Robot as a Colleague? No Fear of Job Loss. Simone Janson

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Robot as a Colleague? No Fear of Job Loss - Simone Janson

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      Data Science

      Demand for candidates with data science skills will grow as much as the big data capacity of enterprises. Anyone who combines technical and scientific expertise with the ability to find the important information and stories in a flood of information is in demand.

      No wonder that the corresponding job offers are growing exponentially: Data scientist offers in Germany have increased by 310 percent in recent years. The market developed almost identically in Great Britain and Ireland. This is a sign that the challenges and opportunities of big data and data analysis have been recognized across borders.

      Health service

      In addition to professions related to digitization, job profiles also have good future prospects associated with demographic change in Europe. In a few years, 25 percent of Europeans will be 65 or older - compared to 18 percent today. The result: professions in healthcare such as nurses or physiotherapists have a solid future ahead of them. These jobs require a high degree of empathy, ingenuity and physical skills and are therefore not at risk of being automated.

      In fact, according to a recent Oxford study entitled “The future of employment,” the likelihood that computers could replace healthcare workers within the next is less than 1 percent. Nevertheless: The Indeed data show a significant increasing shortage of skilled workers in the German healthcare system. Especially for medical assistance centers and nursing jobs, the gap between the continuing demand for personnel and applicant interest is widening.

      (Digital) Marketing and Design

      Algorithms can do much good, but not everything. Creativity is not (yet) one of their strengths. Creative professions work with complex interactions of ideas, words and images in equally complex cultural and social contexts. For a computer this is extremely difficult to reproduce. The rise of the algorithms will therefore exceed marketing, advertising and design. Digital marketing has experienced impressive growth, which is expected to continue.

      There is a lot of potential, especially in markets where digital marketing has not yet blossomed. This is also shown by developments in Germany, where job offers for digital marketing experts have skyrocketed by 259 percent in the past two years. Marketing is also becoming increasingly important for companies. A Duke University study predicted a significant increase in marketing spending - an indication of job stability in this area.


      We are still not living in a world in which drones deliver packages to the doorstep. However, she is no longer far away. Efficiency, comfort and customer wishes are driving the development of the logistics industry.

      However, this does not mean that the logistics sector is ripe for full automation - human workers will continue to work in oversight and administration in the now extremely complex global supply and supply chain processes. However, traditional job profiles in logistics will undergo a change.

      Human Resources

      HR professionals and professionals are increasingly becoming a key competitive advantage for companies in times of global competition for the best talent. A data-driven HR strategy is already deciding on the company's success. Their importance will increase.

      With the scarcely manageable amount of information available to employers and jobseekers, the application process will change dramatically. Candidate selection and recruiting will be even more data driven in the future. Tools, such as those that make an automatic pre-selection of applicants, will spread further. Whoever wants to make a career in HR in the coming years must therefore combine social competence and emotional intelligence on the one hand with expertise in software and analytics on the other.

      “Gig worker”

      The future of work is not just about data and analysis. The job market is becoming increasingly fragmented. Candidates no longer apply for a full job, but also individual “gigs”. Take Uber, for example: The company enables self-employed drivers to work flexibly in terms of time, with little more than a smartphone and a car. This model was quickly adopted by other service industries.

      Job seekers are adopting the model - worldwide interest in jobs in the gig economy has increased. As soon as other industries take up this platform model and regulation has taken place, more and more employees will also take part. The fragmentation makes forecasting the future difficult - self-driving cars could soon be the means of transportation of choice.


      Education remains important. Again, we continue to see strong demand - particularly in developing countries and emerging markets. In the meantime, trends such as onlineCourses have opened up new possibilities as instructors in a country can now offer classes for students all over the world.

      For example, Harvard Business School already uses “Virtual Classroom” software to open its business courses to a worldwide audience. Mass migration to western industrialized nations will also have a major impact on education. Educators with linguistic and intercultural skills will be very popular in the future. In Germany, job offers for language teachers and translators have increased exponentially.


      However, some things never change. And that's good. People will always have to eat, but have less and less time to cook. Chefs combine creative intelligence and complex manual skills in a way that is very difficult to automate. In fact, according to the Oxford study already mentioned, the probability that this profession will be automated is only 10 percent. In the UK and Ireland, the number of vacancies for cooks and kitchen helpers rose by over 100 percent. An interesting contrast to Germany, where there was hardly any change in the same period.

      Two explanatory possibilities are offered here. Economic cycles have traditionally had a strong impact on gastronomy. When income increases and unemployment decreases, restaurants and elsewhere are benefiting. In Germany, both factors were less variable during the analysis period than in the UK and Ireland. In contrast, Eurostat shows a possible cultural difference in household spending statistics: the British spend almost twice as much on restaurant visits. This shows: Even in a global labor market, there are regional facets that determine whether a profession is more or less in demand.

      Thus, automation changes human resources: 5 top competences of the recruiters of the future

      // By Simone Janson

      Again and again we have up Best of HR –® pointed out that new skills will be needed in the future labor market to survive in automation. For which areas and sectors does this apply? And what do workers of tomorrow have to do, especially in human resources?

      Can robots replace recruiter?

      In terms of human resources staffing skills, our readers have a clear opinion that robots can never replace human judgment when recruiting. So wrote Martina Welsch:

       “The program could possibly sort out the 'carelessly' written applications. So those that may have been written only to have evidence for the social welfare agency. I could live with that. Certainly people in HR departments sometimes make wrong decisions. Nevertheless, I assume that most HR learners will endeavor to select someone who fits into the team. How does an algorithm recognize this? ”

      This brings us to the question: what will people in the labor market have to be able to do in the future in order to survive the undemanding and flexible machines?

       On the one hand, humanity: this includes all professions and areas in which empathy and intuition are important. Because people prefer to interact with

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