Mr. Dangerously Sexy. Stefanie London

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Mr. Dangerously Sexy - Stefanie London

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      “Shh.” Her fingers danced along the length of his fly. He strained painfully against the confines of his jeans, the zipper barely keeping him in. “I can feel how much you want it.”

      “It’s not about my wants,” he gritted out. How could he be so weak to end up in this position again?

      “Is it about what I want?” Her hand moved away from his cock and he thought he might be off the hook. But she captured his wrist and pulled his hand down until he cupped her between the legs.

      Heat radiated through the sheet. Even with the material stopping him from fully exploring her, he could feel how ready she was. She kept her hand over his as she circled her hips into his touch.

      “Dammit, Addi.” He moaned into her hair. It was all he could do not to rip the sheet from her body and plunge his fingers into her sweet, hot sex. “This isn’t right. Last time was...”

      “Sex, Logan. It was sex.” She huffed. “I’m not some delicate flower, you know.”

      She pushed the sheet down, exposing the full glory of the silk camisole as it hugged her incredible body. When she pushed up to straddle him, her breasts bounced, unconfined. He remembered how she’d felt under his tongue, the way her rosy little nipples had stiffened when he’d kissed them. The way her back had bowed when he’d sucked on them. The way her skin had tasted sweet and earthy and unique.

      “I can read you like a book.” She pressed down, tilting her hips back and forth so that she rubbed her sex along the hard length of him. The sensation was too good; he forced his eyes shut and his fingers dug into her hips. “You want me.”

      If he wasn’t careful that gentle rocking of her hips was going to make him come in his pants. But he couldn’t seem to push her away. She was right—he wanted her. He wanted her more than the air in his lungs.

      Always had, always would...against his better judgment, anyway.

      “If you don’t stop that, I’m not going to be able to walk away.”

      A wicked smile curved on her full lips. “I doubt you’d be able to walk anywhere right now.”

      * * *

      ADDISON SWIRLED HER hips in a figure eight, feeling the rasp of Logan’s jeans against her sensitive skin. Hovering over him—knowing he was fully at her mercy—was a power trip. In every other aspect of their lives he was in charge; he was one step ahead.

      She might not be able to have control in the boardroom, but in the bedroom...this could be her domain. This was where she could gain control back, where she could have the upper hand.

      You sure it’s nothing to do with the fact that you could have died tonight? That you could have lost him for good?

      Fear wrapped its hands around her throat but she shoved the troubling thoughts away. Now was not the time for weakness. She leaned forward, hinging at her hips and giving him an eyeful of her breasts. Obviously she hadn’t packed the camisole for him, since she was supposed to be spending the weekend alone. She simply loved the feel of silk on her skin.

      But she liked the feel of his hands on her even more.

      “Keep pushing me, Addi. I dare you.” His face was hard-set, the angle of his jaw sharp in the near darkness.

      “I’m not afraid of you,” she whispered, bending forward so that her lips brushed his ear. “Everyone thinks you’re the Big Bad Wolf but I know you’re just a teddy bear.”

      His big hands slid along her thighs, catching the hem of the camisole and pushing it up. “Is that so?”


      His hands inched higher. “You’re making one terrible mistake right now.”

      “What’s that?”

      His thumb brushed the sensitive skin of her sex. “Thinking you’re in charge just because you’re on top.”

      Before she could retort, he felt for her clit with his thumb. Pleasure rocketed through her the second he made contact and she fell back, bracing herself on her hands. It was shameless how she thrust her hips toward him, determined to get as much friction as possible. The slow, sensual seduction was over.

      That exactly was what Logan was like in bed. To the point. He didn’t mess around. Rather, he went straight in for the kill.

      “Oh God.” Her head lolled. “You’re too damn good at that.”

      “Tell me how good,” he urged her on, his voice shredded and rough. “If I’m going to hell I want to know you’ve enjoyed the ride.”

      A low chuckle came from her throat. “And you still say you’re in charge?”

      He grunted and grabbed her hips, yanking her forward and pushing himself down on the mattress at the same time until her body hovered over his face. Was he going to...?

      He latched his mouth onto her sex and his tongue lapped at her with a focus that made her whole body quake. Tremors racked her, but his hands held her down over him. She pitched forward and planted one hand on the wall behind the bed to stop herself from falling over.

      “Logan!” His name dissolved on her tongue as orgasm swept through her. Her muscles clenched and released as pleasure poured through her veins. Obliterating her. Turning her to mush.

      As the tremors subsided, he guided her back down to the bed. She curled into him, her hands seeking out the warmth of his chest and the vibrations of his heart.

      “Score one, Team Dane,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

      “Screw you.”

      He chuckled against her hair. “Is that a request?”

      “It’s an order.”

      The ridge outlined by his jeans told her that he was at bursting point. That meant she’d have to take it slow, tease him for as long as she could before giving in. Prove to him that he wasn’t in charge here. This was her domain.

      She drew his zipper down, the sound cutting through the quiet. Thankfully he hadn’t worn a belt today, so all she had to do was pop the button at his waist. His cock strained forward, peeking out the top of his boxer briefs.

      “Who’s in charge now?” She drew him out slowly, reveling in the way he tried to conceal his moan by clamping his teeth together. The twitch in his jaw gave him away entirely.

      “You know I am, Addison.”

      “I don’t think so.” Wrapping her fingers around him, she moved her fist up and down his length, giving his tip a light squeeze with every stroke. “You’re at my mercy now.”

      His hips bucked as she increased her pace. A string of curse words flew out of his lips as she bent forward and ran her tongue over the swollen head of him. The taste of him flooded her with memories. That night...that sweaty, passionate, dirty night.

      “Say it,” she said, blowing cool air over his heated skin.

      “No.” He ground the word out, but he was already fishing around in his pants. He found his wallet and flipped it open.

      “I won’t let you finish until you do.” Her strokes slowed and she watched him, her whole body alight with energy.

      “You started this,” he said, pulling out a foil packet and tearing it open. “I’m going to finish it...and then I’m going to finish you again.”

      Pushing her hands out of the way, he rolled the condom down his length. That simple action had never excited her with other men—it was the business part of sex. No glove, no love, right? But watching Logan handle himself intoxicated her. Arousal hung over her like a heavy cloud; it fogged her mind, and she didn’t protest when he reached for her hips again, dragging her into place and seating himself deep inside her.

      Being filled by him was a pleasure

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