A Texas Child. Linda Warren

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A Texas Child - Linda  Warren

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planning to go to Matamoras.”

      Clarence pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and leaned back in his big leather chair with a shocked expression on his face. She waited with bated breath for his next words.

      “You’re going to try to find Natalie’s baby?” He quickly held up a hand. “No, don’t answer. I don’t need to know that. You do what you feel you have to and leave the department out of it. I’ll let everyone know you’re on vacation and what you do on vacation is your business.”

      Myra was positive disbelief was written all over her face. She expected him to try to talk her out of it and, for the first time since she’d worked for him, she admired that he was willing to take a risk because this could surely come back to bite him in the butt. Only if she didn’t succeed.

      She got to her feet. “Thank you.”

      “Don’t worry about Natalie. I’ll get Michelle to look in on her daily.”

      “I’d appreciate that.”

      “Myra, just realize you can’t save everybody from the bad guys.”

      She frowned. “Do I do that?”

      “You’re one of my best prosecutors because it somehow eats at you when a person gets away with bad behavior. But sometimes you have to let go. Sometimes the bad guys win.”

      He was right. The thought of that monster keeping that little boy was eating away at her like an acid in her stomach. Now she had to really look at her motive and understand what she was doing.

      “My advice is to take someone with you. Preferably someone big and strong and not afraid of the devil.”

      Levi blasted across her consciousness. He fit the bill, but he wasn’t willing to take a risk and ruin the life he had planned. But there were other men. Surely.

      “I’ll think about it.”

      Back at her desk, she made notes of what she’d need to carry and checked airline reservations. No way was she driving across the border. Her cell went off and she reached for it in her purse. Mick. Just the man she needed to talk to.

      “Hey, Mick, you took your time calling back.”

      “Sorry. I got caught up on a case. What do you need?”

      “I need a bodyguard.”

      “Hell, Myra, I’d guard your body any day of the week.”

      Mick was like any other man. He had to get that sexual innuendo in there. But he wasn’t as sleazy as Tom. “I guess you read in the paper about the girl in our office who was beaten into a coma by her boyfriend.”

      “Yeah, it was in the paper and on the news.”

      “The boyfriend has taken their son into Mexico and we believe he’s hiding out in Matamoras.”

      “If you’re suggesting what I think you are, the answer is no. I work in Texas. I have a wife and two kids and I’m not going into Mexico.”

      “Do you want to think about it?”

      “No, sorry, Myra. But if you need a job done here, I’m your man.”

      “Thanks, Mick.”

      Fiddling with the phone, indecision gripped her. Everyone was telling her this was insane, so why wasn’t she listening? Maybe, like Levi, the thought of that little boy being taken from his mother had gotten to her. Something needed to be done.

      She found herself headed back to the hospital. She needed to see Natalie to resolve all the doubts in her head. It was getting late and the hospital seemed very quiet, or maybe that was just the uneasiness in her. The nurse allowed her to see Natalie for a moment.

      Myra stared at her friend, who was only a shadow of the vibrant young woman she used to be. The bruises stood out against her pale skin. When she woke up, how was Myra going to tell her that Daniel wasn’t here?

      Dr. March walked in with a chart in his hand. “Good evening, Ms. Delgado.”

      “Good evening,” she replied. “Is there any change?”

      He scribbled something in the chart. “No. Sorry.”

      “If her son was here with his baby chatter, would it be a stimulus for her?”

      He closed the chart. “Yes, that’s why we allow her father to visit. A familiar voice can be a trigger to bring her out of this deep sleep. Have they found her son?”

      “No. I was just wondering.”

      “Keep positive thoughts,” he suggested. “Her body and mind have been traumatized. It takes time to heal.”

      “I’ll try to remember that.”

      She reached out and touched the limp hand on the bed. “Get better, Nat. I’m doing all I can, but you have to help me. You have to get better.”

      There was no response and Myra knew there wouldn’t be. As she stood there in the quiet room, with only the hum of the machines, a calm came over her. Doing nothing wasn’t in her nature. If she let Marco have Daniel, she would never be able to face Natalie again. Natalie looked up to her, but it was more than that. Natalie trusted her, and now Myra had to trust her own instincts. She had to tackle the most dangerous job she’d ever attempted.

      But first she had to tell Jessie and her parents.

      * * *

      LEVI DROVE STEADILY toward Willow Creek and home. His services weren’t needed and there was nothing else he could do. Thinking about Myra and her ridiculous plan only pissed him off. She’d been told the risk repeatedly and, as always, Myra did as she pleased. His conscience was clear.

      He wasn’t sure why he kept glancing in his rearview mirror. He had no reason to feel guilty. Going to Houston in the first place was a crazy thing to do. He’d sworn he wouldn’t help Myra, but both Stu and the thought of a kidnapped baby who needed his mother had swayed him. And then there was that little matter of living with a conscience that continually mocked his decisions.

      The more miles he left behind him, the more his conscience chimed in. Myra’s body would probably be found on the banks of the Rio Grande within days. If there was one thing the drug cartel didn’t like, it was Americans asking questions, and Myra was good at asking questions. It was her forte and it would be her downfall.

      He pulled over to the side of the road. Cars whizzed by on the warm September day, the heat intensified by revving motors and blacktop. He told himself he wasn’t responsible for Myra’s actions. Her number was on his phone and he quickly found it. What could he say to her that hadn’t already been said? Could he go back to his safe life and leave her to face an untimely death? Tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, he knew there was only one answer. He finagled his way back into traffic and headed for Willow Creek.

      * * *

      MYRA SPENT AN hour with Stu explaining the situation and, though he was upset, he didn’t try to stop her. He left that decision up to her, but strongly suggested she hire guards to go with her. Stu wanted Daniel home with Natalie and he offered to pay for a bodyguard.

      Nothing much was said about Levi. Stu only commented that Levi wouldn’t let them down. Telling him Levi already had seemed cruel, so she didn’t.

      On the way home, she stopped at a sporting goods store and got appropriate apparel, plus hiking boots. Then she went home to figure out her next move.

      After eating yogurt and an apple, she called Jessie and told her the situation and quickly added, “I just wanted you to know in case you don’t hear from me for a while.”

      “My, are you sure about this? Let the authorities handle it.”

      “It’s a delicate situation, but I’ll try to stay in touch so don’t worry.”

      “Oh, please. This sounds

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