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Indeed the LORD will vindicate his people,

      have compassion on his servants,

      when he sees that their power is gone,

      neither bond nor free remaining.

      37 Then he will say: Where are their gods,

      the rock in which they took refuge,

      38 who ate the fat of their sacrifices,

      and drank the wine of their libations?

      Let them rise up and help you,

      let them be your protection!

      39 See now that I, even I, am he;

      there is no god besides me.

      I kill and I make alive;

      I wound and I heal;

      and no one can deliver from my hand.

      40 For I lift up my hand to heaven,

      and swear: As I live forever,

      41 when I whet my flashing sword,

      and my hand takes hold on judgment;

      I will take vengeance on my adversaries,

      and will repay those who hate me.

      42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood,

      and my sword shall devour flesh—

      with the blood of the slain and the captives,

      from the long-haired enemy.

      and take vengeance on his adversaries;

      he will repay those who hate him,[79]

      48 On that very day the LORD addressed Moses as follows: 49“Ascend this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, across from Jericho, and view the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites for a possession; 50you shall die there on the mountain that you ascend and shall be gathered to your kin, as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his kin; 51because both of you broke faith with me among the Israelites at the waters of Meribath-kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, by failing to maintain my holiness among the Israelites. 52Although you may view the land from a distance, you shall not enter it—the land that I am giving to the Israelites.”

      The LORD came from Sinai,

      he shone forth from Mount Paran.

      all his holy ones were in your charge;

      they marched at your heels,

      accepted direction from you.

       4 Moses charged us with the law,

      as a possession for the assembly of Jacob.

       5 There arose a king in Jeshurun,

      when the leaders of the people assembled—

      the united tribes of Israel.

       6 May Reuben live, and not die out,

      even though his numbers are few.

       7And this he said of Judah:

      O LORD, give heed to Judah,

      and bring him to his people;

      and be a help against his adversaries.

       8And of Levi he said:

      and your Urim to your loyal one,

      whom you tested at Massah,

      with whom you contended at the waters of Meribah;

       9 who said of his father and mother,

      “I regard them not”;

      he ignored his kin,

      and did not acknowledge his children.

      For they observed your word,

      and kept your covenant.

      10 They teach Jacob your ordinances,

      and Israel your law;

      they place incense before you,

      and whole burnt offerings on your altar.

      11 Bless, O LORD, his substance,

      and accept the work of his hands;

      crush the loins of his adversaries,

      of those that hate him, so that they do not rise again.

      12Of Benjamin he said:

      The beloved of the LORD rests in safety—

      13And of Joseph he said:

      Blessed by the LORD be his land,

      with the choice gifts of heaven above,

      and of the deep that lies beneath;

      14 with the choice fruits of the sun,

      and the rich yield of the months;


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