make a run for it. “At least six kids. Maybe more.”

      For a second he thought she might be joking, or testing him, then he realized that she was dead serious.

      Six kids? Bloody hell, no wonder she was still single. Who in this day and age wanted that many children? He’d never felt the desire or need to have one child, much less half a dozen of them! Marrying a royal, he knew at least one heir would be expected. Maybe two. But six?

      Despite his strong feelings on the matter, he could see by her expression that this was not a negotiable point for Louisa and he chose his next words very carefully. “I’ll admit that I’ve never given any thought to having a family that large, but anything is possible.”

      A bright and relieved smile lit her entire face and he felt an undeniable flicker of guilt, which he promptly shook off. This was business. Once they were married, he would lay down the law and insist that two children at most would be plenty and she would eventually learn to live with that. Or maybe, after the first child or two, she would change her mind anyway. He’d seen the way his parents struggled with a large family, the emotional roller coaster rides. Who would want to subject themselves to that?

      Louisa gazed up at him, a dreamy look on her face. “It would be okay if you kissed me now,” she said, then added, “If you want to.”

      Oh, he wanted to. So much that it surprised him a little. The idea had been to wait until their second date before he kissed her, to draw out the anticipation. Did she intend to derail each one of his carefully laid plans? “Are you sure that’s what you want?” he asked.

      “Just because my family treats me like a child, that doesn’t mean I am one.”

      There was nothing childish about her, which she proved by not even waiting for him to make the first move. Instead, she reached up, slid her hands behind his neck, pulled him down to her level and kissed him. Her lips were soft but insistent, and she smelled fantastic. Delicate and feminine.

      Though he had intended to keep it brief, to take things slowly, he felt himself being drawn closer, as though pulled by an invisible rope anchored somewhere deep inside his chest. His arms went around her and when his fingers brushed her bare back, what felt like an electric shock arced through his fingers. Louisa must have felt it, too, because she whimpered and curled her fingers into the hair at his nape. He felt her tongue, slick and warm against the seam of his lips and he knew he had to taste her, and when he did, she was as sweet as candy.

      He was aware that this was moving too far, too fast, but as she leaned in closer, pressing her body against his, he felt helpless to stop her. Never had the simple act of kissing a woman aroused him so thoroughly, but Louisa seemed to put her heart and soul, her entire being, into it.

      To him, self-control was a virtue, but Louisa seemed to know exactly which buttons to push. Not at all what he would have expected from a woman rumored to be so sweet and innocent. Which had him believing that she really wasn’t so sweet and innocent after all.

      Her hands slipped down his shoulders and inside his jacket. She stroked his chest through his shirt and that was all he could take. He broke the kiss, breathless and bewildered, his heart hammering like mad.

      Louisa expelled a soft shudder of breath and rested her head against his chest. “Now that was a kiss.”

      He couldn’t exactly argue. Although the whole point of this visit had been to prove to her family that his intentions were pure, yet here he was, practically mauling her out in the open, where anyone could see. If someone

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