Darkdawn. Jay Kristoff

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Darkdawn - Jay Kristoff

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Chapter 32: Is

       Chapter 33: Wellspring

       Chapter 34: Ribbons

       Chapter 35: Ashes

       Chapter 36: Baptism

       Chapter 37: Away

       Chapter 38: Momentum

       Chapter 39: Fathomless

      Book 5: She Wore the Night

       Chapter 40: Fate

       Chapter 41: Anything

       Chapter 42: Carnivalé

       Chapter 43: Crimson

       Chapter 44: Daughter

       Chapter 45: Lover

       Chapter 46: Father

       Chapter 47: All

       Chapter 48: Tithe

       Chapter 49: Silence

       Chapter 50: Silver

      Dicta Ultima



      About the Author

      Also by Jay Kristoff

      About the Publisher


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       Well, here we are again, gentlefriend.

       I think perhaps an apology is in order. Both for the conclusion of the second part of Mia’s tale, and for the state I left you in afterwards. You seemed quite upset. Be assured there will be no cliff-hangers in this, our final dance together. As promised, her birth you’ve witnessed, her life you’ve lived. All that remains is her death.

       But before the smut and butchery begin in earnest, allow me one final refresher for those with memories as reliable as your narrator. And then we can get on with killing our murderous little bitch, yes?


      Mia Corvere – assassin of the Red Church, gladiatii of the Falcons of Remus, and now the most infamous murderer in the Itreyan Republic. The child of a failed rebellion, Mia has spent the last eight years of her life pursuing a murderous vendetta against the men who destroyed her familia.

      After discovering the Red Church had a hand in her father’s murder, Mia broke ranks with the assassins and sold herself to a gladiatii stable. Upon winning the grand games of Godsgrave, Mia made several stunning discoveries in quick succession:

       Her baby brother, Jonnen, whom she presumed dead, had been stolen by her mortal enemy, Consul Julius Scaeva, and raised as his son.

       Jonnen actually is Scaeva’s son. Meaning Mia’s mother, Alinne, was sleeping with the man who would eventually oversee her husband’s murder and her own death in the Philosopher’s Stone.

       Like Mia, Jonnen is darkin, possessed of the ability to control shadows.

      At the conclusion of the grand games, Mia assassinated Grand Cardinal Francesco Duomo. She also apparently murdered Scaeva and stole back her brother before falling to her almost-certain death in a flooded arena full of stormdrakes.

      … Maw’s teeth, that really was a thrilling finale, wasn’t it?

      Mister Kindly – Mia’s companion since childhood, Mister Kindly is – depending on who you ask – a daemon, passenger, or familiar, with the ability to eat people’s fear. He is made of shadows and sarcasm. Despite his acerbic wit, he obviously has a deep and abiding fondness for Mia. Just don’t let him hear you say that.

      He wears the shape of a cat, though like most things about him, his appearance is not entirely genuine.

      Eclipse – another shadow daemon, Eclipse was passenger to Cassius, former Lord of Blades in the Red Church. She bound herself to Mia when Cassius died.

      Eclipse wears the shape of a wolf, and she and Mister Kindly get along about as well as most cats and dogs do.

      Ashlinn Järnheim – a former Red Church acolyte of Vaanian blood. Ashlinn betrayed the Ministry to avenge her father, Torvar, and almost brought the Red Church to its knees. After Mia foiled her plot, Ashlinn fell into the service of Cardinal Duomo, who tasked her to retrieve a map to an undisclosed location in Old Ashkah – a map of some vital import to the Red Church. Fearing betrayal, Ashlinn had the map scribed on her back with arkemical ink, which will fade in the event of her death.

      Ashlinn assisted Mia with her plot to win the grand games, and the pair eventually became lovers.[fn1] After the conclusion of the games, Ashlinn was accosted by the Church Ministry and Consul Scaeva – still very much alive – who revealed Mia had only killed a doppelgänger crafted by the Flesh Weaver, Marielle, and that Scaeva had been working with the Red Church to see his rival, Cardinal Duomo, killed.

      For an encore, Scaeva revealed he was also Mia’s father.

      Ashlinn was then attacked by Red Church assassins, but rescued by a familiar shadowy figure …

      Tric – an acolyte of the Red Church of mixed

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