Teamwork Psychology Development. Simone Janson

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Teamwork Psychology Development - Simone Janson

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annoys you and the team! Talk to your colleague about it, but please do it in private.

      Arrange a self-experience exercise, for example one in which the colleague does not complain for a day; for this you criticize for eight hours what the stuff holds. In the end, you drink a café together and share what you have felt and experienced in the other role.

      5. The wrong boss

      He, often she too, wasn't actually born to be a boss. But the top management has punished him or does not see the incompetence. First of all: You cannot change the situation, only yourself.

      You often experience weaknesses in the boss when you feel superior in “high status” to the boss, who, on the other hand, takes a “low status” in your eyes because he appears insecure or weak in making decisions.

      The solution: consciously make yourself smaller, behave more slowly, more carefully, reduce your self-confidence when dealing with this boss - you will see that this will give you better access to your supervisor.

      Conclusion: The cooperation works depending on the type

      In order for teamwork to succeed, there must always be several factors right. And of course it depends on the right composition in the team.

      With the right communication, even the most difficult colleague can become easy. Conversely, there are colleagues with whom the cooperation does not want to succeed even with the best will. Then you should take the consequences and separate yourself, for example by asking to be transferred to another team or, if that is not possible, quitting.

      Social Competence and Communication: 8 Reasons Why teamwork is worthwhile

      // By Dr. Cornelia Topf

      Isn't it difficult enough to clarify and represent your own interests? Does it really make sense to take those of others into account? Isn't it much easier to just look at yourself, according to the motto: “When everyone thinks of themselves, everyone is also thought of!”

      What brings me all this?

      Granted, alterocentration can be really exhausting. One always asks oneself the question: what does all this bring me?

      Caught. The last question must be: What brings us all this? Some of the answers lie in the beginnings of human history:

      1. Together, more successful

      Even then, an individual would have been hard pressed to hunt alone. The prospect of rich prey in the group was significantly greater, which is why the ability to cooperate was formed. These days you probably will not hunt with your neighbor to get your dinner.

      But what do you do if you have an urgent problem and need someone to talk? Are not you happy, too, if your coach, your partner, your coach has an open ear for you?

      2. Alterocentricity promotes good health

      “The good deed”, namely alter-focusing, not only promotes understanding, understanding and relationship, it also promotes your own health.

      Listening to others, engaging in their desires and needs often results in more than a thousand words. Give your partner a smile. Your partner will have the feeling of being taken seriously and appreciated by you. He will be happy to come to you and to seek contact with you - and also like to do business with you.

      3. The soft success factors

      Alter focus, sympathy and empathy are “soft” success factors. It is also a good feeling when I know that the partner is giving me his full trust. At the same time, you benefit from it yourself, because a smile relaxes, relieves stress and releases valuable happiness hormones. Acting in an oriented manner is worthwhile!

      Openness for the opinion of your interlocutor and consideration for his situation signal understanding and sympathy. Your partner feels in good hands with you and agrees with your suggestions, rather than if he passes by, does not hear and does not see, talked to the wall.

      4. Negotiate successfully

      But this is not only the case, but you are also quicker to reach your goal with age centering. Do not you believe? Then consider this:

      Nobody cooperates or contracts with people who talk exclusively about their concepts, ideas and ideas and simply ignore your questions, interests and needs.

      5. Mastering challenges better

      Your supervisor asked you to hold a presentation. OK, you will think and read quickly these studies, this one essay, ah, since there was still this article in a specialist magazine. Forget it.

      If you waste your thoughts less on content, think about it:

       How do I react to my listeners?

       Is that what I want to convey to my listeners?

       How can I respond to their needs?

      6. Convince by alterozentriertes action

      Of course, the facts must be sitting, but most you can sleep anyway. Your boss will trust you, so why should you doubt yourself? Decisive for the success in your presentation will be how well you come over.

      Through age-centric action, you can convince your audience. If you give others the feeling to enter their desires and feelings, one is glad to listen. Likewise, one is more willing to believe what he is telling him. Sounds handy: Handle Alterczentriert and you will automatically be assigned a higher competence.

      7. Gain sympathy

      Through age-centered action you can arouse sympathy in your negotiating partners. Or do not you find it appealing when your conversation partner meets your wishes and gets your full attention to you.

      If you understand to listen to your partner properly, you will reap friendly looks. In addition, you will be more confident in conversation situations and talk more freely. Altercenterierung helps you to master challenges better. You will see, you will be more likely to forgive a mistake or a stutterer than an egoist who is selfish.

      8. There is more in common than the sum of the individual parts

      If I pay attention, show egocentricity, show interest, I lose nothing. Communication is not a zero-sum game: what one gives, the other wins and vice versa. In the worst case, everyone loses, possibly in strife, combat, attack, warlike conflict - at best, everyone wins, alterozentration.

      Show your openness to your communication partner, get involved in something new. You will be surprised by what previously undiscovered skills come to the fore. You will see: it's worth it!

      Team spirit and solidarity: multi-class company in the enterprise

      // By Anne M. Schüller

      The more a “we-here group” stands out from a “the-there group”, the more intense the feeling of social identification. And the more dangerous are exclusion mechanisms. Many companies already have to beware of a multi-class society in the workplace.

      The defibration of working models

      In addition to a core workforce in conventional employment relationships, many companies are increasingly collaborating without a traditional employment contract: in projects, with freelancers, with temporary employment agencies, with interim managers. There are more fixed-term contracts and also a larger number of cooperating specialists,

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