Her Cowboy Reunion. Debbi Rawlins

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Her Cowboy Reunion - Debbi  Rawlins

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sighed. Even so, Nina should’ve cleared it with her first. “I’d better get back before he comes over and bothers me.”

      She swung around and ran right into a wall of hard, solid male. Her breath left her in a whoosh, and she stumbled back against the bar with a fair amount of force.

      A hand shot out to steady her. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Are you okay?”

      “Fine.” She brushed the hair away from her warm cheeks. The bar had to be made of solid oak. She’d hit it at an odd angle, and it would probably leave a bruise, but she was more embarrassed than anything else.

      “Did I hurt you?” He eased his grip on her arm and lowered his hand.

      “It wasn’t your fault, it was mine.” She finally looked up at his face. Classically handsome. Dark hair, cut short. Dark eyes. Tall...

      Oh, God. She knew him.

      Mike something. His family had owned a ranch about three miles from where she’d lived in that run-down cabin. They hadn’t actually spoken...he was older, but he’d always waved when he saw her walking to the creek, where she used to hide out, anxious to get away from her parents’ endless arguments until her dad had finally left.

      One time, Mike had even offered her a ride in his truck. Savannah had always had a book with her. That day, though, she’d been carrying three heavy hardbacks and enough snacks to last her a week. Just in case she had gotten brave enough to run away. It was the only time she’d seen him up close. She remembered because she’d thought he had kind eyes.

      Burnett. That was his last name.

      Nina touched her arm. “Are you okay?” she asked, clearly concerned.

      “What?” Savannah blinked at her. “Yes, I’m fine.” Her gaze went back to Mike. “How about you?”

      His mouth quirked up a little at the corners. “Right as rain.”

      “Good. Okay.” She swallowed at the way he was staring at her. Didn’t mean he recognized her. He probably just thought she was some crazy woman. “Again, I’m so sorry,” she said, stepping around him and then hurrying to the table.

      “What the hell was that about?” Ron asked.

      “Nothing. I wasn’t paying attention and plowed into that guy.”

      Ron frowned. “So why were you staring at each other?”

      “I—I don’t know. I was in shock.” She touched her side, which barely hurt. “Plus I think I bruised my ribs.”

      “Want me to have a look?”

      “Gee, how kind of you to offer.” She turned away from his boorish grin. And sneaked another peek at Mike.

      He picked up a mug of beer the bartender had just slid over to him and then carried it into the back room. Even if Savannah hadn’t seen him up close, she would’ve recognized his loose, easy stride. It was pretty amazing, the things that had stuck with her. The smell of the first day at the public school. The sound of the creek near the cabin. The way the kids had stared at her that awful day. And the kindness of her neighbor.

      “Did you hear me?”

      Savannah had vaguely heard him say something about Kalispell. “What about it?” she said, starting to pick up the beer the waitress had left. Only then did she realize she was still clutching the handful of quarters. “Oh, damn. I forgot to choose some songs.”

      Her heart picked up speed. From here she couldn’t see Mike. But from the jukebox she’d have a great view of the back room. The thought worried her. If anything, she should be staying clear of him. Just in case...

      “Come on, you don’t really want to stick around. There’s gotta be a lot more happening in Kalispell than this hick town.”

      “But their mayor didn’t hire us, did he?” She should’ve lowered her voice. “You know what? You’re right.” She reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out the rental key. “Go. Have a good time. I’ll team up with Nina.”

      “Ah, you’re anxious to get rid of me.” He took the keys, raising his right eyebrow at her. “So you two can pick up all the cowboys you want.”

      “Don’t be an idiot.”

      Ron glanced toward the back room. “We’re supposed to be the happily engaged couple,” he said, returning his arm to the back of her chair and leaning close. “What would people think?”

      “Okay, I was wrong about the town and our approach. Is that what you wanted to hear? We don’t need to see how they roll out the carpet for a special occasion. This isn’t that kind of getaway. So feel free to hit Kalispell. On the company’s dime.” At this point, Savannah would gladly pay his expenses out of her own pocket. “Stay a few days, write up something that relates to Blackfoot Falls and I’ll take care of it from there.”

      Ron studied her for a long, unnerving moment. “Nah, I kind of like this arrangement,” he said, tightening his arm around her.

      It took all of her willpower not to react. “Maybe you should go back to Denver. I’m sure there’s another assignment better suited to your taste.”

      He shook his head. “Hicksville is starting to grow on me.”

      Savannah reared back when it looked as if he might try to kiss her. “Don’t you dare. And if I hear Hicksville one more time, you are going back to Denver whether you like it or not.”

      His mouth curved in a cocky smile. “Don’t let that supervisor title go to your head. The only reason I haven’t moved up the chain is because I don’t want the headache.”

      She wondered if he resented her promotion—the one she’d worked hard for and totally deserved. “You’re being unprofessional. I don’t care if you think this job doesn’t matter or that no one will pay attention to your snide remarks. In a place like this? Everyone knows everything, and what they aren’t quite sure of, they’ll fill in with information that will fuel the best gossip. No matter who they harm or what they—” She stopped and took a breath when she saw how oddly he was looking at her. “Anyway, we don’t need our impression tainted or our recommendations not taken seriously.”

      “That’s some insight,” he said in a slightly mocking tone. “How do you know so much about it? Where are you from?”

      She rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows how small towns operate.” She picked up her mug before she mouthed off again.

      As she took a sip, she saw Mike emerge from the back room, his gaze sweeping the bar and briefly lingering on her before he turned away.

      Her stomach did a complete somersault.

       Chapter Three

      Mike set his beer on the bar and smiled at the dark-haired woman sitting two stools away and eyeing him as he waited for Mallory. She didn’t look familiar, but the woman who’d bumped into him earlier sure did.

      “Hey, it’s good to see you, Mike,” Mallory said as she walked up. “Sorry I couldn’t talk before. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

      “Yep, been busy. So have you, I see.”

      “Business is great. I’m only closed one day a week now. And that’s just for the sake of my sanity.”

      “Glad to hear it.” Mike had gotten to know her a little when he’d done some carpentry work for her. He’d already quit doing side jobs by the time she’d moved to town, but he couldn’t say no. Frankly, had she been available, he would’ve asked her out. “Listen, the woman I almost ran over earlier, do you know her?”

      Mallory glanced past him and shook her head. “I’ve never seen her before. Probably a tourist. She’s

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