A Pony Express Christmas. Rhonda Gibson

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A Pony Express Christmas - Rhonda  Gibson

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snapped between them. Leah felt as if every hair on her head stood on end. It took her voice away once more. She nodded against his head.

      He released her hands and straightened to his full height. “Now that that’s settled, I better get back to work.”

      Leah watched him go through the door to the kitchen and heard the back door close. She took a deep breath punctuated with several even gasps. Her heart thumped madly. Her mind was a crazy mixture of hope and fear. The one clear thought she latched on to was that she was a soon-to-be bride once more.

      What did the future hold for her? Leah rested a hand against her chest in a feeble attempt to stop its erratic pounding. Momentary panic gnawed away at the new hope she’d just experienced. Had she jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire?

      “Lord, I hope I haven’t just made the biggest mistake of my life.” Leah realized she’d said the prayer aloud and quickly looked about. Fortunately she stood alone in the room. The words hung in the air, as if taunting her as she headed to the kitchen. Was this the biggest mistake of her life? What if she married Jake, then her true love came along? Was there such a thing? She shook the fanciful thoughts from her mind. No one else had ever loved her, so she effectively squashed such fairy-tale images. She felt an acute sense of loss. Would she forever be unlovable? And even if she did find love, would she be able to trust that it was true? Could she count on another person not to abandon her?

      * * *

      The heavy smell of bacon and eggs greeted her as she entered the overheated kitchen. Mrs. Frontz stood beside the stove dishing up breakfast. She glanced over her shoulder. “Good morning, Leah. I hope you had a good night’s sleep.”

      Leah didn’t want to lie to her hostess, so she simply answered with, “Good morning.”

      For the first time since her arrival, Leah took a good look about the kitchen. It wasn’t very big. Pots hung from hooks over the stove. A cabinet held other dishes. Molly sat at a makeshift table, made from two large barrels with a board stretched over the top, munching on a buttered biscuit. Her doll was propped up against another large bowl filled with biscuits.

      “I hope you don’t mind that I gave the small fry a biscuit,” Mrs. Frontz said as she tipped scrambled eggs into a large bowl.

      “Not at all. Is there anything I can do to help?”

      The woman smiled over her shoulder at her. “Nope, I’m used to doing things my way. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Why don’t you go sit at the table? The men will be arriving any minute.” If she found it curious that Leah was in her kitchen, Mrs. Frontz didn’t let on.

      Leah frowned. After the previous night’s events, the last place she wanted to be was alone at the table with Mr. Frontz and the pony express riders. Besides, she couldn’t bring herself to eat breakfast again, at least, not without making arrangements for payment for the meals she’d already eaten.

      Mrs. Frontz turned toward her. “Is something on your mind this morning?” she asked, picking up the cooked eggs and a platter of bacon.

      “Yes. I was wondering if you could use some help around here.” Leah pressed on before the older woman could protest. “I have recently learned that my fiancé has passed away and I now find myself in debt to you and Mr. Frontz for my previous meals and my room.”

      Mrs. Frontz motioned for Leah to pick up the bowl full of biscuits that sat on the table in front of Molly. “Yes, I heard about that, but I don’t want you to feel indebted to us.” She pushed through the kitchen door and walked to the table where she spaced the food out on the table.

      “I can’t stay here and not work for my keep,” Leah protested, handing her the bowl.

      The older woman wiped her palms on her apron. “So, your intentions are to stay here?”

      Leah nodded. She felt like a schoolgirl under Mrs. Frontz’s steady gaze. It was if the older woman tried to read her mind, learn her plans and then judge her based on what she’d learned.

      “For how long?”

      Jake hadn’t mentioned when they would be married and Leah wasn’t sure if he’d want her to work, once they were. It just hadn’t come up but she didn’t think he’d care. “I’m not sure but I’m willing to work and pay you back.”

      Mrs. Frontz nodded and returned to the kitchen. Leah hesitated, uncertain if she should follow her or not. She knew there were still plates to set out and coffee to pour. After several moments, Leah followed her.

      As soon as she entered the kitchen Mrs. Frontz asked, “So what are you willing to do?”

      Leah walked over and picked up plates to take back to the table. “Whatever you need done. Although, I must admit I don’t know how to cook. Growing up in an orphanage I didn’t learn. But, I can clean, make beds and fetch whatever you may need.”

      The older woman smiled at her. “That sounds lovely. These old bones seem to get stiffer and more tired every year. I could use the help and I’d also be willing to teach you how to cook. Someday, you’ll get married and we don’t want your man to starve now, do we?” A teasing glint filled her eyes.

      Leah thought of Jake and how hard he worked with the horses. The last thing she wanted was for him to starve. “No, ma’am, we don’t.”

      “Well, now that that’s settled, you have got to stop calling me ma’am and Mrs. Frontz. My name is Agnes and all my friends call me by my name.” She scooped up clean coffee mugs and the coffeepot and headed back to the dining table.

      Leah’s confidence spiraled upward. How quickly things could change. She’d woken this morning uncertain of her future. Now she was to get married and had made a new friend, both events taking place before breakfast. That had to be a good sign. What could possibly go wrong?

      * * *

      Jake entered the house and inhaled the wonderful fragrance of breakfast. Mrs. Frontz was the best cook in the small town and he realized he would miss her meals once he and Leah were married. All morning he’d been thinking about what married life would be like and just couldn’t fathom it. Neither did he understand the feeling of elation that took him through chores and remained with him at this very moment. He couldn’t afford to be distracted by romantic notions. He rejected such ideas as absurd.

      Everyone took their places at the table and Mr. Frontz said grace. As soon as the amen was spoken, he looked about the table and announced, “We’re going to do things a little different today, boys.”

      That got their attention. Forks no longer clattered against serving bowls and plates. Jake’s heart jumped in his chest. Surely Leah hadn’t told anyone of their engagement. His gaze sought out hers. Her eyes met his with a quizzical gleam in their depths, as if she wondered the same thing as he.

      “Mrs. Frontz and I decided this morning that we want Jake to have the old homestead as his and Molly’s new home. The girl needs a strong roof over her head and room to grow. You men will be helping me and Jake clean the place up for them today instead of whatever you had planned.”

      All eyes turned to Jake. He had expected them to be angry, but instead, smiles filled their faces. Now was as good a time as any to announce to everyone that he intended to marry Leah and supply a mother for Molly. “I want to let everyone know that I asked Leah to marry me this morning and she’s agreed.”

      Everyone turned to look at Leah. A light pink filled her cheeks as she nodded. He smiled at her as the men began hooting and slapping him on the back. Mrs. Frontz laid her hand on Leah’s and smiled.

      Mr. Frontz’s deep voice broke through all the noise. “Well, that’s an even better reason for us to get started on cleaning up the old homestead.” He nodded in Leah’s direction.

      Jake marveled at the joy his friends expressed. They ate and chatted about the upcoming wedding. Leah didn’t say much. She simply smiled. Molly hugged Leah and he watched as Leah whispered something in the little girl’s ear.

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