The Return of Connor Mansfield. Beth Cornelison

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The Return of Connor Mansfield - Beth  Cornelison

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want me to give up the chance to find my soul mate and spend my life with someone I loved. She said it didn’t feel right to marry me when she was still in love with my brother.”

      Connor drew his shoulders back and scoffed. “Still in love? You could have fooled me.” He glanced back toward the kitchen, remembering Darby’s angry outburst.

      “Can you blame her for being mad?” Hunter jammed his hand on his hip and arched a dark brown eyebrow. “She’s got a right to be hurt. You’ve been lying to her with your absence for more than four years. Where have you been? How could you trick us all into thinking you were dead?”

      Connor sighed and scrubbed a hand down his face. “Long story. I promise you’ll get the details soon, but right now, I need to get back in there and drink juice with my daughter.”

      Hunter huffed. “You mean your niece.” Sarcasm dripped from Hunter’s tone. “Why didn’t you tell her the truth?”

      “That was Darby’s call. I’d love for Savannah to know who I am. I want to hear her call me Daddy more than anything. But I won’t hurt her, either. And when I have to leave again—”

      Hunter straightened, his expression startled. “You’re not staying?”

      Connor sighed, a hollow ache throbbing behind his ribs. “I can’t. If I blow my cover, all of you could be put at risk.” He took a step toward his younger brother. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. For the pain I caused you. All of the family. If I’d thought there was another way...”

      Hunter’s expression eased, his brow furrowing. “Mom took it especially hard.”

      Connor dropped his gaze to his feet. “I can imagine.” Then, glancing back up, he met his brother’s eyes. “How are Mom and Dad?”

      “They’re doin’ all right. They look older. First they lost you. Now Savannah is sick. It’s been difficult for them.” Hunter shook his head sorrowfully, then sent him a half grin. “Kaylee’s been a bright spot, though.”

      “Kaylee?” Connor asked, recalling Savannah asking about the girl.

      A wider smile split Hunter’s face. “Kaylee is Grant and Tracy’s new baby. She’s two months old and cute as can be. Savannah adores her.” He shrugged, a sappy grin on his face. “We all do. Peyton dotes on her baby sister, and Grant is over the moon. Tracy miscarried twice in three years before they had Kaylee. So naturally we’re all thrilled for them.”

      Connor smiled, remembering how his older brother had gushed when his first daughter had been born. Geez, he thought, Peyton is six years old now. Almost seven.

      “That’s awesome. No one deserves it more. He’s a great dad.”

      Hunter held Connor’s gaze for a moment, then stepped forward to give Connor another bear hug. “We’ve missed you, Con.”

      Connor had to battle the surge of emotion in his throat before he could respond. “It’s good to be back.” Even if I can’t stay...

      Pulling away, Hunter hitched his head toward the kitchen. “Now get in there and get to know your own daughter.”

      My daughter. His pulse hiccupped in his chest as he stepped back into the kitchen.

      “Sit by me, Uncle Connuh!” Savannah patted the table next to her.

      “I’d be honored.” He pulled out the chair beside his daughter and took a sip of the grape juice Darby had waiting for him. Savannah already had a purple mustache from her juice, and Connor chuckled. “Looks like you’re wearing your juice.”

      “Oops!” She giggled and swiped at her face with her arm.

      His own beard and mustache, prosthetics he’d put on that morning with Raleigh’s help to aid in his disguise, itched. He looked forward to pulling off the faux facial hair at the first chance he got.

      “Napkin,” Darby said from the kitchen.

      Savannah reached for a napkin, her hand flapping against the table when she came up short. Connor handed her one and pulled another for himself. He found himself staring at the fragile little girl he’d helped create, marveling at every freckle, every precocious gesture. And worrying over every obvious sign of her illness. The hair loss, the shadows beneath her gold eyes, the red needle marks and bruising on her arms where she’d obviously been stuck for blood draws and chemotherapy treatment.

      Leukemia. His gut twisted. His baby had cancer. How had Darby managed these past months with that dark diagnosis? Bile churned inside him. He should have been here, should have been with Darby, sharing the burden, supporting her.

      Hell, he should have been here for Savannah’s birth, her first steps, her first words. When his sinuses burned with his rising grief, he gritted his back teeth, forcing down the sting of tears and regret. He hated all the milestones he’d missed, but he couldn’t let his daughter see his sorrow.

      Someone pounded on Darby’s back door, then threw it open with a crash. “Darby!”

      Connor stiffened, recognizing the voice.

      “Grandma!” Savannah chirped.

      “Darby, is it true? Is Connor—” His mother burst into the kitchen from the mudroom. With a gasp, she staggered to a stop when she spotted him and wheezed, “Alive.”

      Chapter 6

      Connor shoved to his feet, caught off guard by his mother’s arrival. “Mom, how—?”

      “Look, Gwandma!” Savannah pointed to him, beaming proudly. “It’s my new uncle Connuh.”

      Tears puddled in Julia Mansfield’s eyes, and she raised a trembling hand to her mouth. “Oh, my God. Praise the Lord! My sweet boy.”

      She rushed forward, folding him in a hug. He squeezed her back, both overjoyed to see her and confused by her appearance.

      “But how did you know?” Connor divided an irritated glance between Hunter and Darby over his mother’s head. One of the two had to have told her, breaking their promise and blowing his cover.

      Darby hurried into the breakfast area from the kitchen, frowning. “Hunter, I told you not to say anything!”

      Hunter raised his palms, shaking his head. “Don’t look at me. I didn’t—” He stopped suddenly, his face going slack as he groaned. “Oh, wait.” He winced and sent Connor a guilty grimace. “I texted her earlier.” He looked to Darby. “After you got that call from the doctor’s office about the DNA test results.”

      Darby’s shoulders sagged, and Connor blew out a frustrated breath. His mother pulled back from her embrace and gave him a puzzled look. “Why wouldn’t you tell me? What’s going on?”

      “Uh, Savannah, honey.” Darby pulled back the girl’s chair and lifted her down “Why don’t you take Uncle Hunter to your room for a while?”

      “Mom texted me this morning wanting to know when Savannah would be going home,” Hunter said, still explaining. “I told her you’d left. Told her about the call. I—”

      Outside, car doors slammed, and Connor tensed.

      “That’ll be your father and Grant,” his mother said. “I called the office on my way here, and they said they’d be right behind me.”

      “Julia? Darby?” his father called as he and Grant hurried through the back door. They stopped and scanned the room full of faces, their expressions eager. “Where is he?”

      In seconds, the volume in the kitchen rose exponentially as everyone began talking on top of each other and emotions swelled.

      “Connor! We thought you were dead!”

      “I don’t understand. Where have you been?”

      “Mommy, can Uncle Connuh play with

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