Debutantes Don't Date. Kristina O'Grady

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Debutantes Don't Date - Kristina  O'Grady

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but a ball for high society, all the Lords and Ladies of the ton would vie for an invitation. Nowadays, you had to pay for the privilege of attending, and it wasn’t cheap: at over £3,000 a plate, the charity that was supported always made a hefty profit for the night.

      Surprisingly, Grace was able to take a quick break just before midnight; she figured she might as well take one now as getting one after 2014 rolled in would be impossible. She grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and downed it quickly before replacing her glass with another. The bubbles tickled as they slid down her parched throat. She didn’t usually drink and she definitely didn’t like sparkling wine, but she was so thirsty she couldn’t help but have another glass. She could feel the alcohol make its way through her bloodstream. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment to relax.

      She felt a bit ridiculous dressed in full costume of Regency England, especially with her event manager’s headset on, but then again everyone else was dressed up so she fitted in with the rest of them. There were even several Prinnys, the Prince Regent, present, all dressed as flamboyantly as possible. She thought she looked quite respectable with her simple but elegant dress. She loved the puffed sleeves and high waistline. The style suited her body type and she was happy she’d found this costume yesterday at a second-hand store. It was too bad she couldn’t wear this kind of clothing every day instead of her business suit and stilettos.

      She reached up and took her headset off for the first time in seven hours. As she set it on the small table next to her, she noticed something sparkling on the floor under the table. She bent down to pick it up. She didn’t have anything sparkly on her costume so it must have fallen off someone else’s dress. She would put it in her bag and take it to the Duchess in the morning. Just as her fingers clasped the object, the power cut out and the room plunged into darkness. Amid the screams she could hear the clock striking twelve.


       The Duke and Duchess of Kensington’s Manor

       New Year’s Eve

       London, 1813

      Lady Anne Higgins waited beside her mother, Lady Alderton, for Lord Bingham to come and escort her for a set. Her mother had already turned away three suitable gentlemen in her confidence that Lord Bingham would walk her out for the first dance. Lady Anne didn’t think he was even here yet.

      “Anne, darling,” said her mother in a low voice, “I heard a rumour today from Lady Bishop that Lord Bingham is planning on speaking with your father tomorrow to ask for your hand. About time he did. I can’t understand why he didn’t ask for your hand when you first came out. He does need an heir, as we all know, and it has been arranged, I just don’t see why there is the delay.”

      “Really, mother, I don’t see how Lady Bishop would know if or when Lord Bingham is going to marry.” Lady Anne turned her head and tried to pretend she was somewhere else.

      “Of course he is going to marry, darling. He can’t make you wait much longer. It is your third season after all. He won’t want to wait until you are too old to bear children, so it must be soon that he will ask.” Lady Anne knew her mother was getting nervous for her. If Lord Bingham didn’t offer for her soon, she would be on the shelf and then she would never attract a suitable husband. “Where is that man? He should be here to escort you to the floor.” Lady Alderton craned her neck around trying to see if her future son-in-law was anywhere to be seen. “Oh, here comes your brother.”

      Lady Anne watched as her brother, Robin Higgins, Baron of Wester, came towards them. Even though he was dressed in the latest fashion, he looked bedraggled as though he had been in a scuffle. He didn’t appear to be bleeding or bruised, so he couldn’t have been fighting. Besides he wouldn’t have wanted to mess up his pretty face, she thought cynically, he had probably just been drinking again at his club. She loved her brother dearly, but she knew he wanted something otherwise he would never seek her and their mother out.

      “Hello, fair ladies. You are shining more brightly than any other belle here tonight.” Robin bowed formally over each of their hands before flashing his signature smile at them. “I was hoping you’d saved me a dance, dear sister. What do you say? Will you twirl around the floor once with your dear older brother?”

      Lady Anne smiled in spite of herself. He was always able to charm her. “Of course, dear brother, I would like nothing more.” She placed her gloved fingers on his arm and followed him out onto the dance floor where the other dancers were waiting for the set to start, glad at least to be away from her mother.

      “I needed to get you away from mama. I have a favour to ask,” Robin whispered in her ear just as the music started so that she spent the rest of the dance waiting for the inevitable. Just as she thought, he wanted something.

      As the dancers caught their breath, Robin whisked her out the door into the garden. “Follow me, Anne. We won’t be disturbed down here.” Anne followed closely, trying not to trip on a wayward branch or stone. It was dark in the garden and cold. She shivered and regretted not being able to retrieve her wrap before venturing outside. His Grace should invest in some more lights. Maybe she should mention it to the Duchess next time she saw her, although she supposed that the dark corners of the garden provided some privacy for couples seeking some air.

      Anne’s thoughts about lights and dark garden corners disappeared when Robin opened his mouth. “I have decided when Lord Bingham marries you, I’ll put half of your monthly allowance into investments on your behalf.” He held his hand up and waved it around when she opened her mouth to protest. “Now now, don’t thank me. It’s the least I can do for my little sister. I wouldn’t want to see you not being looked after when you leave father’s care, now would I? I’ve already had my man draw up the papers. I’ll bring them around first thing in the morning for you to sign. Well, maybe not first thing, eh? I think that I will go off to my club and celebrate your good fortune. Take care, sis.” Before Anne could say anything at all he kissed her cheeks and turned and walked away from her. He left her alone in the garden! He was going to invest her money was he? She’s like to see him try! He must have run out of money again. He was always living far above his means. Father had cut him off last year after having to bail him out one too many times. Now he was after her money! It wasn’t as though Lord Bingham wouldn’t look after her himself. And besides, she had plans for that income. Oh, he made her so mad!

      Lady Anne looked around her. It was so dark in the garden she could barely make out the path back to the house. Wonderful! She’ll probably twist her ankle heading back.

      Jasper Mossman, Earl of Bingham, surveyed the room. He wasn’t sure why he was even here tonight. He’d already picked the next Countess. He just hadn’t informed the lady as yet.

      The ball was a huge crush. He could barely move for all the people here. Invitations to the Duke and Duchess of Kensington’s New Year’s celebrations were always coveted by the ton. As an earl, he of course was invited. One did not forget to invite Lord Bingham to events. Mothers were always in high hopes of their daughters becoming the next Countess.

      Jasper could see Lady Anne Higgins standing next to her mother on the outskirts of the dance floor, more than likely waiting for him to escort her out for a set. She was lovely with her blonde curls and flowing dress, a smile always on her lips. Her mother? Lady Alderton waved enthusiastically in his direction. Jasper turned in the other direction. If it wasn’t for her mother, he would have asked for Lady Anne’s hand by now. He just couldn’t endure that woman. He shuddered at the prospect of having her as a mother-in-law. Maybe he could move Anne and himself to the estate in the country, that way her mother wouldn’t visit that often…but then again when she did visit, she would stay for days, weeks or months even. Umm, maybe they could move to the Americas. God, it was giving him a headache and he hadn’t even married the girl yet.

      Ah, there was Eaglestone coming through the door now. Maybe tonight wouldn’t be an absolute bore after all. Jasper watched his friend Philip Blade, Baron Eaglestone make his way down the congested steps into the ballroom until a loud collective gasp across the room caught his attention.


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