Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific. Ber Perlo van

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Birds of New Zealand, Hawaii, Central and West Pacific - Ber Perlo van

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href="#fb3_img_img_22ee3003-69b5-5a68-aa40-64b740b6b2a5.png"/> 8.2 SALVIN’S PRION Pachyptila salvini [Prion de Salvin] W 57cm. Separation from 8.1 and 8.3 probably impossible at sea. In the hand shows comb-like lamellae at base of closed bill. Bill grey.
Inshore and offshore.
Hoarse, rather excited croaking at different pitch.
NZ seas. image 8.3 ANTARCTIC PRION Pachyptila desolata [Prion de la Désolation] W 63cm. Smaller and bluer bill than 8.1 and – though collar more distinct – not safely separable from 8.2.
Breeds in burrows and rock crevices; feeds offshore and in open ocean.
Low, hoarse and falsetto croaking (not unlike statics on radio).
Breeds NZ 6,8. image 8.4 SLENDER- (or NZThin-)BILLED PRION Pachyptila belcheri [Prion de Belcher] W 56cm. The M on wings less distinct than 8.1–8.3, especially in worn plumage (a). Note small, narrow bill and extensive, distinct white eyebrow, giving pale-faced expression.
Inshore, offshore and open ocean.
NZ seas. image 8.5 FAIRY PRION Pachyptila turtur [Prion colombe] W 56cm. Note indistinct facial pattern and narrow M on wings. At sea not safely separable from 8.6.
Breeds in burrows or in rock crevices and caves. Feeds offshore and in open ocean.
High, excited croaking.
Breeds NZ 4,5,8. image 8.6 FULMAR PRION13 Pachyptila crassirostris [Prion à bec épais] W 60cm. Difficult to separate at sea from smaller-billed 8.5 with similar pale face pattern; best distinction said to be its ‘looping’ flight.
Breeds in crevices and in tunnels in cliffs. At sea, inshore and offshore.
Low, hoarse, at times bouncing croaking.
Breeds NZ 4–6,9. image 8.7 ANTARCTIC PETREL Thalassoica antarctica [Pétrel antarctique] W 105cm. Note characteristic pattern of upperparts with contrasting white secondaries and tail.
Inshore and offshore.
Low, hoarse croaks.
Breeds NZ 8. R image 8.8 NORTHERN FULMAR Fulmarus glacialis [Fulmar boréal] W 107cm. Pale morph (b) more blotchy, less solid pearl-grey above and its dark morph (b, only morph yet seen near Hawaii) is darker than the Atlantic ssp glacialis (which does not occur in the area).
Off Ha. R image 8.9 SOUTHERN (or NZAntarctic) FULMAR Fulmarus glacialoides [Fulmar argenté] W 118cm. Note diagnostic contrasting wing pattern with white flash on outer wings more contrastingly patterned above than 8.4. From gulls by gliding flight on stiff wings.
Offshore and open ocean.
High, hoarse, subdued shrieks.
Breeds NZ 8. image

      9 Petrels

inline 9.1 TAHITI PETREL Pterodroma rostrata [Pétrel de Tahiti] W 84cm. Very similar to 10.3, which see. Note the pale stripe down centre of underwings, sharp demarcation on chest and rather pale uppertail coverts. Flies with straight wings held perpendicular to body, alternating deep wingbeats with banking glides and arcs.
Breeds in burrows on mountain slopes with thick forest cover. Forages at open sea.
Nasal, drawn-out shrieks at varying pitch.
Breeds FrPo 3,4,19,
Co 1. R
image 9.2 FIJI PETREL Pterodroma macillivrayi [Pétrel des Fidji] W 68cm. Characterised by small size and uniform brown plumage. From 12.5 by lack of paler wingbar.
Breeding grounds unknown; presumed to forage offshore.
Fi 10. R E.Fi
image 9.3 GOULD’S PETREL14 Pterodroma leucoptera [Pétrel de Gould] W 70cm. Note small size, black cap, narrow underwing markings and dark M across wings.
Offshore and open seas. imageСкачать книгу