From Boss to Bridegroom. Karen Kirst

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From Boss to Bridegroom - Karen  Kirst

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laugh over his and Nicole’s misunderstanding.

      “Call me Shane.” He removed his hand. “How are you settling in? Did you get things cleared up with Nicole?” Subtle humor lit his assessing blue gaze.

      “I suspect it will take some time to settle in. And for her to forgive me for trussing her up like a common thief.”

      Nodding, Shane’s attention swiveled to the object of their conversation. She was still standing apart from the people he assumed were her family members. A lone buoy in a swirling sea of humanity. Was that her doing or theirs? Why do I care?

      “Nicole is...” Shane trailed off, rubbed his chin in thought.

      “Prickly? Difficult? Completely lacking a sense of humor?”

      His brow quirked. “I was gonna say hard to get to know. She strikes me as one of those women who’d be worth the effort, though.”

      Quinn ran his fingers along the spine of his brand-new Bible. He wasn’t sure he agreed with the other man’s assessment. “Sometimes a man gets burned for his trouble.”

      Before Shane could respond, the reverend joined them and welcomed Quinn to town. When there was a break in the conversation, Quinn made his excuses and worked his way through the pews to Nicole’s side.

      As if sensing his approach, she lifted her head, shoulders tensing when she spotted him. Her countenance transformed into something statue-like. Emotionless. Her eyes were a deep, bruised purple in her pale face, perhaps an effect of the jet-black material of the formfitting, cap-sleeved blouse she’d paired with full purple-and-black-striped skirts. A small black hat perched atop her upswept curls.

      Quinn considered tweaking the single rogue tendril caressing her cheek simply to see her reaction. “I didn’t figure you for the maternal type,” he said in the way of greeting.

      He instantly regretted the comment, could see in her pained expression that his observation stung. Before he could backtrack, she leveled a frosty glare at him. “I’m not. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy other people’s children, however.”

      He turned his attention to the light-haired infant resting comfortably in her arms. “What is his name?”

      “Her name is Victoria,” she responded in a softer tone. “She’s my cousin Josh’s daughter.”

      Reaching out, Quinn lightly skimmed the downy soft hair. “She’s family, then.”

      Subtly returning his attention to Nicole, he watched her watch the baby, intrigued when her guard slipped again and she went soft before his eyes. If she ever were to look at a man like that...

      A tall man with a goatee, accompanied by a sophisticated young woman with hair the color of chocolate and intelligent green eyes, rounded the pew.

      “We should get this little princess home before she wakes up and demands to be fed.”

      Nicole carefully transferred the infant to her father’s arms, tucking the blanket about her small body. “Josh, have you met Quinn Darling?”

      Measuring blue eyes slid to his. He nodded a greeting. “Pleased to meet you. This is my wife, Kate.”

      “A pleasure to meet you,” Quinn shook her proffered hand. “That is one beautiful baby.”

      “Thank you. We think so, too.” The smile Kate directed at her husband was at once peaceful and adoring.

      At the look passing between husband and wife, Quinn experienced a twinge of jealousy. Thoughts of settling down and starting a family of his own had been plaguing him of late. Since accepting Christ six months ago, he’d begun to pray for a wife of God’s choosing. He wanted what his parents had—a loving partnership based on trust and true companionship—a rare occurrence in his high-society world where many marriages resembled business transactions.

      “You’re the owner of the furniture store?” He addressed Josh.

      “That’s right. Kate runs her photography business out of the same space if you’re ever in need of a photo.”

      “No plans to hang one of myself on the wall, but I’ll keep it in mind for when my family visits. I peeked at your inventory through the window. Impressive selection.”

      Nicole’s expression challenged him. “He’s crafted every single item in that shop by hand. The locals prefer his furniture to those available through mail-order catalogs.”

      Hugging his daughter to his chest, Josh shifted uncomfortably. “Obviously, I can’t supply every item those large companies offer.”

      Quinn aimed a wide grin at his assistant, letting her know the dig didn’t sting. “In business, competition is unavoidable. It isn’t always a bad thing.”

      Her gaze slid away from his, but not before he caught the flare of displeasure.

      Kate tugged on Josh’s sleeve. “We should go.”

      “I’m sure I’ll see you around,” the other man said to Quinn.

      As soon as the couple headed for the exit, a pair of flame-haired, green-eyed twins flanked Nicole. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?” This from the one in green.

      With a resigned sigh, Nicole said, “Quinn Darling, meet my younger sisters, Jane and Jessica.”

      “I’m Jessica.” The one who had spoken grinned cheekily, jammed a finger in the other twin’s direction. “She’s Jane.”

      “How do you do.” Jane, dressed in head-to-toe blue, spoke in a more demure fashion.

      “Pleased to meet you both,” he said, unsure if he’d ever be able to tell them apart.

      “Don’t forget me.” A petite young woman with a mass of white-blond ringlets crowded in beside the blue twin. She thrust out her hand. “Hi, I’m Megan. I’m the second oldest. That’s my husband over there, Lucian Beaumont.”

      Quinn followed her gaze to a tall, distinguished man with olive skin and dark, wavy hair. Nicole hadn’t been kidding when she’d said the O’Malley family was extensive.

      “We have another sister, Juliana, who lives in Cades Cove with her husband and young son.”

      Shaking her hand, Quinn studied their faces. While Megan and the twins did not share the same coloring, they had the same cheekbones, nose and chin. Nicole looked nothing like them.

      “Do you and Juliana look alike?” He posed the question to her.

      Indefinable emotion darkened her eyes. “No.”

      Megan shook her head, setting her curls to bouncing. “Juliana and the twins look very much alike. Nicole and I are the odd ones.”

      The look Nicole shot her bordered on accusing. “You are not the odd one. You all have the same facial structure. I don’t look like any of you.” To Quinn, she said, “My mother assures me I wasn’t found in the vegetable patch. I have my doubts, however.”

      The twin in green...Jessica, he thought it was, chuckled. “We like to joke that Nicole is a long-lost princess.”

      “Jessica,” her twin warned with a frown.

      “What? She certainly acts like it sometimes.”

      Megan sighed as if she’d heard it all before. “You take after Grandma O’Malley. You have her hair and eyes.”

      “Too bad she’s not alive to validate the fact O’Malley blood runs through my veins.”

      The sisters fell silent, and Quinn realized he’d stumbled upon a touchy subject.

      “Do you have lunch plans, Mr. Darling?” Jane asked.

      “No plans.” He adjusted the Bible in his hands. “I had thought to dine at Plum’s Café, not realizing the establishment was closed on Sundays.”


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