Come Home, Cowboy. Cathy McDavid

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Come Home, Cowboy - Cathy  McDavid

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Someone with children. But it really is best for them.”

      “I thought he’d keep the guest suite and his brother Cole would move out.”

      “You hoped.”

      “He wants Hurry Up for his children.”

      “Aren’t they a little young to ride?”


      Summer smiled. “But you’re going to let him adopt the horse.”

      Cara shrugged one shoulder. “Sponsor the horse. For a monthly stipend. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll take Hurry Up back.”

      “Sounds like a good compromise.”

      “He wants the black stallion, too. He didn’t tell me, but I overhead him talking to Cole. I’m less inclined to agree.”


      Cara groaned in frustration.

      “Let him sponsor the horses, Cara. You’re always looking for good homes. What better home is there than Dos Estrellas?”

      Right again. This was getting old.

      “Muh, muh,” Teddy called from inside the car.

      Summer glanced over her shoulder. “I’d better go. He’s getting restless.”

      At the driver side door, the two women hugged. Summer tucked a lock of Cara’s hair behind her ear in an affectionate gesture.

      “You’re stronger than you think,” she said. “You can handle this.”

      Maybe. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

      Rather than return to the house, Cara walked through the horse stable. It wasn’t Hurry Up that drew her, but the apartment stairs. The next thing she knew, she stood on the landing.

      Her hand reached for the knob and turned it. The door wasn’t locked, and she slowly entered, her bootsteps soft on the braided area rug. Josh and the children weren’t due for several hours.

      Like a ghost, she silently walked across the small living room, down the hall and to the bedroom. Her heart lurched at the sight of the crib set up in one corner and the changing table beside it. She’d furnished the room similarly. The only difference was the youth bed in the opposite corner.

      Summer had been wrong. Cara wasn’t strong at all.

      She noticed the covers on the electrical outlets were still in place, as well as safety locks on the windows and doors. An inspection of the closet yielded a baby gate tucked in the back.

      Josh would need that. Stairs were dangerous for toddlers, though that wasn’t where Javier had fallen. After all her worrying and diligent watchfulness, something as seemingly harmless as the laundry room was the site of his fatal accident.

      She rested a trembling hand on the crib railing. “Oh, mijo. I miss you so much.”

      Distant voices distracted her, and she quickly withdrew her hand. The voices were accompanied by the sound of someone climbing the stairs. Who was here? Her mind had barely asked the question when she heard the unmistakable sound of Josh’s voice.

      “Come on, buddy. That’s it. Grab the railing.”

      “I firsty, Daddy.”

      “We’ll get you some water in a minute.”

      Cara panicked and searched frantically for an escape route. There was none. Josh was going to catch her in the apartment. What would he think? What excuse could she offer?

      She dashed toward the living room, preferring to be caught there than in the bedroom. Her mind emptied the moment Josh entered the apartment.

      He held the hand of a young boy bundled in a warm jacket and knitted cap, and with the same striking blue eyes as his father. In his other hand, Josh held a baby carrier. From beneath the rainbow-colored blanket, a chubby face peeked out, rosy-cheeked and sucking on a pacifier.

      Both children were incredibly beautiful, and Cara’s heart lurched anew.

      “I, ah, didn’t mean to intrude,” she stammered and brushed self-consciously at her damp eyes.

      Josh strode forward. “Actually, if you don’t mind, I could use some assistance.”

      “From me?”

      He smiled, and she wished he hadn’t. This was hard enough for her, and she didn’t need him being nice.

      “Can you hold Kimberly for a minute? Nathan’s thirsty, and I promised him some water.”

      Without waiting for her answer, Josh handed her the baby carrier.

      Cara watched as her hand, acting on its own, grabbed the carrier. She stood frozen in place while Josh went to the refrigerator, removed a jug of water and poured some into a plastic sippy cup he’d produced from...she had no idea where.

      “Here you go, buddy.”

      The boy, Nathan, drank, never taking his eyes off Cara. She couldn’t meet his stare and instead gazed down at Kimberly, the baby’s face that of an angel.

      Suddenly, Cara’s hand shook. Afraid she might drop the carrier, she set it down on the floor.

      “Are you okay?” Josh asked.

      She wasn’t sure and stumbled toward the couch. The cushions dipped as she sat. She’d forgotten how old and uncomfortable the couch was. Josh would probably have trouble sleeping on the pullout bed. She had.

      “I haven’t been around little children much...lately.” She wrung her hands nervously. Why wasn’t she leaving?

      Josh sat on the other end of the couch, balancing Nathan on his lap. “We’ll try to keep out of your way as much as possible.”

      “You don’t have to do that.” It was her problem to handle, not his.

      Nathan didn’t want to sit and scrambled off Josh’s lap. He walked over to his sleeping sister and set his sippy cup in the carrier at her feet.

      That made no sense. Then again, he wasn’t three years old yet.

      “Daddy, I hungry.”

      “The kid eats like nothing I’ve ever seen.” Josh got off the couch and headed to the kitchen. “Raquel put some hot dogs in the fridge.”

      “Hot dogs!” Nathan tumbled excitedly into the kitchen.

      The boy grabbed the counter edge as Josh removed a perfectly good hot dog from the package, arranged it on a paper plate and put it in the microwave. Ninety seconds later, the pair of them stared dejectedly at a deformed hot dog.

      “I guess I messed that up.” Josh shot the microwave a dirty look as if it were responsible.

      Nathan started to cry.

      Cara pushed to her feet, fully intending to leave. Except, she didn’t. Going into the kitchen, she automatically patted Nathan on the head before realizing her mistake. His hair was the texture of silk.

      “Hot dogs take thirty seconds to heat,” she said, examining her hand before brushing it on her jeans.

      Josh placed a second one on the paper plate. “I have a lot to learn.” He pressed buttons on the microwave. This time, when the buzzer sounded, the hot dog looked edible. He cut it into small pieces and then carried the plate to the table.

      “Did you bring a booster seat?” Cara assured herself that the baby slept peacefully in her carrier on the floor. It was as good a place as any.

      Josh shook his head. “I don’t know. My in-laws and Trista did most of the packing.”

      “Daddy. Hungry!” Nathan complained impatiently.

      “Wait.” Cara hurried to the hall closet. The extra pillows were there, just like before. Back at the table, she

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