A Dangerously Sexy Affair. Stefanie London

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A Dangerously Sexy Affair - Stefanie London

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his lips to her sex in a gentle kiss—a prelude to what he intended to do next.

      She gasped and tightened her grip on his hair, flipping on every damn switch in his body. His cock twitched in his pants.

      “Hmm...” The sound washed over him from above. “Really?”

      Her tone might have been playful, but he was serious as all hell. “Absolutely.”

      He ran his tongue up the seam of her sex, parting her folds until he found the swollen bud of her clit. Gripping her thigh with one hand, he used his thumb to part her, giving him the access he wanted.

      “Oh, Aiden.”

      Hearing his name drove him on. He lapped at her with his tongue, insistent, demanding.

      All sense of restraint and slow enjoyment flew out the window as he relentlessly pursued her orgasm. Drawing her clit between his lips, he flicked it with his tongue and tremors racked her body.

      “I can’t... I can’t...”

      “Yes.” He punctuated his words with hot kisses. “You. Can.”

      Her thighs trembled in his grasp, her hips tilting forward as she rubbed herself shamelessly against his mouth.

      “I’m close,” she gasped.

      He parted her legs and touched his fingers to her sex, sliding one digit slowly inside. A shudder ran through her body, and a string of incoherent words dissolved into a moan as she tipped over the edge, her sex pulsing against his lips.

      Her cries bounced off the hotel room walls and she sagged forward, her knees hitting his chest. He gathered her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.

      A sigh escaped her lips as she lolled her head back against his biceps, her eyes fluttering. “If you’d told me you could do that with your mouth, I might not have made you work so hard to get me up here.”

      “I wasn’t going to bribe you with orgasms.”

      “You should have.” A blissful smile pulled at her lips. “We wasted two hours drinking.”

      “How about we make up for it now?” he suggested, one knee sinking into the mattress as he lowered her to the bed.

      “I don’t have time for your rhetorical questions.” A laugh rumbled in her throat and she reached up, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him down roughly. “Come here.”


      QUINN CLOSED HER eyes as Aiden came down over her, his weight pressing her into the soft mattress. It was like being trapped between a fluffy cloud and a god. A sex god, if that orgasm was anything to go on.

      Her body hummed, hovering in some crazy limbo between roaring hunger and total satisfaction. It had been a while since she’d come that hard, and his mouth was so, so, so much better than her trusty vibrator.

      Cupping the back of her head, he slid his tongue across her lips, opening her. Allowing her to taste herself.

      She moaned into him and heat fanned out across her chest as he moved down her body. There was something graceful about his movement, something sleek and elegant and primal. He captured a nipple with his lips and sucked. Hard.

      “Oh.” Words escaped her as he laved her breast, tugging, licking, worshipping.

      “What do you want, Pink?”

      “I want... Ahhhhh.”

      Colors danced behind her closed eyelids as he pushed his hips against hers, his length rubbing over her still-sensitive sex. Denim rasped over her soft skin, the steely hardness making her pulse race.

      “Say it,” he growled against her breast, his teeth working her into a frenzy. “Tell me.”

      “I want you inside me,” she gasped.


      Her head snapped up, eyes unblinking. If she didn’t have him now, she might explode... At the very least she’d wear her vibrator out trying to make up for not having him. “What do you mean?”

      “I still don’t know your name.” He released his grip, bringing his head up to lock that electric gaze straight on her.

      “I’m Pink,” she stammered, the haze of excitement fogging her mind.

      “Your real name.” A dark curl fell over his forehead and he brushed it aside.

      “What does it matter?” She pushed herself up and reached for the top button of his shirt. “It won’t change how incredible this is going to be.”

      “I remember the name of every girl I’ve ever slept with, and if this is going to be as incredible as I think it will be...” He paused.

      Flattening her palms against his chest, she pushed him back until he sat on his heels. “Yes?”

      “I want to know what name to moan in your ear when I’m inside you.”

      Quinn’s hands trembled as she undid the buttons on his shirt. Dark hair dusted his chest, tapering to a V down the hard plane of his stomach and dipping below the waistband of his jeans.

      She sucked in a breath and tried to steady herself. She never lost her wits, ever. Aiden, however, was doing crazy things to her. Crazy, astoundingly pleasurable things.

      “It’s Quinn,” she said, her hands working at the button on his fly.

      He placed his hand over hers, warm and reassuring. “Quinn.”

      “Are you going to tell me it’s a beautiful name?” she quipped, sarcasm her natural and comfortable shield.

      “I doubt saying the expected thing would win me any favors with you.” He moved her hand away and stood, dragging the zipper on his fly down.

      “It wouldn’t.”

      As he stripped himself of his jeans and briefs, Quinn couldn’t help but stare. She knew more than anyone that computer geeks didn’t always fit into the stereotypes or clichés. But she hadn’t expected Aiden to be so...powerful.

      Muscular thighs met trim hips, the hard jut of his cock making her blood fizz. God, she wanted him like nothing else.

      “Wow,” she whispered.

      His eyes crinkled as he laughed. “Thanks for the ego boost.”

      Heat flared through her, filling her neck and cheeks. “I mean...uh...”

      “You can stop at wow.” He brushed the hair from her face. “I’m definitely okay with that.”

      She touched her fingers to the tip of him, hesitating before wrapping them around his shaft. He made a guttural noise at the back of his throat that urged her on. She slid her hand up and down, stroking him.

      “Quinn,” he moaned and pushed his hips forward into her grip. “That’s so damn good.”

      Emboldened by his praise, she parted her lips and leaned forward, drawing him into her mouth. The head of his cock slid along her tongue and she tasted a faint saltiness. Eyes closed, she bobbed her head down as far as she could go.

      At the same time she ran her hand up and down his thigh, his hairs tickling her palm. The scent of earthy maleness danced in her nose.

      “That’s enough.” His voice came out strangled. Edgy.

      She eased him out of her mouth and swirled her tongue over the tip of him. “What if I’m not ready to stop?”

      He grunted, sweeping the hair over her shoulder and easing her back. “I’m not going to last more than five seconds if you keep that up.”

      “You’re not the only one who’s skilled with their mouth.”


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