His Mistletoe Family. Ruth Herne Logan

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His Mistletoe Family - Ruth Herne Logan

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      “Um, well, that’s enough now, boys.” Haley made a face at Callie and Callie laughed, shrugging it off. The newborn baby girl in Matt’s arms slept on, unfazed by the boy’s gruff appraisal.

      “They’re just at that age where if it pops in their head, it comes out their mouth,” Callie explained. “No filter.”

      “You’ve got that right.” Haley sent a wistful glance Jake’s way. “So it gets better, right? Because Jake is always a sweetheart and he’s what? Nine? Ten?”

      “Nine. And yes, it gets better.” Callie Cavanaugh reached out and gave Haley a hug. “Promise. And it’s nice to see you over here. Si will have something to hold over Reverend Hannity’s head when the reverend realizes you came here.”

      “Timing.” Haley aimed her gaze to the boys and her watch. “We’ll start earlier next week, but I like coming here sometimes. Listening to Simon. He’s a character.”

      Matt laughed. “And then some. And you like the upgrades to the church?”

      Haley swept the refreshed church a look and offered Matt a shoulder chuck. “You’re fishing for compliments when you know you did great. Yes, between the new roof and the plaster and paint, it’s a huge difference. But mostly I love what you did with the pews. Cleaning them. Lightening them.” She stroked a hand across the broad-backed oak seating. “It’s beautiful.”

      Matt smiled at her, but then his attention shifted up. Way up. “Brett, hey. How’s everything? Good to see you.”

      Haley’s heart fluttered, hoping there was only one Brett in town. Heat suffused her cheeks in a childish reaction that felt silly and good all at once.

      She turned. Looked up. Her good intentions flew out the window, a neat trick because the cold rain meant no windows were open.

      He looked marvelous. Tall. Broad. Freshly shaved. He wore a charcoal, tan and brown tweed jacket over a blended-brown turtleneck that matched his hazel eyes. He was, by definition, gorgeous, and she’d love to pretend he wasn’t, but acting had never been her forte. He looked down, caught her eye and smiled.

      Just smiled.

      But that smile held her gaze and put a choke hold on her heart despite the fact that they’d met only days before. She couldn’t break the look if she tried, and she really didn’t want to try, but people began seating themselves around them, getting ready for worship.

      Which was exactly why she’d come, right? To give the boys a taste of faith. Of family. Of community.

      With Brett Stanton so close, the only thing she could wrap her mind around was wondering how a man this big, strong and rugged hadn’t been married off yet. These days, that should raise flags of concern, but not with him. And that made her wonder why.

      A soft guitar strum reminded her to find a seat.

      Brett stepped back, motioned a hand left and let her and the boys file into the filling pew. There wasn’t enough room for all four of them, and she realized too late he’d given up his seat for her and the boys, but when she turned to thank him, he was gone, into the back, seated quietly in the last row.

      “And the first shall be last.”

      He didn’t look her way or blanket her with another smile, but it felt good to have him there. To know he sat nearby.

      * * *

      She was willing to rise to a challenge, Brett decided. He’d suspected as much, but seeing her this morning, with the boys’ stubborn little chins set in determined objection, he knew she had what it takes to make this parenting gig work. But a little help from some friends couldn’t hurt.

      You’re not her friend, his conscience scolded.

      But I will be, Brett decided. Pastor Simon MacDaniel strolled into the polished and reconditioned sanctuary, and Brett realized two things. One, that Simon’s gentle charismatic nature was drawing more people every week, and two...

      That it would take more than Simon’s charm to make him forget that Haley Jennings and two needy little boys sat a mere thirty feet away. If her tumble of golden hair wasn’t enough of a distraction, Todd’s little smile, turned just toward him, clinched the deal.

      He’d make it easy and pray for her and the boys today. Concentrate his efforts. And with the sweet smile she’d raised in his direction, it wouldn’t be a hard task at all.

      * * *

      Simon grinned at Haley after the service and waved a hand toward Good Shepherd Church across the Park Round. “Wait ’til Reverend Hannity hears about this.”

      “Trouble maker.” She grinned up at him, then slanted her gaze to the boys. “Pastor Si, these are my nephews, Tyler—” she indicated the older boy by raising their linked hands

      “—and Todd. They’ve come to live with me.”

      Simon squatted low to speak to them. “Nice to meet you both.” He put out a hand to each boy in turn, shook theirs, then angled his gaze up toward Haley. “We’re having coffee and doughnuts in the common room downstairs.”

      Haley winced, hesitating. The co-op was slated to open at noon and she needed to be there. As yet, she had no one to watch the boys. Jess was bringing the baby home today and Charlie and LuAnn needed to be on hand to help their daughter and son-in-law. Her cousin Alyssa Michaels was working at The Edge, their family restaurant, and Alyssa’s husband, Trent, was coaching football for their teenaged son. That meant the boys would be going with her to Bennington Station, a solution that ranked dead last on her list of preferences.

      “I like doughnuts.” Tyler sent a wistful look upward.

      “I love them this much.” Todd opened his arms wide, the black kitty clutched tightly in his outstretched fingers. “Panther does, too.”


      That voice. The tone. The deep rumble that stirred things she didn’t know existed before Thanksgiving Day. She turned, swallowing hard, pretty sure she’d trip over anything she might try to say. “Yes?”

      He reached down and scooped Todd up. The boy giggled, delighted with his new, high vantage point. Brett settled a big, broad hand on Tyler’s head in a gentle move of inclusion. “Come have coffee and doughnuts, leave the boys with me for the afternoon so you can work and then you won’t be either kicking yourself or second-guessing yourself for the next six hours.”

      “Could we?” Tyler looked excited by the prospect of hanging out with Brett, but Haley barely knew this man.

      “I would wuv that!” Todd beamed a smile at Brett and then bumped his little head into Brett’s forehead in a mini-man gesture of salute. “Can we play at your house?”

      “I have trains,” Brett told him.

      “Trains?” Tyler frowned, wondering.

      “Trains?” Todd repeated, mimicking his brother.

      “Brett has an amazing collection of model trains,” Si told them. “And he’s got a few that are kid-friendly size, if I remember correctly.”

      “I do.” Brett switched his look from Simon to Haley. “If that’s okay with you, Haley. The boys can hang out with me and the dog....”

      “You have a dog?”

      “A real dog?”

      “Very real.” Brett nodded, serious, but his eyes twinkled down at Haley. “We’ll be right across the street, so you can run over if you get worried or have time on your hands.”

      “You live near Charlie and LuAnn’s store?”

      Simon coughed.

      Brett sent him a look, then hiked up the shoulder that wasn’t holding Todd. “It’s actually my store, and yes, I live in the house behind it.”


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