Overcoming a Financial Crisis. Simone Janson
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Content of the book
CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you support - documented - afforestation projects, you quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview in the table of contents) as well as advice that has been tried and tested in practice and that leads step by step to success, also thanks to add-on. Because financial crises can be very scary: in addition to normal everyday worries, in crisis situations there is concern about what will become of the money saved and whether we can continue to put money aside. But the good news is: on the one hand, we can save a lot of money in everyday life with the right financial planning, on the other hand, everyone should urgently deal with the topic of investment and shares, after all, savings and thus the retirement savings that are important for pensions are only destroyed by inflation.
In addition, our unique offers you Publishing house concept Many best practice tips and examples from successful managers, entrepreneurs and other exciting personalities.
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How to use the crisis as an opportunity: from investment banker to travel blogger
// By Simone Janson
The story of Keith Jenkins could be a symbol of the current situation in which the financial crisis is bringing about social change. Because Keith was an investment banker for 10 years - until he decided to follow his dreams and passions and make the crisis a chance.
Submit a job for World Travel
Keith is anything but a dreamy spinner: When I met him at 2011 in September at the GoMedia conference in Edmonton, Canada, to which both of us were invited, he looked like someone who knows what he wants Has goals - and knows how he realizes them.
And yet, Keith 2008 has done something for which many people would think him crazy: he gave up his safe and, above all, outstandingly paid job to travel around the world. 2009, he has published his experiences and motivations quite honestly in the new-page e-book Travelations: the trip that opened my eyes, which you can read for free on the Internet (and it is really worth reading!)
The job is changing people
In it he describes how working as an investment banker at a Dutch bank had gradually changed his life, but also him as a person, and how he himself only worked as an auto pilot as a good “corporate citizen”. And how the fast-paced banking business was starting to tire him.
Then his employer was taken over by a consortium: a decisive experience for him, because even if one offered him a job, everything, which he had worked for years, was gone away.
Suddenly free - and now?
After a few months, in which Keith gave the good banker to the outside, and in his heart thought about throwing everything down, the dismissal followed. That was, Keith writes, the simpler part. Only with the sudden freedom did he have difficulties: Imagine the feeling: it's all in your hands, it's all in your hands
I find another job again
So Keith took a break for the first time - and a trip around the world