Billionaire Wolf. Karen Whiddon
Читать онлайн книгу.a caress. She shivered, realizing the anticipation was a kind of foreplay. Even the rocking motion of the yacht as it cut through the waves felt sensual.
“I asked you if you wanted to go topside and take a look around. With this kind of weather, the view ought to be breathtaking.”
She wished she had the courage to tell him what she really wanted to do—go down to that elegant master bedroom, disrobe and make wild, passionate love on that huge bed.
But then it would be over. She wasn’t sure she was ready for that, at least, not yet. They’d just set off, after all.
Part of her thought she should go for it. Casual sex should be just that—casual. Simple as that.
But she knew there would be nothing casual about the way Ryan made love to her. Nothing casual at all.
Better to wait, to prolong the anticipation.
She’d been buzzing with desire ever since climbing aboard the boat. Every look, every accidental touch, merely added fuel to the fire.
Upstairs, the sea breeze kept the sun from feeling too hot.
“I’ve dropped anchor. Do you fish?” Grinning, Ryan produced a couple of really long fishing poles.
She thought of how she usually fished, using her razor-sharp dragon claws and swooping down to snatch them right out of the water. Human fishing would never be able to compete with that. “I might have caught fish a time or two,” she said. “But if you don’t mind, I’ll just relax and watch you.”
She’d been planning to lie out and catch some sun once they were clear of the other boats. Underneath an oversize T-shirt cover-up, she wore her favorite bikini in red. She felt both nerves and anticipation as to how he’d react at the sight of her in it. The swimsuit barely covered her, and yet somehow managed to look elegant and sexy. It had been expensive and, as far as she was concerned, worth every penny.
Of necessity, Maria had learned to become expert at showcasing her...assets. This went against everything inside her quiet, would-be modest self, but it had been drilled into her that she had no choice. If she wanted to attract a mate, she had to gain his notice. So she tried.
Even so, she knew she wasn’t actually good at it. Luckily, men didn’t seem to care.
This was actually the first time she’d truly wanted a man to notice her. Which, in the long run, didn’t bode well for her ultimate mission.
Right now she refused to think about anything but the here and now. She wanted Ryan Howard, a man she knew she had nothing in common with, no real future. From the single night they’d spent making love, she knew they were good together. Clearly, since one night hadn’t been enough. Maybe once she did this, spent enough time with him to get him out of her system, she could go on with her life and her search for The One.
Heart pounding in her throat, she removed her cover-up, feeling naked in the tiny bikini. She heard his swift intake of breath and found she couldn’t even look at him, even though she was so aroused the triangles of fabric hurt her nipples.
They came together as if they’d never been apart. Touching him, she felt herself expand, as though when their bodies joined, the universe became magnified.
Amazed, astounded, so full of joy her eyes stung, she gave herself over to him. Again and again and again, they moved together, a mating dance of passion and purpose, something she knew she never wanted to end.
She flew and soared, a dragon lifting in the air, even though she never left her body. He gave her fireworks and stars and as she clenched her body around his hardness, the thought came to her lovemaking like this might have ruined her for anyone else. A second later, her practical nature asserted itself, chiding her for considering such foolishness.
And then Ryan moved inside her and she forgot to think at all.
* * *
While Maria slept in his bed, a soft smile on her lovely face, Ryan slipped out from under the sheets and headed up to the main deck. There, he watched the water, enjoying the way the moonlight caressed the waves. He felt safe here, isolated from land and people. Though he always looked for whales, he’d never seen one, though there’d been plenty of dolphins.
He thought of the other night, when he’d seen the dragon, and found himself watching the cloudless sky. Nothing but stars and black velvet. Chiding himself for his foolishness, he found himself wishing Maria would wake and join him.
She’d been everything he’d imagined she’d be and more. Fierce and fiery, she gave as well as took, and their bodies had fit together as if they’d been made for each other.
After their explosive lovemaking, he’d actually let himself fall asleep holding her, something he never did anymore and hadn’t done since college.
Somehow, he’d thought this time with her would slake his ever-present hunger for her. Instead, he felt like an addict, craving more.
Shaking his head at his middle-of-the-night flight of fancy, a movement close to the water caught his eye. His heart began pounding as he got to his feet, gripped the rail and peered intently at the dark water.
Would he finally see the whale he’d longed to see?
And then, the surface of the water exploded. A huge form burst from beneath the surface, arcing toward the sky.
But this was no whale. Not even close. While Ryan stared in disbelief, the dragon launched up, a huge fish caught in one giant claw.
Ryan shrank back against the side of his boat, praying the beast hadn’t seen him. This one looked larger than the one he’d seen before, and its scales didn’t glimmer with as many colors. Instead, the muddy green-and-brown color made it blend better with the ocean. The expression it wore also seemed ominous, somehow. Still, he figured he would be safe as long as the dragon didn’t spot a human.
Damn. This was the second time he’d seen such an unbelievable sight. After the first incident, he’d almost managed to convince himself he’d imagined it. Now, he could no longer do that. Who knew such creatures even existed?
He made a quick mental note to do some research once he got back to land and kept his eye on the dragon, just in case it decided to come for his boat.
Luckily, the beast took off, flying toward open water with its prey still flopping in one claw. Ryan stared in the direction it had gone, long after it disappeared.
“Ryan?” Maria’s voice was husky with sleep. “Where are you?”
“Out here.”
A moment later she appeared, wearing only his T-shirt, her dusky skin illuminated by moonlight. In reaction, his body stirred. “Couldn’t sleep?”
He shook his head, debating whether or not to tell her what he’d seen. Ultimately, he decided against it. Though her aura told him she was some kind of Shape-shifter, neither would be inclined to reveal their true nature, not without a committed relationship.
And he didn’t do committed relationships.
According to Maria, neither did she. Which meant this would work out perfectly, right?
“I find the sea peaceful,” he said, rather than answering her question. “Also, I’m always trying to see a whale. So far, I haven’t had any luck.”
She tilted her head, considering. “I know there were actually two orca sightings in the gulf. But to see the large whales, you’d need to go south, closer to Mexico.”
Knowing he couldn’t ask her about dragons, he nodded. “I take it you’ve researched this.”
“Actually, I have. I love the ocean and all of its inhabitants. At one point I was going to A&M in Galveston to become a marine biologist.”
Fascinating. “I didn’t see that coming. How’d you go from that to a wedding chapel owner?”
“Simple. I wanted to