Her Christmas Wish. Kathryn Springer

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Her Christmas Wish - Kathryn Springer

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      He’d hesitated too long. Leah looked uncomfortable, Jonah looked incredulous and Olivia looked crestfallen.

      “Chestnut Community is hosting a community Thanksgiving dinner and service this year, Leah,” Jonah interrupted cautiously.

      Ben shot him an impatient look. For some reason, the thought of Leah spending the day elbow-to-elbow with strangers and eating sliced turkey off plastic plates didn’t sit well with him.

      “You’re more than welcome to join us at Eli’s,” he said. “I know Rachel won’t mind, and my parents will want to meet you.”

      As far as invitations went, it was everything that was polite and cordial, but Leah still felt as if a fissure had formed in her heart. It was obvious that Ben still didn’t approve of her. But for Olivia…

      She glanced down at the little girl. She’d missed seven years of holidays and now God was giving her a gift. The opportunity to spend one with her daughter. Even as she yearned to say yes to Ben’s reluctant invitation, a niggling doubt settled in her heart.

      What if Ben’s family saw the resemblance between her and Olivia?

      When she’d taken Olivia to children’s night at the church on Wednesday, one of the women had assumed they were mother and daughter. Olivia had grinned widely at the mistake but Leah had felt a ripple of fear. She didn’t want anyone to put the idea in Ben’s head that maybe she and Olivia were related.

      People see what they want to see.

      One of her mother’s favorite sayings came back to her. No one knew anything about her past. They didn’t know she’d given a baby up for adoption. She was simply the woman hired to take care of Olivia. That’s what Ben’s family would see when they looked at her. She took a deep breath.

      “I’d love to spend Thanksgiving with you.”

      Before the words were even out of her mouth, Olivia’s arms were around her waist.

      Later that evening, Leah was doing a load of laundry when Ben was suddenly standing behind her.

      “Are you finding your way around the house all right?” he asked.

      Leah never failed to startle when Ben unexpectedly appeared. There was something about him that drained away her ability to think clearly. Or speak with any kind of intelligence whatsoever! At least it felt that way.

      “You’re a jumpy little thing, aren’t you?” Ben frowned.

      Only around you, Leah thought. The truth was, the sight of him did strange things to her heart rate. “If the floor creaked, you wouldn’t be able to sneak up on me like this. That’s what happens when you live with a carpenter, though. A squeak wouldn’t dare take up residence in this house.”

      Ben leaned against the dryer and folded his arms across his chest, which stretched the fabric of his shirt taut across his torso. Leah felt like Alice in Wonderland—the laundry room was definitely getting smaller. She shifted her gaze to a point on the wall behind his shoulder, a safe focal point to dwell on instead of his lean, muscular frame and handsome face.

      “I know Olivia put you in a tough spot today,” he said after a moment. “Don’t feel obligated to spend Thanksgiving with us if you have other plans.”

      The plans she’d had involved renting a video and curling up to watch it while eating a turkey sandwich. “I don’t have other plans. If you’re sure your brother and his wife won’t mind me crashing their dinner party.”

      “What’s that saying? The more the merrier? A Cavanaugh code, I’m afraid. My parents—especially my mother—live for family gatherings.”

      Family gatherings. Those two simple words squeezed Leah’s heart. She knew some people took them for granted, but she knew she never would. If she were ever part of a family…

      “Well,” she said brightly, closing the top of the washer, “this is done. I guess I’ll go upstairs now.”

      “No saxophone?” Ben’s eyebrows shot up.

      Leah’s face warmed. “Making all those pies wore me out.”

      “Good night, Miss Paxson.” Ben watched her scoot out of the room. She always moved quickly, but with an unmistakable grace. Like a dancer. He shook the thought away. He was almost finished reading his novel, but now he found himself wondering if he’d be able to concentrate on it without the mellow music of the saxophone playing in the background.

      “I’ll be right back.”

      Leah took a moment to slip out of the kitchen, where she’d been helping Rachel Cavanaugh and Ben’s mother, Peggy, with Thanksgiving dinner. She retreated to Eli’s study to stabilize her racing thoughts.

      Lord, Peggy keeps staring at me when she thinks I’m not watching. Maybe spending Thanksgiving with them wasn’t such a good idea.

      Peggy and Tyrone Cavanaugh were openly friendly and welcoming, but from the moment Ben had introduced Leah to his parents, Peggy Cavanaugh had had a thoughtful look in her eyes. Especially when, in the process of telling Leah a secret, Olivia had pulled Leah’s head down so they were cheek-to-cheek.

      After that, Leah had offered to help Rachel in the kitchen, leaving Tyrone Cavanaugh to entertain Olivia with a new book about seashells that he’d brought her. But she still felt Peggy’s gaze settle on her occasionally.

      The chance to spend Thanksgiving with Olivia—and Ben—had been too tempting. Leah caught her lower lip in her teeth and wondered if she would make it through the rest of the day.

      A chorus of groans suddenly erupted from the living room, where Ben and Eli were watching football. Leah couldn’t prevent a smile. There was an obvious affection between the two brothers. She’d seen that right away.

      Drawn to a framed portrait on the wall, Leah stepped closer and studied the Cavanaugh family. The picture must have been taken when Ben and Eli were in high school. Her gaze lingering on the two boys, she wondered who in the Cavanaugh family tree Eli favored. Where Peggy and Tyrone had passed on their dark good looks to Ben, Eli was blond with light green eyes.

      “They were quite a pair. I credit every gray hair I have on my head to those boys. And I’m still getting them, so what does that tell you?”

      Leah heard Peggy Cavanaugh’s lilting voice behind her and her heart skipped a beat. Her plan to escape to a quiet place to think had backfired. Now she was alone with the woman who’d been responsible for her escape to begin with!

      Peggy came to stand beside her. “Rachel and the turkey are in a standoff,” she murmured. “But my guess is that Rachel is going to win the battle.”

      Leah would have to agree. With her chestnut hair and exotic hazel eyes, Rachel Cavanaugh could have easily been a contestant in a beauty pageant, but it was her easy confidence and warm friendliness that Leah had immediately been drawn to. That and the fact that the second the two women had met, Rachel had leaned over and whispered two words tersely in her ear. “Corn pudding?”

      Leah could only assume she was being asked if she knew how to make it. She’d nodded. Rachel had discreetly looked at her watch and then flashed all five fingers at Leah. In that moment, any doubts Leah had had about her presence in Rachel’s home were firmly put to rest.

      “We adopted Eli when he was six years old,” Peggy said softly. “His parents were killed in a car accident and Eli was with them but he only suffered minor injuries. Ben was seven at the time but we’d adopted him from Tiny Blessings as a baby. We were never told much about his birth parents. Back then, the records were sealed, you know. Not like nowadays, when there are open adoptions and contact clauses.”

      Ben. Adopted. Leah felt her breath catch in her throat. She’d had no idea.

      “It was good of you to give the boys a home.”

      Peggy shrugged. “I don’t think goodness had

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