The Bachelor's Perfect Match. Kathryn Springer

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The Bachelor's Perfect Match - Kathryn  Springer

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the tree outside the window.

      Did Aiden regret telling her? Did his abrupt departure mean he was going to give up the search before he’d even begun?

      Maddie wouldn’t. She would have gladly given up half her bedroom—and space on her bookshelves—for a sister or brother. But her parents had found love later in life, and Maddie’s traumatic birth and the two heart surgeries that followed had dictated she remain an only child. It had also significantly reduced the chances of her ever having a child of her own.

      She knew that God had richly blessed her in other ways—a job she loved, a purpose and a passion—so the pain of knowing she’d never be a mother had eventually subsided. But there were times—like right now—when Maddie felt the ache all over again, a weight pressing down on the sensitive scar tissue of an old wound.

      She’d never told anyone her secret. It was her burden to carry. And the truth was, there’d never been a need. The boys who hadn’t noticed her in school had grown into men who’d fallen in love and married her pretty, more outgoing classmates. Maddie had been the quiet girl in the library.

      Her lips tipped in a smile.

      She was still the quiet girl in the library. And although Maddie liked and accepted that girl a lot more than she had in high school, it stirred up all kinds of dreams she had no business dreaming. Especially about Aiden Kane.

      Maybe there was a woman out there who would eventually change his mind about settling down.

      But Maddie knew it wouldn’t be her.

      * * *

      Lights illuminated the row of windows on the second floor as Aiden let himself out of the library. A gray Subaru idled at the curb, and before Aiden could take another step, Sunni had hopped out from the driver’s seat and jogged around the front of the vehicle to open his door.

      Needing a chauffeur was another humbling side effect of Aiden’s injuries. It ranked right up there with knowing he’d lose to his mom in a footrace.

      “I hope I’m not late. I ran into Rebecca at the grocery store and we chatted for a few minutes.”

      Aiden didn’t have to ask what—or rather whom—the topic of conversation had been. Rebecca Tamblin was Pastor Seth’s wife and the head of New Life Fellowship’s prayer chain. Aiden’s name had been at the top of the list for almost two weeks.

      “Not a problem.” Aiden squeezed out a smile as he folded himself into the passenger seat.

      Sunni waited until he buckled up before she steered the car back onto the street.

      “Are you too tired to take a little detour on the way home? Dr. Voss called me a few minutes ago and asked if we have room at the shelter for another dog.”

      Aiden had passed tired a few hours ago and was skidding toward exhausted, but he nodded. “Go for it.”

      His mom took her responsibilities as the recently appointed chairman of the animal shelter as seriously as she did the family business.

      “I was hoping you’d say that!” Sunni flashed a smile and turned left off Riverside, Castle Falls’ main street. “Did you find what you were looking for at the library?”

      An image of Maddie Montgomery’s face danced in Aiden’s mind, and he batted it away.

      “No.” Aiden wasn’t ready to confide in his mom yet. If the search for his sister ended in a crash and burn, he wanted to spare his family a ringside seat. Not only that, given Sunni’s growing reputation as a matchmaker, Aiden ran the risk she might read something more into his decision to ask a certain librarian for help.

      “Wasn’t Maddie there?”

      “You know her?” As soon as the words slipped out, Aiden realized how ridiculous they sounded. Unlike Aiden, Sunni had lived in Castle Falls most of her life. She probably knew Maddie’s favorite color and her birthday.

      “I know you didn’t graduate together, but she’s at church every Sunday.” Sunni slid a sideways glance in Aiden’s direction. “I’m surprised your paths haven’t crossed.”

      Aiden wasn’t. Not after he’d seen Maddie flinch when he said he didn’t read. What he should have said was that he didn’t read well. Reading usually involved sitting still, and sitting still had never come easily to Aiden, either.

      He’d rather stick to the things he was good at.

      “How is the plan for the new addition coming along?” Aiden steered the conversation to safer ground.

      “Wonderful. Between the silent auction last June and a generous donation from the bank a few weeks ago, we should be able to break ground in May.

      “The committee decided that since the last meet and greet for the shelter went over so well, we’re going to host another one during the Fall Festival.” Sunni chuckled. “Of course, Cassie and Chloe voted that we set up the tent in the backyard.”

      The gathering point for River Quest. Aiden was glad the darkness cloaked his expression. He gritted his teeth behind a smile. “Good idea.”

      Everyone was full of good ideas these days. Orders for Liam’s new line of vintage canoes had picked up after Lily, the family marketing whiz, had posted a photograph of one on the home page of the website. Anna had taken charge of the Trading Post, and the twins helped on the weekends, straightening shelves and greeting customers.

      Everyone, it seemed, had something valuable to offer. Everyone except Aiden.

      Although he should have been used to that by now.

      Lights glowed in the windows of the veterinary clinic, but Sunni cruised past the front entrance and drove around to the back of the building.

      The door swung open before Aiden had a chance to knock, and Dr. Voss motioned them inside.

      “Sunni. Aiden. Come in, come in.” The veterinarian’s eyes were bloodshot, and the tufts of reddish-brown hair that sprouted from his head now lay as flat as stalks of wheat after a killing frost. “It’s been a long day. Two emergency surgeries, which is the reason I called you. I’m afraid there’s no more room at the inn.”

      “That’s why we’re here.” Sunni gave the man’s arm a comforting squeeze. “I’m glad the shelter could help.”

      “Follow me.” The tails of the veterinarian’s wrinkled lab coat flapped against his legs as he led them down the hallway.

      It wasn’t the first time Aiden had been to the clinic—he’d transported at least a dozen critters there for vaccinations since the shelter’s official grand opening—so he expected Dr. Voss to usher them into the spacious room that housed the kennels. The veterinarian walked past the door and took a sharp turn down another, shorter hallway instead.

      “Is the dog in quarantine or something?” Aiden whispered to his mom even though he knew it didn’t matter. Sunni had a soft spot for hard-luck cases.

      If Aiden was ever in danger of forgetting that, all he had to do was look in the mirror.

      “Not in quarantine.” Dr. Voss was the one who answered the question. “He’s kind of a loner...being around the other dogs seems to agitate him. Our facility isn’t set up for long-term convalescence, so that’s why I called your mother.”

      “Why isn’t it going home?” Aiden asked.

      “He doesn’t have one at the moment,” Sunni said.

      Dr. Voss’s steps slowed, and he matched his pace to Aiden’s. “A hiker found the dog caught in a trap by the river and called the sheriff’s department. When Deputy Bristow brought it in, the animal was dehydrated and hypothermic. Its leg wasn’t broken, but infection from the wound had spread, so we had to get that under control. What he needs now is rest and a little TLC.”

      Aiden figured the “TLC” part was where his mom came in.


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