The Best Bride. Сьюзен Мэллери

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The Best Bride - Сьюзен Мэллери

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like a duck and walks like a— Never mind. We talked about it, my brothers and I. Watching our dad and the uncles fool around convinced us that we were all going to be faithful to the women in our lives. Wishing isn’t enough, is it? Monogamy doesn’t guarantee success. There’s something else we all just don’t get.”

      He stared into the night. Their backgrounds were so different, she thought. Yet here they sat together, facing their personal demons. She was glad that she and Travis could be friends. They needed each other.

      “So you stay single forever?” she asked.

      “There doesn’t seem to be a choice.”

      “What about children?”

      He turned on the step, shifting so his back pressed against the railing. He parted his thighs and rested his right foot on the porch, bending his knee. His other foot balanced on the bottom step. Her calves brushed against his inner thigh. It was a very intimate position. Her gaze seemed drawn to his chest, drifting lower to his trousers. She looked away before she reached dangerous territory, but their new positions made her hyperaware of his heat and scent. She clutched her arms to her chest.

      “I’d like a family,” he said, seemingly unaware of what he was doing to her. “But it’s not in the cards for me.”

      “Too bad. You’re wonderful with Mandy.”

      He brushed off her compliment with a flick of his wrist. “Speaking of Mandy, I’ve been thinking. There’s a soccer league for the younger kids. It gives them something to do during football season. The teams are coed, but they match them up by size and skill. Sign-ups are tomorrow. I thought I could take her to the park. What do you think?”

      “I think you’re a sheep in wolf’s clothing, Travis Haynes. All this tough talk, but underneath, you’re a sweetie.”

      His slow, sexy grin chased the last of the shadows from his eyes. “Tell anyone, and you’re dead meat.”

      “Tough guy, you don’t scare me. Soccer will be great for Mandy. Thanks for offering to take her.”

      “No problem. I know the coaches. She’ll have fun and make lots of friends.”

      She leaned forward. “Travis, you’re wonderful with kids. This is a perfect example. You shouldn’t dismiss that.”

      “The truth is, I’m a sprinter. It’s easy to play daddy for a couple of hours, but it makes a big difference when the kids are yours. I know. I’ve seen Craig struggling.”

      “You keep saying that you don’t have what it takes, but from everything I’ve seen, all the parts are in working order.”

      He raised his dark eyebrows. Instantly her gaze dropped to his crotch and she remembered the feel of his hardness pressing against her. She blushed and looked away. “You know what I meant.”

      “I prefer my interpretation of what you said.”

      She sank back against the railing. “I think it’s time for me to say good-night.”

      “Not so fast.”

      He stood on the bottom step and loomed over her. His head moved lower, blocking out the night stars. His hands touched her almost-bare shoulders, making her instantly tremble. But at the last minute, she turned her face away. His mouth grazed her cheek.


      “I can’t,” she whispered. She risked looking up at him. Confusion filled his brown eyes, fighting the fire there and slowly putting it out. She couldn’t. For a thousand sensible reasons that all boiled down to being afraid of making the same mistake again.

      If only she’d met Travis seven years ago. If only he’d been the one to steal her heart and seduce her body. But it hadn’t been Travis, it had been Sam. Maybe if Sam had beat her or cheated on her, it would have been easier to get over what happened. But how was she supposed to recover from being a fool? How was she supposed to forget the lies?

      Travis stepped back and held out his hand to help her up. She ignored him and rose. A pain jabbed her side as her movements pulled the incision.

      “I’m sorry,” she said, looking over his left shoulder. “I can’t do this. I’m not what you think I am.” She smiled sadly, knowing she either had to smile or cry. Already her eyes were burning. She prayed she made it to her room before she gave way.

      “So it all comes back to that damn mystery,” he growled. “What is so terrible?”

      “Don’t ask me, please. I really appreciate everything you’ve done. I’m very grateful.”

      “I don’t want your gratitude.”

      She blinked several times, but it didn’t help. One tear rolled free. She brushed it off her cheek. “It’s all I have to give you, Travis. There’s nothing else. Please believe me. I’m not who you think I am.”

      The coach blew his whistle, but none of the kids on the field paid any attention. They continued to chase the white soccer ball, screaming with excitement in the frenzy of being the first one to actually kick the ball. When the ball made a sudden left turn, Mandy was right there. She stared down at it, her expression a mixture of confusion and delight; then she kicked for all she was worth. The ball sailed into the air and landed out of bounds. Travis stood up and cheered. The coach wearily shook his head and continued to blow the whistle. Finally the dozen or so six-and seven-year-olds quieted down to listen.

      For the fifth time, the coach explained the rules of the game. Each of the children nodded earnestly, then scattered in an effort to find and kick the ball. Travis chuckled. Mandy was right in the middle of the pack. With her bright red shorts and T-shirt she was easy to spot. Her blond ponytail swung with each step.

      “The kid’s a natural athlete,” he said.

      “You sound like a proud papa.”

      He shifted on the bleachers set up on the side of the field and turned around. A sultry brunette with legs that stretched from here to forever smiled down at him. Her cropped T-shirt and microscopic shorts left little to the imagination.

      “Unless you’ve been hiding something, Travis, she couldn’t possibly be yours.”

      “No, Amber. She’s the daughter of a friend of mine. I brought her to the practice. I’m surprised to see you here.”

      “Jimmy’s playing.” She motioned to the field. A short dark-haired boy ran tenaciously after the ball. “You know how Karl is about sports.”

      He did know. Karl was one of his deputies. A former college football hero, Karl had hoped for a career in the pros. He had the heart but lacked speed. Amber had married him before the 49ers released him from his contract. Rumor had it she wasn’t happy about being cheated out of her role as the professional football player’s wife. Travis couldn’t confirm the rumors, but the last two times he’d stopped Amber for speeding, she’d offered to pay her ticket with something other than cash. He’d refused. Even if Karl hadn’t been his subordinate and a friend, Travis didn’t dally with married women.

      “My husband’s working today,” she said, moving down closer to where he was sitting. “But then you know that, don’t you? Are you going to be at all the practices? They take a couple of hours, don’t they?” She moved closer and smiled. “Maybe we could get a cup of coffee, or something.”

      It was the “something” that had him worried. “Thanks, but I don’t think so, Amber. I’d rather stay with the kids.”

      Her perfect features twisted into a snarl. “I always knew your reputation was a lot of hype, Travis. Figures there’d be nothing hot in this crappy little town.” She jumped off the bleachers and stalked away.

      It was starting to make sense,

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