Handpicked Husband. Winnie Griggs

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Handpicked Husband - Winnie  Griggs

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had labored over that contract to get exactly the nuances Judge Madison wanted, and he had it all but memorized by the time they were both satisfied. He mulled it over in his mind now, and slowly nodded his head. “One could interpret the terms that way.”

      Was that her plan? Well, she’d have to come up with some pretty convincing proof to get him to disqualify anyone, unless that suitor out-and-out refused her selection.

      Besides, the judge had done a thorough job of interviewing candidates before settling on these three. They all knew what was expected. Adam would be more than a little surprised if anyone backed down at this point.

      But he was an observer, not a confidante. If they couldn’t figure out she was all bluster, that was their problem.

      She clearly intended to extract her pound of flesh in terms of their pride. And she wanted pretty words and showy trinkets, even if they were insincerely offered.

      A typical woman.

      Well, he’d be watching her. With the power the judge had given him, he wouldn’t hesitate to whisk Jack away to Philadelphia if she gave him reason to. But the judge had made it clear that wasn’t the outcome he desired.

      Regina nodded. “Okay gentlemen, then let’s open the curtain on my grandfather’s ridiculous play. I’ll call Jack, and I expect you to honor your word. You’re friends of my grandfather visiting from Philadelphia and are here paying your respects.”

      At some point, Mrs. Peavy had slipped into the cabin to put away her ointment. Now she stepped back outside and set Chance’s freshly cleaned boot next to the door.

      Regina gave her housekeeper a quick nod, then turned back to the men. “It’s too late for you to return to Turnabout today, so you’ll be spending the night here. We’ll head back together in the morning.”

      She lifted her chin. “We’re not set up for visitors, though. Mrs. Peavy and Ira sleep in the alcove off the kitchen and Jack and I share the loft. That means you can either spend the night on the cabin floor or here on the porch.

      Adam failed to detect any sympathy in her tone. It seemed she intended to make sure the hapless trio jumped through some unpleasant hoops over the next few weeks.

      He had to hand it to her, she wasn’t one to wring her hands and bemoan her fate when faced with unpleasantness. Instead, she showed amazing determination.

      If he wasn’t in such a hurry to get back to Philadelphia he could find himself amused by her performance.

      * * *

      Reggie paused, reluctant to take the next step. But she’d put it off long enough. “I suppose it’s time for you to meet the rest of my household.”

      She stepped off the porch. Taking a deep breath, she blasted out a long, drawn-out whistle, followed by two shorter ones.

      The answering whistles confirmed Ira and Jack were headed their way. Reggie forcibly relaxed her hands at her sides, but she didn’t turn back to her visitors.

      She had to fight the urge to tense again when Buck stood, his tail wagging in anticipation. For Jack’s sake, she must pretend nothing was wrong, that these men were welcome guests. But if they did anything to upset Jack...

      Grandfather, you’re going to have a lot to answer for next time we meet.

      Ira and Jack appeared a moment later, and the dog bounded forward to greet them. Jack danced around with Buck for a minute, trying to keep the string of fish he carried out of harm’s way. Not an easy task for a slender six-year-old. “Look at all the fish we caught, Aunt Reggie,” he said rushing forward, his brown eyes sparkling with excitement.

      “My goodness!” Reggie smiled down at the light of her life. “It looks like we’re going to have some mighty good eating tonight.”

      “I caught more’n half of them myself.”

      Ira, hunting rifle slung over his shoulder, hefted the two cane poles he carried in his other hand. “Our boy is turning into quite a fisherman, all right.” His words were addressed to Reggie but his gaze was fixed on the men behind her.

      Mrs. Peavy joined them and reached for the string of fish. “Here, let me have those. I’ll get them cleaned and ready to cook.” She bobbed the string, as if gauging the weight. “Yes, sir, add a few potatoes and that cobbler I baked this morning and we’ll have more than enough to feed everybody.”

      Jack seemed to notice the visitors for the first time. “Hello.”

      Adam stepped forward. “You must be Jack.”

      “Yes sir.” Jack seemed more curious than concerned.

      Reggie stepped behind Jack, pulling him against her skirts with a hand on each shoulder. “Jack, these men have come all the way from Philadelphia for a visit.” She managed to keep her voice friendly enough. “This one is Mr. Barr. The others are Mr. Fulton, Mr. Parker and Mr. Dawson.”

      Each man nodded acknowledgment as she called his name.

      “Gentlemen, this is Jack.” She nodded over her shoulder. “And the other fisherman is Mrs. Peavy’s husband, Ira.”

      “Hydee, fellas,” Ira welcomed. “You all are a ways from home, aren’t you?”

      Reggie smiled as she saw a few brows go up. If they had expected the wiry old handyman to act like one of her grandfather’s servants, they now knew better. Ira and Mrs. Peavy were like part of her family.

      “Do you know Grandfather Madison?” Jack asked before anyone could respond to Ira’s question.

      “We sure do.” Again it was Adam who spoke up. “And he wanted us to make certain we told you he said hello and that he wishes he could have come.”

      Reggie barely swallowed her snort of disbelief. The old coot had never set foot in Turnabout before. And she sure as sunshine knew this particular trip was one he hadn’t wanted to be along on.

      “Is that why y’all came all the way out here?”

      “Jack,” Reggie warned. “It’s not polite to pester our guests with questions.”

      “That’s all right.” Adam brushed Reggie’s concern aside and met Jack’s gaze again. “How’s a fellow to find out anything if he doesn’t ask. And yes, Jack, that’s one of the reasons we came out here. I promised your great-grandfather to deliver that message just as soon as I arrived in Turnabout.”

      Jack glanced up over his shoulder. “Are they staying here with us, Aunt Reggie?”

      “Just for tonight. We’re all going back into town tomorrow.”

      That brought a frown to the boy’s face. “But I thought we were gonna stay another two days,” he protested.

      She ruffled his sandy red hair. “I know. But you don’t mind leaving a bit early, do you? This cabin wasn’t built to hold more than a few folk. As it is, our guests are going to have to sleep on the floor tonight.” Not that she gave a fig for the four men’s comfort. She was more concerned with the wagging tongues back home.

      “Besides, our visitors are eager to get settled in town, and we wouldn’t want to send Grandfather Madison’s friends off without our help, would we?”

      “No, ma’am.” He turned back to the men. “If you like, you can go frogging with me and Ira tonight.”

      Pride shimmered through Reggie. That was her boy—quick to get over his disappointment and generously willing to include the troublemakers in his fun.

      “Frogging?” The question came from Mr. Fulton.

      “Yes, sir,” Jack said with a nod. Then, apparently realizing an explanation was in order, “You know, hunting bullfrogs. If we catch enough, Mrs. Peavy promised to fry up some frog legs for lunch tomorrow.”

      Reggie didn’t bother to hide her grin at the sight of

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