The Lawman of Silver Creek:. Lori Connelly

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The Lawman of Silver Creek: - Lori  Connelly

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forestalling his speech.

      Guided by instinct, driven by longing, Claire nibbled along his jaw. His rapid breath rewarded her. Fingertips touched her face. She looked up, into his eyes. Shivers shot down her spine as desire intoxicated her.

      The need to touch him became irresistible. With one hand, Claire plucked at the buttons of his faded flannel shirt. Soft fabric parted and she slipped her fingers inside, sweeping them over the bare plains of his stomach and then up over his chest.

      “Claire I–”

      “Want me?” Her tone was bold, certain of his answer.

      His hand gripped her chin. “God help me, yes.”

      His mouth captured hers in a wild kiss while his hands moved, restless, over her back. Passion blazed. The kiss bruised with intensity. One hand caressed her back while the other tangled in her hair. His tongue teased her lips. She matched his action, and tasted his.

      Matt broke contact with a groan. “Claire I-”

      Her hands went to his shirtfront, opened more buttons, and parted the sides, exposing flesh. Matt drew back. His hands moved, his touch light, fingertips trailing down the side of her neck down to her bodice where they stilled. She couldn’t stop her small sigh of objection.

      “Are you sure?”

      Without hesitation, she answered, her voice strong and clear. “Yes.”

      “But I think–”

      “Don’t.” Her hand snaked up his chest, over his collarbone to curve over the back of his neck. “Just kiss me again.”


      With her mouth, she silenced him. Matt made no further objection. His fingers worked with swift efficiency. Her top soon gapped open and the heat of his hands burned through her thin chemise to knead her sensitive flesh.

      Impatiently, Claire tugged his shirt free of his pants then off his shoulders. She tossed it away. Her hands roamed over tanned skin. He growled low in his throat.

      Pleased at his response, Claire pulled back. She wanted to draw this out. His hands tightened as if reluctant to release her but after a moment, he did.

      Her gaze locked on him, she stepped back. Sweat glistened on his skin. The sound of ragged breathing filled the room.

      “Claire I … ” His voice trailed off as she took another step so that she stood by a chair, the fire behind her. Matt shook his head a dazed look on his face. “I got carried away.”

      Silent, she let her gaze wander, over his heaving chest, his stomach, down past the waistband of his denims then slowly back up to look him in the eye.

      Voice ragged, his hands curled to fists. “I’m sorry.”

      “I’m…” She paused. Her fingers went to the open neck of her shirt, and started releasing the last few buttons. “Not.”

      With slow, deliberate movements, she eased the fabric down first one arm then the other. Claire pulled her top free. Matt sucked in an audible breath. She smiled and let her clothing slip off, dropping to the floor.

      Her hands went to the back of her waist, to the fastening of her brown skirt. His gaze dropped to her chest as though he couldn’t help himself when her action thrust it forward. When he looked back up, the hunger in his gaze made her tremble. He started to move toward her but stopped at the shake of her head.

      “Claire,” he groaned when a second later her skirt fell to her feet.

      Bathed in firelight, clad only in her undergarments, Claire knew she made an enticing image. Her smile broadened. Slowly she reached up and hooked her fingers around the thin straps of her chemise, intending to drive him wild.

      “Claire stop,” he warned his tone low and dangerous.

      Straps fell off her shoulders. “Why?”

      “Because if you-”

      “If I what?” She eased one arm free.


      She pulled her other arm out. One hand held the thin white cotton barely in place. “Yes Matthew.”

      “If you remove one more thing, I’ll snatch you up and take you to my bed.”

      Fabric fell about her waist, her breasts bare. “Promise?”

       Chapter Two

      Matt moved as swiftly as the lightening that had crossed the sky. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight against him, bare chest to bare chest. His mouth hovered above hers. She felt his hot breath on her lips.

      Anticipation heightened the tension between them. Her heart thundered. Seconds passed. Then, as he’d warned, Matt swept her up into his arms. A few long strides carried them out of the main room and into a small bedroom.

      Matt didn’t pause to shut the door. He crossed over to the narrow bed, sat on the covers then twisted around, pressing her down so that she lay on her back, half underneath him. Skin to skin, the heat generated between them set her nerves on fire. His mouth descended, plundering hers. One hand was braced to keep his weight from crushing her while the other roamed her body, over her hip, ribs, to cup her bare breast.

      His lips left hers to rain swift open-mouthed kisses down the side of her neck. A low moan escaped her lips when his thumb skimmed over her sensitive peak. Claire tensed. Matt shifted to look into her eyes, studied her for a heart pounding second then he dipped his head. His mouth captured her nipple, sucking hard.

      Pleasure shot through Claire. His tongue teased her while his hand caressed her skin. She gasped. Her fingers wove through the hair at the back of his head and held him close. His hand moved to her other breast, creating sweet torture. An aching need grew swiftly until it reached unbearable heights.

      “Please.” Her desire fierce; she begged.

      Matt broke off his attentions. His hand came up to trace the contours of her face. She stared up at him, entranced. A second felt like forever then he shifted, kissing her mouth softly, gently, unexpectedly.

      His lips lingered for several seconds. She made a quiet, inarticulate sound as expectation surpassed her tolerance. In response, he changed the pace again. His mouth found her breast while his hand tugged at what was left of her clothing. Claire mimicked him, reaching down for the fastening of his pants. Rough, impatient, awkward movements soon rendered the couple nude.

      Matt eased onto his side, facing her, his body hard against her soft flesh. Curious, Claire’s gaze roamed over his full length then returned to meet his. Her lips parted. Before she could speak, his mouth swooped down, taking thorough possession of hers.

      Her fingers dug into his muscled thigh while his tongue danced with hers. He pressed against Claire until he all but covered her. She writhed against him, passion clouding her thoughts. Matt broke off their kiss, his mouth moved over her skin, tasting her. He nibbled beneath her ear, licking from the hollow of her throat to the skin between her breasts.

      Claire gasped. His hand grabbed hers and placed it on his hardness. Excited and eager, she pressed her mouth to his and stroked his shaft. Instantly his body went rigid. He pulled back, breaking off the kiss. His gaze locking on hers, he reached down and captured her wrist. Their labored breathing sounded loud and harsh in the otherwise quiet cabin.

      “Are you sure?” His tone was guttural.

      Despite his grip, she managed another touch. “Very.”

      With a low growl, Matt removed her hand and parted her thighs. His fingers stroked over her curls. He kissed behind her ear, tracing along her jaw and then spread his open-mouthed kisses down her neck, over her collarbone. Persistent. Relentless. He continued his sweet onslaught until she couldn’t

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