The Tycoon's Trophy Wife. Miranda Lee

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The Tycoon's Trophy Wife - Miranda Lee

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him. First, by regaining his wealth. Secondly, by marrying.

      It had been sheer luck that his marriage to Alanna had worked out as well as it had. It could very well have been a complete disaster.

      Now that Reece realised Kristine was out of his head and his heart for ever, no way did he want to risk spoiling things. He decided that, no matter how frustrated he was feeling at this moment, sex with Alanna could at least wait till they were home. Whether they got as far as the bedroom, however, was another question. He rather fancied the idea of undressing her in the living room. Or perhaps not undressing her at all.

      He began to wonder what she was wearing underneath that red dress…

      The arrival of Holly walking down the aisle was a well-timed distraction, dragging Reece’s mind back from the erotic possibilities of later tonight to the sweetly romantic present.

      He’d been right. Holly did look lovely.

      Hearing the groom suck in sharply at the sight of his beautiful bride brought a wry smile to Reece’s lips. Underneath his ultra conservative, buttoned-up, banker facde, Richard was a total softie. A romantic and an idealist.

      A visionary, as well.

      For which Reece was grateful. If it hadn’t been for Richard’s ability to think outside the box, he’d be stony-broke today. Richard had backed Reece when not one other financial institution would touch him. He’d given him every loan he’d needed till the slump in the real-estate market had changed to a property boom, extending his hand in friendship as well.

      Reece thought the world of him.

      ‘I admit I was wrong, Rich,’ he murmured to his friend. ‘She’s definitely the girl for you.’

      ‘Too young for him, I reckon,’ Mike muttered, grunting when Reece jabbed him in the ribs.

      ‘Okay, okay, she does love him,’ Mike grumbled. ‘I can see that. Even worse, I think he loves her.’

      ‘What’s wrong with that?’ Reece said sharply.

      ‘Hush up, you two,’ Richard commanded. ‘I’m getting married here.’

      Reece gave Mike another savage glare. Mike just shrugged.

      When Richard stepped over to take his bride’s hand, Reece caught a glimpse of Holly’s face through her veil.

      The expression he saw in her eyes should have pleased him. For it was undoubtedly the look of a girl very much in love. Why, then, did Reece suddenly feel out of sorts? Surely he didn’t envy Richard, did he?


      No woman had ever looked at him quite that way, with such gloriously blind adoration. Not even Kristine when she’d supposedly been in love with him. And certainly not Alanna.

      Alanna, again…

      Reece glanced over to where his wife was standing on the other side of the bride. But he couldn’t make eye contact. Holly’s veil was getting in the way.

      Maybe it was just as well, he thought. Because he knew he’d never see anything like that expression in her eyes. The most he could hope for was a degree of mindless desire.

      There was no doubt Alanna got carried away sometimes when Reece made love to her.

      Reece vowed he would at least see that in her eyes later tonight. It wouldn’t be quite as good, but it would have to do.


      ‘YOU see?’ Alanna said, smiling up into Mike’s face. ‘You can dance. In fact, you have a great sense of rhythm.’

      Alanna had become tired of Mike always making excuses not to come to their parties, having suspected it was because he couldn’t dance. When she saw him sitting down by himself at the bridal table, looking glum whilst everyone else was up on their feet, she’d decided to take matters into her own hands. So she’d sent Reece off to dance with Sara whilst she’d dragged Mike onto the dance floor.

      The function centre Richard and Holly had chosen for their wedding reception was a converted Edwardian mansion that was simply huge, with polished wooden floors just made for dancing.

      ‘You’re a good teacher,’ Mike said, glancing up from his feet at last.

      ‘You’re a fast learner. Now you can take your girlfriend out dancing.’

      ‘Don’t have one at the moment.’

      ‘Oh? That’s not like you.’

      ‘Been working too hard.’

      ‘On anything special?’

      ‘A new anti-virus, anti-spy program. It’s going to make me a fortune. Or it will,’ he added, ‘if and when I can get the right company to market and distribute it.’

      ‘What about your own company?’ Alanna knew that Mike’s software company had been very successful. Reece had shares in it. So did Richard.

      ‘Not big enough. I need a top international company. American, preferably. With plenty of clout. I’ll ask Richard to do the negotiating for me, once I decide who to approach. He’s much better at that type of thing then I am.’

      ‘But he’ll be away on his honeymoon for the next month,’ Alanna pointed out. ‘He’s taking Holly to Europe.’

      ‘No sweat. The program’s not quite ready. It needs more testing. Make sure there aren’t any bugs.’

      ‘I see.’ Sort of. Alanna was no dummy, and she was competent enough on a computer. She used to use a computer every day at work. Although she’d given up her job in public relations after marrying Reece—being Mrs Reece Diamond was a full-time career—she still paid all the housekeeping bills over the Internet. Nevertheless, she had no idea how computers really worked.

      ‘I don’t think Reece is too happy with you dancing with me,’ Mike suddenly muttered under his breath.

      ‘What?’ Surprise sent Alanna’s eyes darting around the room till she found her husband, who was still dancing with Sara. Even with his back towards her, he was easy to spot with his being so tall and having fair hair. When he turned around enough for their eyes to meet, Alanna was taken aback by the angry expression on his very handsome and usually cheerful face.

      ‘Yep. He’s jealous,’ Mike repeated.

      Alanna’s hackles rose instinctively. ‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ she snapped. ‘Reece doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body.’

      ‘Come on, Alanna. Get real. You are one drop-dead gorgeous woman. If you were my wife, I’d be jealous of you being in another man’s arms. Just because you two have a different sort of marriage doesn’t mean a damned thing. You’re Reece’s wife and I’m a single guy with a certain reputation. It’s only natural for him to feel threatened, even though it doesn’t say too much for our friendship. He should know that you’d be the last woman on earth that I’d hit on. You and Holly.’

      Despite Mike’s explanation, Alanna still could not conceive of Reece being jealous of her in any way, shape or form. She’d danced with lots of men in front of him before, and wearing a whole lot less than she was today.

      Not once had Reece ever criticised, commented, or cared.

      As for feeling threatened by Mike…

      That idea was equally ludicrous. Alanna had never met any man as confident or as self-assured as her husband. And he had every reason to be. Not only was he very good-looking and very successful, his personality outshone everyone else’s. When Reece walked into a room, he became the sun around which the rest of the world revolved. Frankly, Alanna had never met another man quite like him.

      ‘I don’t believe he’s jealous at all,’ she pronounced firmly. ‘Sara must have said

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