Expecting The Cowboy's Baby. Charlene Sands

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Expecting The Cowboy's Baby - Charlene Sands

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room last night, I brought you up here to sleep. And you slept, all night, in that bed, by yourself.”

      Cassie let out the breath she’d been holding. “Thank you,” she said with great relief.

      Jake sipped his coffee and eyed her. “Don’t be so quick to thank me.” A sinful smile graced his face. “I do have rules, like a woman has to be coherent when I make love to her.”

      Warmth spread to her cheeks and a deep flush of heat traveled the length of her. What an appealing thought, she mused, making love with Jake. Instinctively she knew he’d be great in bed.

      Biting her lip, she looked away, taking in the Spanish motif of the room with its intricately carved dark wood furnishings and pictures of haciendas and vaqueros on the adobe walls. How fitting that she’d wake up in such a room with a cowboy. She turned to him again. “I’m really sorry about last night.”

      Jake removed his hat, tossing it on the bed. “Yeah, what was that all about, anyway?”

      Cassie stared at the shiny black Stetson on the bed, imagining Jake wearing it and nothing else. The image flashing in her head brought hot tingles to her body. Cassie cleared her throat—and her mind. She had to get over her fascination with Jake Griffin. He was strictly off-limits.

      “What was what all about?” She played dumb. She couldn’t bear for Jake to know she was so desperate for a date to Brian’s wedding that she’d actually set out to meet a man last night. Her plan had failed, and even if Jake hadn’t intervened with that bull rider, she was doomed to disaster. Brody had already told her he wasn’t sticking around after the rodeo. He had to head home, straightaway.

      “Cassie, I doubt you’re the type of woman who goes around picking up strange—”

      “I’m not,” she said in her defense. “I don’t do that sort of thing. In fact, I’ve pretty much sworn off men for the rest of my life.”

      Jake cast her a dubious look then shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

      No, he wouldn’t understand. And she wouldn’t tell him that she’d been a dismal failure with the opposite sex since the beginning of time, it seemed. Cassie didn’t want to try anymore. She was through coming up with the short end of the stick. She’d drawn her last short straw. She wasn’t going to play second fiddle again. To anyone.

      Disheartened with the path her life had taken, she’d decided to take a stand. For once she was going to put her needs first. She had other things to focus on besides men…such as that promising new job she’d been offered. It was perfect. There wasn’t even a need for her to find a place to live. All the arrangements had been made for her. The job was set. All she needed to do was to show up in three weeks and sign the deal.

      “It’s…complicated.” She reached for the mug of coffee and took a long sip. The hot liquid slid down her throat like soft velvet, soothing her nerves and helping to clear her head. “Coffee is good,” she said, gauging Jake’s reaction to her obtuse answer.

      He stared at her a moment, smiled, then jammed his hat onto his head. “Why don’t you take a shower? I’ll get your bags out of your car and you can change your clothes.”

      Cassie lowered the sheet a bit, noting that Jake had left her dress on last night. “Oh, yeah. I guess I’d better get going. I’ve got to check into my own room.”

      “Where are your keys?”

      Cassie pointed to her purse. “In there. I think I’m on level three. Neon-yellow Volkswagen Bug.”

      “Don’t worry, I’ll find your car. How many of those bright yellow Bugs could there possibly be?”

      Cassie chuckled, but her mirth was stymied when Jake tossed her one of his shirts. The one he’d worn last night. “Put this on after your shower. I’ll be back later.”

      Cassie watched him rummage through her purse, come up with the keys and head out the door. As soon as he was gone she undressed quickly and, on impulse, donned his light blue chambray shirt. She closed her eyes and turned her face to the collar, inhaling deeply, taking in his spicy scent. “Mmm.”

      But then she snapped her eyes open instantly. She’d forgotten to give Jake the code to her car alarm. With the way things were going, hotel security might just arrest him for breaking and entering. She dashed to the door, took a step outside, catching sight of him at the elevators. “Jake!”

      He didn’t hear her.

      She called again, stepping farther into the quiet hallway. “Jake!”

      Finally spotting her, he cast her a questioning look. She waved him over and he left the elevators, heading back to his room. She met him just outside the doorway, gripping tight the shirt she wore. “Cassie?”

      “I forgot to give you—”

      “Cassie!” Brian’s voice resonating in the hallway spelled out doom.

      “Cassie!” Alicia’s sweet voice coming from the same direction spelled out unabashed interest. Cassie didn’t know which was worse. They approached her instantly, but both sets of eyes were on Jake.

      Cassie wanted to melt into the floorboards. She wanted to wake up from this nightmarish dream. Neither was going to happen, so instead she looked her brother in the eye. “Good morning,” she said cheerily.

      Brian grunted. Alicia grinned.

      Cassie knew what they were thinking. What else would they think seeing her dressed this way, just outside the hotel door, with handsome Jake Griffin standing by her side?

      “What’s going on?” Brian asked point-blank, staring straight into her eyes.


      “Oh, don’t be silly, Brian. Your sister’s a big girl,” Alicia interrupted. “And this is her date, right?” Alicia smiled at her and continued. “Brian and I worried that you’d made up that whole story about having a date when he didn’t show up with you for the rehearsal dinner. But it seems he made it here just in time for our wedding.”

      “In more than enough time,” Brian said sourly, glancing at Jake then piercing her with a look. Things were spinning out of control and Cassie didn’t have a clue how to put a stop to it.

      “Well, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Alicia asked, her eyes darting back and forth from Jake to her.

      “Uh, of course.” Brian had never met Jake before. Her brother had been away at college for most of Cassie’s high school days. She put a hand on Jake’s arm, giving him a little pleading squeeze. “Jake Griffin, I’d like you to meet my brother Brian and his fiancée, Alicia.”

      Jake shook hands with Brian. “Nice to meet you.”

      Brian nodded, then Alicia stepped up to give Jake a big hug. “I’m so glad to meet you.”

      “Nice meeting you, ma’am.”

      Alicia blinked and cast Cassie an approving look. “Oh, he’s just precious, Cassie. Where did you two meet?”

      Cassie hesitated, praying for divine guidance. “Uh, well, the truth is—”

      Jake stepped closer, wrapping an arm around Cassie’s waist. “Cassie and I go way back, don’t we, honey?”

      Cassie braved Jake a look, hoping to keep trepidation and fear out of her eyes. Yet she was grateful that he’d played along, for what it was worth. “Uh, yeah. Way back.”

      “Well, isn’t that nice,” Alicia said. “We’ll want to hear all about that, later on. But right now I’m starving and Brian promised me a big breakfast, then it’s off to the hairdresser. C’mon, Brian. Let’s give these two some privacy. We’ll see them at the wedding.”

      “Okay,” Brian agreed. “We’ll see you later, sis.” He bent to give her a kiss on the cheek then said a brisk goodbye to Jake.

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