A Baby For The Sheriff. Mary Leo

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A Baby For The Sheriff - Mary  Leo

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thought of changing a diaper made him nauseous.

      “I could if I had a diaper or even an old T-shirt or a dishcloth, but I don’t think I own any safety pins. We’ll just have to bear it until the sheriff gets here with supplies.”

      “Well, you can at least strip her down and clean her up, then maybe wrap her in a clean blanket.”

      From the tortured look on Russ’s face, Coco thought she should do just that, or what was left of her date night might end right now.

      “Okay. Let me see what I can put together,” she reassured him. “Not that I wanted to call him in the first place—we could have simply called Child Welfare or the hospital or anyone other than Sheriff Wilson...even his deputy would have been better. There’s no telling what that man might do with a baby.”

      “Don’t be ridiculous. He’ll do what he’s been trained to do with an abandoned baby...whatever that is.”

      “You know how that man is with the animals that get left on my doorstep. I’m still paying the fines for keeping some of them longer than the city will allow. If it were up to him, he’d turn them all over to the animal shelter in Idaho Falls, where they’d be put down if no one claimed them in seventy-two hours, sooner if they’re overcrowded. The man has no heart.”

      “He’s just doing his job, as I’m sure he will with Billy.”

      “Her name is Lily. Why can’t you remember that?”

      “I don’t know. Does it really matter? She can’t understand me.”

      Lily let out a blood-curdling wail.

      “I actually think she can. Or at least she doesn’t like the tone of your voice.”

      Coco pulled the baby in tighter.

      “Okay. Okay,” he whispered. “Is this better?”

      Coco bounced Lily and she quieted down. The little darling seemed to like motion, so Coco kept it going.

      “Yes, thank you.”

      Coco walked to her bedroom with Lily fussing on Coco’s shoulder, but she seemed to want to calm herself. She squeaked and cooed instead of wailing, a definite improvement. Once inside her bedroom, Coco contemplated putting Lily down on her bed, the bed she’d bought new silky sheets for, and sprayed with perfume, and surrounded with candlelight. The bed she and Russ would make love on until her body ached and she cried out for more.

      The bedroom that had been set up for sin.

      That bedroom where she now flipped the switch for the overhead light and blew out the candles...at least for now.

      She carefully laid squirming baby Lily down on the scented bed while trying to soothe her with soft-spoken words, which weren’t working. She walked to her bathroom and prepared a couple warm washcloths and then brought along a couple fluffy clean towels—new towels that she’d also picked up for the shower she and Russ would take together after hours of making love.

      So much for all her sexy plans.

      Of course, the night was still relatively young. Anything could happen.

      Placing one towel under Lily and keeping one handy to wrap her in, Coco began to undress the little sweetheart, who had stopped fussing when Coco started singing the first song that came into her head, “Happy Birthday.”

      “I’d offer to help,” Russ said, coming up behind her, “but I’m horrible with kids, especially babies. Plus, I don’t know the first thing about changing a diaper.”

      “And you think I do?” Coco said as she gently wiped off Lily’s soiled bottom. Russ made a few disgusted grunts and turned away.

      Coco knew enough from birthing livestock to keep hold of Lily’s arms while she cleaned her. Newborns of any kind liked to be touched and held whenever something else was happening to them. This one little action seemed to soothe her, exactly like it soothed a foal.

      “You’re a woman,” Russ announced as if that fact had any relevance in this situation.

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      “It’s in your DNA. Besides, you deal with babies all the time.”

      “There’s a big difference between a puppy or a foal and a little baby girl, an abandoned baby girl. Poor sweetheart doesn’t know what to think...do you, sweet Lily?”

      Lily made a couple complaints, but then settled when Coco began singing “Happy Birthday” again.

      “Where’s that sheriff? He should’ve been here by now.” Russ walked up behind Coco and ran his hands down her body. Normally a great sensation, and a real turn-on, but not while Coco was trying to clean up baby poop. “We need to pick up where we left off.”

      She moved away from him, leaning in closer to Lily, who was now nice and clean and smelling of new baby, a delightful scent if there ever was one.

      “I don’t know if that’s possible tonight, Russ. The mood has sort of been broken.”

      Coco swaddled Lily as best she could inside the soft white towel, then picked her up, cradling her tight against her chest, her little rosebud mouth suckling the air.

      “Not really. I know how we can get it back again.”


      He leaned in and kissed her with one of those sinful kisses that might have brought her to her knees...if it wasn’t for the warm trickle of liquid that now ran down between her breasts.

      * * *

      SHERIFF WILSON WASN’T about to drive over to Dr. Grant’s clinic without all the supplies she’d asked for, and then some. He’d taken care of enough babies in his life to know exactly what she needed. Plus, he knew enough about the system to know that the chances of his being able to drop off a baby with the appropriate authorities at this time of night, with all this snow, were slim to none. After he’d changed out of his uniform into more casual wear, he’d made a few phone calls, and the only words of encouragement he’d gotten were keep her warm.

      Driving down Main Street was proving to be a challenge, despite his being the only actual vehicle on the road. Even Travis Granger, who maneuvered his red sleigh and Clydesdales, picking up any stranded pedestrians, was having a time of it. The two men nodded to each other as they passed, silently acknowledging that Briggs was in for it tonight.

      By the time Sheriff Wilson tried to pull his SUV curbside on Main Street, then trudge up to the glass front door of Whipple’s One Stop and push on the bell that rang inside the Whipple apartment upstairs, he felt the tension intensify in his neck and shoulders. Jet braced himself for what was sure to be the third degree from Cindy Whipple, proprietor and one of the biggest town gossips. Not only was she a gossip, but she had town radar and could usually figure out what someone was trying desperately to hide. She had the uncanny ability to guess exactly what was going on before anyone could tell her the truth.

      A sweet woman with a heart of gold, but she couldn’t keep a secret if God came down and asked her personally.

      Within moments, a soft light came on inside the store, illuminating the frozen-food section located in the back. Jet and Cindy locked eyes for a moment before she disappeared behind the produce shelves.

      When the glass door finally swung open, bells chiming overhead, Cindy Whipple greeted him wearing a fuzzy red robe and matching slippers. Her short white hair stuck out in strange angles, as if she’d just come out of a windstorm, and her horn-rimmed glasses were askew on her wizened face. But her lips were perfectly smeared with red lipstick. Ms. Whipple never went out in public without her bright red lipstick in place. And, apparently, that went for answering the door late at night.

      “Sheriff Wilson! What in blazes are you doing out here so late? Did somebody die? Is there a big accident somewhere and you need medical supplies? Because I can give you a deal you won’t believe.”


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